Updates Log

June 21, 2024 Live

Proposals / Dynamic Proposals + Dynamic Automations

  • Elevate your Proposal game with the introduction of Dynamic Proposals. You can now present a flexible set of options to potential Clients, allowing them to finalize and accept the Proposal based on their specific needs. Dynamic Proposals close deals instantly, transition seamlessly to an Invoice & trigger a set of Dynamic Automations based on the choices made by the Target.
  • Build Customized Options: Leverage existing Items, Add-Ons, and Packages to create a menu of choices within your Proposal. This lets you showcase your service offerings in a clear and interactive way – almost like a shopping cart for your product or services!
  • They Select, You Deliver: Targets have the freedom to interact with the Proposal and choose the services that best fits their needs. SuiteDash ensures they can’t accidentally configure options that you don’t want via dependency logic for Add-Ons and Packages.
  • Real-Time Quotation: As the Client makes selections, SuiteDash dynamically calculates the total amount of the chosen Items, Add-Ons or Packages in real-time. This provides instant visual confirmation, demonstrates complete transparency and eliminates the need for a wide range of manual Tasks.
  • Seamless Acceptance: To accept their customized Proposal, the Target must provide a digital signature which instantly confirms their agreement to the amount and the terms of the Proposal.
  • Automated Workflows: And because you can uniquely configure Automations for each Item, Add-On & Package, a unique set of Automations based on the Target’s choices are triggered when the Proposal is accepted. This streamlines your workflows and triggers ONLY the Automations that are specified based on the selections made by the Target.
  • 👍 Close Deals Faster: Dynamic Proposals allow interactive selections by the Target, real-time totals & seamless acceptance for faster deal closings.
  • 👍 Effortless Workflows: Streamline your process with automated workflows triggered by client selections, eliminating manual Tasks & saving time.
  • 👍 Boost Sales Efficiency: Interactive Proposals & instant quotes empower Target to choose what they need, maximizing your sales potential.
  • TL;DR: Dynamic Proposals with Target-Side Choices empowers you to create a more interactive and streamlined Proposal experience, boosting your sales potential and maximizing your efficiency.
  • Available NOW to ALL Thrive & Pinnacle SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/434-Proposals

Appointment Scheduling / Centralized Control over Appointment Management

  • This innovative feature lets you designate specific Admins, Managers, or Staff with the ability to view and manage all Staff members’ Appointments within your account, regardless of who they are. Perfect for anyone at your organization who needs to visualize and manage all the Appointments across the organization.
  • Unified Appointment View: Gain complete visibility into your entire team’s schedule. Designated personnel can view Appointments for all Staff members, fostering better coordination and ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • Empowering Your Team: Empower Office Managers or team leaders to manage all Appointments within the SuiteDash platform. This includes the ability to cancel, reschedule, or add new Appointments to the schedule for any Staff member.
  • Enhanced Administrative Control: SuiteDash empowers individual Staff members to create their own Appointments and personalize their scheduling options. However, central management retains the ability to oversee and manage all Appointment types for consistency and adherence to standards.
  • 👍 Improved Scheduling Efficiency: Centralized Appointment management minimizes scheduling conflicts and allows for better Staff utilization.
  • 👍 Enhanced Client Experience: Visibility reduces mistakes and allows for better management, which results in a better customer service experience with your business or organization.
  • 👍 Increased Team Collaboration: A unified view of all Appointments fosters better communication and collaboration within your team.
  • TL;DR: Centralized Appointment Management empowers businesses to manage their schedules with greater efficiency and control. By providing a centralized view and control over Appointments, you can ensure a smooth workflow, maximize team productivity, and deliver a superior experience to your Clients.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/445-calendar-settings

Projects / Project Folder Generators

  • SuiteDash is enhancing the Project Management Toolkit with the introduction of Project Folder Generators. This innovative feature streamlines your workflow by automatically creating a predefined folder structure within your Project, ensuring consistent organization from the very beginning.
  • Predefined Folder Structure: Designate a specific folder structure for different Project types using Project Folder Generators. This eliminates the need for repetitive manual folder creation, saving you valuable time during Project setup.
  • Project Creation: During Project creation, select and apply the desired Project Folder Generator, instantly populating the Project with the predefined folder structure.
  • Project Generators: If you utilize Project Generators, designate a Project Folder Generator within the Project Generator itself. This ensures the appropriate folder structure is automatically created whenever a Project is generated through this workflow.
  • 👍 Enhanced Project Organization: Establish consistent Project systems & processes, improving information accessibility and team collaboration.
  • 👍 Reduced Setup Time: Eliminate the need for manual folder creation, allowing you to focus on Project execution.
  • 👍 Improved Project Visibility: A well-organized Project Folder/Files structure promotes clarity and simplifies navigation for all stakeholders.
  • TL;DR: Project Folder Generators empower you to streamline your Project setup process and maintain consistent Project organization. This translates to improved Project Management efficiency, increased team productivity, and ultimately, successful Project delivery.
  • Available NOW to ALL Thrive & Pinnacle SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/353-files-folder-generators

Portals / Introducing the NEW My Invoices Block

  • SuiteDash is excited to unveil the all-new My Invoices Block, a powerful addition to the Dynamic Block Builder. Designed to streamline the visibility and functionality around this critical Billing component, this Block gives you the power to quickly and easily display a summary of Invoices to your Clients.
  • Invoices Overview directly on the Dashboard: Empower your Clients to stay informed with a clear and concise summary of their outstanding Invoices from directly within their Client Portal. This results in fewer phone calls / emails to handle, and fast tracks the payment process!
  • Customizable Display: Tailor the information displayed on the My Invoices Block to suit your specific needs. Show or hide data fields like Company / Client names, payment status, or due dates to provide a more focused view for your Clients.
  • Dashboard Insights: Gain valuable insights into your overall Billing health with the My Invoices Block on Admin Dashboards. Quickly identify outstanding Invoices, recently paid Invoices, and overall payment trends.
  • Quick Payment Recording: Simplify and expedite the payment recording process directly within the My Invoices Block. This eliminates the need to navigate to separate sections, saving you valuable time.
  • Advanced Filtering: Effortlessly filter Invoices by Client, payment status, due date, or other relevant criteria. Quickly locate specific Invoices and get up to speed on the most pressing matters.
  • 👍 Client Self-Service Invoices: Empower clients to view & manage Invoices directly in their portal, reducing inquiries & speeding up payments.
  • 👍 Customizable Invoice Visibility: Tailor the invoice details your clients see, keeping them informed & focused on the important information.
  • 👍 Real-Time Billing Insights: Gain a clear view of your overall billing health with easy access to Invoice statuses and trends directly on your dashboard.
  • TL;DR: Overall, the My Invoices Block streamlines the invoicing process for both you and your Clients. By providing real-time access to key Invoice information and simplifying internal management, this powerful feature unlocks a new level of efficiency and control over your billing.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Portals / Introducing the NEW All Tasks Block

  • SuiteDash is introducing a powerful new tool for Admins and Project Managers: the All Tasks Block. This addition to the Dynamic Block Builder empowers the management layer of your Organization to gain a comprehensive overview of all Tasks within your SuiteDash platform, regardless of Project or assignment.
  • Unified Task View: The All Tasks Block provides a centralized location to see all Tasks within your SuiteDash account. This eliminates the need to navigate and cycle through individual Projects, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • Advanced Filtering and Sorting: Effortlessly surface specific Tasks using powerful filtering options. Filter by status (completed, in progress, etc.), priority (critical, urgent, low), or type (research, bug, feature request, etc.). Additionally, sort Tasks by due date to identify upcoming deadlines and ensure timely Task completion.
  • Multiple Simultaneous Configuration for Improved Visibility: Create multiple instances of the All Tasks Block on the same page, each with uniquely configured filter and sort options. This allows you to tailor the displayed information & data to suit your needs. For instance, one Block could display all high-priority Tasks nearing their due date, while another might focus on overdue Tasks assigned to a particular team.
  • Enhanced Project Oversight: Equip Project Managers and Admins with a bird’s-eye view of overall Project progress. By strategically placing the All Tasks Block on Dashboards or Portal Pages, you can easily monitor Project health and identify potential bottlenecks.
  • Improved Project Management Efficiency: Gain a central hub for understanding Project progress and ensuring Tasks are on track, identify and prioritize critical Tasks based on status, due date, and type, and provide Project managers and Admins with a clear view of overall workload and resource allocation.
  • 👍 Master Your Workflow: Gain a centralized view of all tasks across your entire SuiteDash platform, eliminating the need to switch between projects and ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.
  • 👍 Prioritize Like a Pro: Effortlessly filter and sort tasks by status, due date, or type, allowing you to identify and prioritize critical tasks for maximum project efficiency.
  • 👍 Boost Team Transparency: Strategically display Task blocks on Dashboards to equip Project Managers and Admins with a bird’s-eye view of overall project progress and resource allocation, fostering better team collaboration.
  • TL;DR: Overall, the All Tasks Block empowers you to manage Projects and Tasks with greater efficiency and control. This powerful tool gives you a centralized location to gain valuable insights, prioritize Tasks effectively, and ultimately ensure Project success.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Appointment Scheduling / Trigger Automations when Appointment is Completed

  • SuiteDash is taking Appointment Automation to the next level with the introduction of Automations for completed Appointments. This powerful new feature allows you to automatically initiate workflows based on the exact time an Appointment concludes, streamlining your processes and maximizing efficiency.
  • Building on Existing Automation: SuiteDash empowers you to trigger Automations based around the booking, rescheduling, or cancellation of any specific Appointment. Now, expand your Automation capabilities to include Appointment completion, ensuring a seamless transition to the next stage of your Client interaction.
  • Precise Triggering: SuiteDash automatically identifies the Appointment’s ending time and triggers your chosen Automations at that precise moment. This eliminates the need for manual action and ensures timely follow-up.
  • Automated Follow-Ups: Capitalize on each engagement by triggering any set of Automations. Imagine scheduling automated emails to request feedback forms or configuring the automated sending of follow-up materials just after an Appointment.
  • Customizable Actions: Leverage SuiteDash’s extensive Automation Suite to personalize your workflow based on your specific needs. Send SMS notifications, update internal Projects, or trigger Task assignments for team members – the possibilities are endless.
  • Improved Appointments Experience: Prompt follow-up demonstrates professionalism and fosters stronger Client relationships. Automated actions eliminate manual Tasks, allowing your team to focus on core business activities. And, you can automate workflow/pipeline movement within your CRM for a more organized and efficient sales process.
  • 👍 Automate the After-Meeting Hustle: SuiteDash triggers Automations the moment appointments end, eliminating manual tasks and freeing your team to focus on what matters most.
  • 👍 Never Miss a Follow-Up: Automatically send feedback forms or other materials right after appointments, capitalizing on the Client’s recent engagement and fostering stronger relationships.
  • 👍 Streamline Your Sales Cycle: Automate movement through your workflow based on Appointment completion, ensuring a more organized and efficient sales process from start to finish.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s Appointment Completion Trigger unlocks a new level of Automation, enabling you to streamline workflows, improve Client experience, and maximize team productivity.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/377-manage-your-calendars-and-schedules

Proposals / Pre-Configure Automations for your Proposals using Proposal Generators

  • SuiteDash is streamlining your Proposal process with a powerful new feature: Proposal Generators with Pre-Configured Automations. This innovative functionality gives you the power to pre-define the Automations that are automatically configured in every Proposal generated, ensuring a seamless and consistent workflow for every Prospect or Client.
  • Effortless Automation Setup: Design your Proposal templates with built-in Automation. Simply specify the desired Automations within the Proposal Generator itself, eliminating the need for separate configuration steps.
  • Consistent and Replicatable Workflows: Whenever a Proposal Generator is used to create a Proposal, the pre-defined Automations are instantly passed and configured in the generated Proposal. This ensures that every Proposal that is generated from this workflow will have the exact same set of Automations defined for each Automation option.
  • 👍 Automate Every Proposal: Effortlessly pre-configure Automations within your Proposal Generators, ensuring seamless workflows and consistent next steps for every Prospect/Client.
  • 👍 Save Time, Boost Efficiency: Eliminate the need for manual Automation setup in each Proposal. Proposal Generators handle it automatically, saving you valuable time and streamlining your sales cycle.
  • 👍 Proposals Get Smarter: Guarantee consistent and replicable workflows across all your Proposals. Proposal Generators ensure every Proposal has the right automations in place, every time.
  • TL;DR: Stop wasting time on repetitive Proposal tasks! SuiteDash’s Proposal Generators with Pre-Configured Automations streamline your sales cycle by allowing you to embed Automations directly into your Proposal Generators. This innovative feature ensures every Proposal triggers the right actions at the right time, saving you time, boosting efficiency, and guaranteeing consistent workflows for every Prospect or Client. Now you can focus on #SuiteFreedom instead of repetitive manual admin work.
  • Available NOW to ALL Thrive & Pinnacle SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/435-Proposal-templates Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/434-Proposals

Portals / QR Codes for Landing Pages

  • From Fringe to Forefront: QR codes, once touted as the future of mobile interaction, experienced a period of limited adoption. However, with the native integration of QR code readers within smartphone cameras on both Android and iOS platforms, their use has surged. SuiteDash capitalizes on this trend, allowing you to harness the power of QR codes to effortlessly connect with your target audience.
  • Streamlined Lead Capture: With SuiteDash’s white-labeled QR Codes, you can now generate a unique QR code for each publicly available Landing Page within your account. This QR Code, easily downloadable and viewable, can be incorporated into a wide range of marketing materials, including: advertisements (print and digital), flyers and brochures, business cards and handouts, product packaging, videos displayed at trade shows or conferences, or billboards and signage. When a potential customer or Client scans the QR Code with their smartphone, they’ll be instantly directed to your designated Landing Page. This eliminates the need for manual URL entry, ensuring a smooth and frictionless experience that maximizes the traffic to your funnels.
  • White Label your QR Codes: SuiteDash understands the importance of brand consistency. That’s why we’ve taken QR Codes a step further, offering complete customization options. You can upload and integrate your company logo or icon, customize all QR Code colors to tailor the QR code’s color scheme to seamlessly match your brand identity, creating a visually cohesive experience. A well-designed, branded QR Code not only enhances the user experience but also projects an image of professionalism and attention to detail, fostering trust and brand recognition.
  • 👍 Effortless Lead Capture: Generate unique QR Codes for your Landing Pages, eliminate manual URL entry, and watch conversion rates soar.
  • 👍 Boost Engagement & Brand Recognition: Integrate your logo and customize colors for a seamless brand experience that fosters trust and grabs attention.
  • 👍 Reach a Wider Audience: Leverage the power of QR Codes across diverse marketing materials, maximizing your reach and attracting new leads with a simple and familiar scan.
  • TL;DR: QR Codes are experiencing a revival, and SuiteDash helps you leverage this technology to its full potential. By seamlessly integrating White Label QR Codes into your marketing materials, you can create a more interactive and engaging experience for your audience, ultimately driving higher levels of engagement, lead generation, and overall business success.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/572-pages-creating-a-landing-page

Office / Ability to Reset the “Seen by Client” Indicator

  • SuiteDash is committed to providing valuable tools to track Client interactions, and the “Seen by Client” indicator for Invoices is a key feature in this regard. Now you can reset the “Seen by Client” indicator to be sure you always have the option of leveraging this functionality effectively.
  • Understanding the “Seen by Client” Indicator: SuiteDash informs you when a Client has viewed an Invoice you’ve sent them. This provides valuable insight into their engagement level and helps you prioritize follow-up actions.
  • Addressing Accidental Triggers: There has always been the possibility of unintentionally triggering the “Seen by Client” indicator from the Admin side during testing or other scenarios. The result of accidentally triggering is that the indicator always shows green (seen), so you unfortunately lose the possibility to really “see” if the Client has viewed an Invoice.
  • Introducing the Reset Option: SuiteDash now empowers you to reset the “Seen by Client” indicator. This ensures you can maintain the accuracy of this feature and continue to rely on it for reliable Client Invoice tracking and actionable intel.
  • 👍 Improved Tracking Accuracy: Resetting the indicator eliminates the possibility of misleading information and ensures you have a clear picture of whether a Client has viewed their Invoice.
  • 👍 Enhanced Client Communication: By accurately knowing a Client’s Invoice viewing status, you can tailor your communication and follow-up efforts accordingly.
  • 👍 Streamlined Workflow: The ability to reset the indicator eliminates confusion and allows you to efficiently manage your Client Invoice communication.
  • TL;DR: The “Seen by Client” indicator reset empowers you to maintain the integrity of this valuable Client communication tracking tool. This functionality enhancement ensures you can leverage SuiteDash to gain valuable insights into Client behavior and optimize your communication strategies.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/434-Proposals, Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/45-office-Invoices, Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/391-office-managing-estimates

Communities / Copy/Paste Images directly into Posts/Replies

  • SuiteDash is transforming how you interact with your Communities by introducing direct image pasting into your Posts/Replies. This exciting new feature empowers you to seamlessly add visual content to your posts and replies, fostering richer and more engaging communication.
  • Effortless Image Uploads: Eliminate the need for external image hosting services. Now, you can simply copy and paste images directly into the editor when composing posts or replies. This streamlines content creation and saves you valuable time.
  • Visual Storytelling: Captivate your audience and enhance your message by incorporating images directly into your Community interactions.
  • Intuitive Interface: The copy-and-paste functionality is designed for ease of use, allowing you to integrate images into your content with minimal effort.
  • 👍 Boost Engagement with Images: Effortlessly add visuals to your Community posts and replies, grabbing attention and sparking richer conversations with your audience.
  • 👍 Streamline Content Creation: Say goodbye to external image hosting! SuiteDash’s copy-and-paste functionality allows for quick and easy image uploads, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • 👍 Unleash Visual Storytelling: Captivate your Community with powerful visuals. Images can be used to showcase products, illustrate ideas, and break up text for a more dynamic and engaging experience.
  • TL;DR: Direct image copy/paste feature empowers you to create more visually appealing and engaging content within your Communities. This fosters a more dynamic and interactive communication experience for all users.
  • Available NOW to everyone who has the COMMUNITY Power-Up!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/587-community-overview

Appointment Scheduling / Variety of Useful Improvements

  • SuiteDash continues its commitment to providing the most powerful appointment scheduling tool available, and this latest update introduces several exciting features designed to streamline your workflow and improve communication.
  • Enhanced Google Calendar Integration: SuiteDash has further refined how appointment information is passed to your Google Calendar, ensuring a smooth and consistent synchronization experience. This reduces the risk of confusion and keeps you on top of your schedule.
  • Personalized Communication: SuiteDash empowers you to edit the rescheduling email sent to Targets in real-time. This means you are able to edit the email before it goes out so that you can personalize the message and provide specific details or context regarding the appointment reschedule.
  • Public Notes for Appointment Creation: A new feature allows you to record public notes during the Appointment creation process. These notes are visible to both you, your Staff, and the Client, fostering better communication and transparency. Use public notes to briefly outline the purpose of the appointment for all parties involved, mention specific topics that will be discussed during the appointment, record any key takeaways or follow-up actions that arise during the appointment scheduling process.
  • 👍 Streamline Rescheduling: Personalize reschedule emails in real-time to ensure accuracy and maintain positive relationships.
  • 👍 Boost Transparency: Improve communication with public notes – outline appointment goals, discuss key topics, and record follow-up actions for all parties involved.
  • 👍 Enhanced Collaboration: Empower your team with clear communication – public notes foster teamwork and ensure everyone’s on the same page.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash helps you streamline your scheduling process and deliver a superior experience for both you and your Clients. Manage appointments with greater efficiency and communication.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/400-scheduling-an-Appointment

May 17, 2024 Live

Billing / New UI + Items, Packages & Add-ons to Estimates, Invoices & Billing Generators

  • We’re proud to announce a major update to Billing that incorporates Targeted Billing Automations, “Add-Ons,” “Packages,” drag-and-drop functionality, and the ability to incorporate custom images, thus empowering businesses to create professional, visually appealing, and highly customizable Estimates & Invoices that streamline the Billing process and elevate the Client experience.
  • Introducing Add-Ons: Enhanced Upselling Opportunities: “Add-Ons,” a powerful tool for maximizing revenue potential within your Invoices. These act as up-sells that can be conditionally linked to specific “Items” or groups of “Items” on your Estimate, Invoice or Billing Generator. Imagine offering an “Expedited Delivery” Add-On when a Client selects a specific product, or a “Priority Service” Add-On for time-sensitive Projects. This allows you to present these additional services strategically, increasing the average Estimate or Invoice value and boosting your bottom line.
  • Building Value with Packages: And, it doesn’t stop at Add-Ons. The introduction of “Packages” empowers you to create bundled offerings that combine multiple “Items” and “Add-Ons” into a single, cohesive unit. Packages can be priced using a one-time fee or a subscription model, providing Clients with convenient, clear and cost-effective options for their needs. For example, you could create a “Website Maintenance Package” that includes website hosting, security updates, and ongoing content revisions – all presented as a single Package with a clear price point. Package pricing and Automations are set/configured on the Package level, which allows you to offer special Package pricing and unique Package experiences that are likely to be preferred over buying the Items/Add-Ons separately or standalone.
  • Unleash Granular Automation Control: Say goodbye to the limitations of Automations that were tied to specific Estimates or Invoices! Targeted Billing Automations allow you to define and configure a unique set of Automations for each line item added to an Estimate or Invoice. Unique Automation Sets can be uniquely configured for each Item, Add-On and/or Package that is created and subsequently added to an Estimate, Invoice or Billing Generator. This means you can trigger specific Automations upon Estimate approval or Invoice payment, all based on the individual line items that were included.
  • Visual Appeal Meets Functionality with Image Uploads: SuiteDash takes Invoice customization a step further with the ability to upload images for each Billing element. Imagine including a product image next to its corresponding line item or showcasing the service associated with a specific “Add-On.” Visual elements can significantly enhance the clarity and professionalism of your Invoices and Estimates. SuiteDash provides default images if you don’t have your own, or you can choose to disable images entirely if they don’t align with your branding preferences.
  • Effortless Reordering with Drag-and-Drop UI: The new update also introduces a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface for managing all Invoice elements. This includes Items, Add-Ons, Packages, Discounts, and Taxes. With a simple drag-and-drop action, you can effortlessly reorder elements within your Invoices and Estimates, ensuring a clear and logical presentation for your Client.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s new “Add-Ons,” “Packages,” drag-and-drop interface, and image upload functionalities empower businesses to create flexible, informative, and visually appealing Invoices and Estimates. “Add-Ons” and “Packages” empower you to strategically upsell and introduce bundled offerings, maximizing your revenue per Invoice, clear and organized Invoices and Estimates with the option for visual elements foster a more professional and positive Client experience, the drag-and-drop interface allows for effortless Invoice and Estimate customization, saving you valuable time and streamlining your workflow, and the ability to upload custom images or utilize default options empowers you to tailor your Invoices to perfectly reflect your brand identity.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/393-office-items-addons-packages-taxes-discounts-settings

Marketing / Subscriber Forms

  • This exciting update streamlines and simplifies your Marketing efforts, even further enhancing the ability for businesses and organizations to effortlessly grow their Target Audiences.
  • Streamlining your Efforts: Previously, creating Subscriber Forms involved utilizing a General Form and selecting a “Specialty Type”. This update eliminates that complexity. Now, whenever you create a new Marketing Audience within SuiteDash, a dedicated Subscriber Form is automatically generated in tandem. This Form is conveniently accessible directly from your Marketing Toolkit, saving you valuable time and streamlining the process.
  • Flexibility for Diverse Needs: SuiteDash understands that a “one-size-fits-all” approach doesn’t always work. While a dedicated Form is automatically created, SuiteDash also empowers you to create and assign multiple Subscriber Forms to a single Audience. This allows for individual customization and deployment strategies. Imagine having a high-converting lead capture Form embedded on your website and a separate, Targeted Form accessible through a social media campaign – all feeding into the same Audience within SuiteDash.
  • Brand Your Forms, Expand Your Reach: SuiteDash places a premium on brand consistency, and in keeping with that commitment, Subscriber Forms can be fully customized to match your unique brand identity. Logos, color schemes, and fonts can be tailored to create a seamless user experience that reinforces brand recognition.
  • Embed on Web Pages: Effortlessly integrate your Form directly onto any publicly accessible web page or Landing Page, strategically positioned to capture your Target Audience at key conversion points.
  • Direct White Label Link: Share a clean and professional White Labeled link to your Subscriber Form, ideal for Email Marketing Campaigns or social media promotions.
  • QR Code Generation: Generate a unique QR Code that, when scanned, directs prospective Clients straight to your Subscriber Form. This is a fantastic option for offline marketing materials or in-person interactions.
  • Seamless Migration for Existing Users: SuiteDash ensures a smooth transition for existing Subscribers & CRM Targets. Previously created Specialty Type Forms have been automatically migrated to utilize the new dedicated Subscriber Form structure. This eliminates the need for manual recreation – your existing Forms will be readily available within the SuiteDash interface.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s dedicated Subscriber Forms empower businesses to create high-converting lead capture tools tailored to their specific needs. By streamlining the process, enhancing flexibility, and offering a variety of deployment options, SuiteDash helps businesses grow their Target Audiences and achieve their Email Marketing goals.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/440-subscriber-usage-form-sub-type

Community / HUGE drop of new Community Features & Improvements

  • As promised, we continue to refine our COMMUNITY Power-Up. This update focuses on increasing Automation capabilities, improving searchability, and enhancing overall management functionality. These advancements empower businesses to leverage Communities more effectively within their existing SuiteDash workflows.
  • Automated Target Management for Streamlined Workflows: SuiteDash now seamlessly integrates Communities with the existing Automation Suite. Dedicated Automation options allow you to add or remove Targets from specific Communities or Private Spaces based on pre-defined triggers. Imagine automatically adding new CRM Targets to a dedicated “Welcome Community” upon signing up, or granting access to a Private Space based on reaching a specific purchase or achievement threshold. This Automation streamlines workflows and ensures Targets are placed within the most relevant Communities.
  • Surface Key Information with Advanced Search: Effective discussions often generate valuable information buried deep within threads. SuiteDash addresses this by introducing advanced search and sort functionalities specifically for thread comments and replies. Now, users can easily search and sort comments within a discussion, allowing them to quickly surface the most relevant information and fostering a more productive and informed Community experience.
  • API Access for Scalable Management: SuiteDash recognizes the power of Automation at scale. This update introduces API access for managing Target membership within Communities and Private Spaces. Developers can leverage the API to add or remove Targets based on specific criteria, further automating workflows and integrating Community management into existing business processes.
  • Streamlined CRM Imports with Community Integration: CRM data is often the foundation for effective Community engagement. SuiteDash now allows you to add or remove Targets from Communities or Private Spaces directly during the CRM import process. This eliminates the need for manual configuration after data import, saving time and ensuring Targets are immediately placed within the appropriate Communities upon entering your CRM.
  • Enhanced Tag Management for Improved Organization: Previously, users could assign Tags to Communities and Private Spaces. Building upon this functionality, SuiteDash now allows for Tag management. Users can now edit existing Tag titles or delete Tags altogether, ensuring a clean and organized tagging system that reflects the evolving needs of your Communities.
  • Effortless Community Enrollment During CRM Creation: SuiteDash simplifies Community enrollment for new CRM contacts. Now, when manually creating a Company, Contact, or Staff member within SuiteDash, you can simultaneously add them to relevant Communities or Private Spaces. This eliminates the need for separate Community enrollment steps, streamlining the onboarding process and ensuring new members are instantly connected to the appropriate Communities.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s commitment to continuous development empowers businesses to leverage the Community Power-Up to its full potential. These enhancements streamline Community management, improve information accessibility, and ultimately foster a more vibrant and engaging online Community for your Clients, Prospects, and Staff.
  • Available NOW to everyone who has the COMMUNITY Power-Up!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-Automations-breakdown
Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/587-Community-overview

CRM / Event Generators w/ Dynamic Based-On Dates : Appointments Integration

  • This update focuses on Event Generators, a powerful feature that streamlines follow-ups within the sales cycle. The introduction of dynamic “Based-On Date” and a powerful connection to our Appointments Toolkit empowers businesses to create even more dynamic and flexible automated workflows.
  • Event Generators: The Power of Pre-Configured Follow-Ups: Event Generators are a cornerstone of SuiteDash’s sales Automation features. These pre-configured sequences of Events allow you to schedule automated follow-ups, such as emails, calls, or meetings, directly within your SuiteDash Calendar. This eliminates the need for manual scheduling and ensures consistent follow-up throughout the sales cycle.
  • Beyond the Basics: Generate Events around “Based-On Dates”: SuiteDash takes Event Generators to the next level with dynamic Based-On Dates. Previously, Events were generated relative to the initial moment of generation (e.g., creating a new CRM Target). But, now you can configure an Event Generator to create Events relative to a specific future date or a “Based-On Date” using the value of a Custom Field. Event Generators then calculate the entire sequence of Events relative to this configured future date.
  • The Power of Appointments: Automated Event Creation: We’re taking Appointment scheduling to the next level by introducing seamless integration with Event Generators. Businesses can now associate an Event Generator with a specific Appointment Type. For each Appointment booked, SuiteDash automatically and dynamically passes the Appointment date & time to the linked Event Generator and sets it as the Based-On Date. The Event Generator is then triggered and instantly creates the configured Events relative to the dynamically passed Based-On Date/Time. This unlocks a powerful layer of Automation!
  • Ancillary Event Creation: Configure the Event Generator to generate a series of ancillary Events surrounding the Appointment date and time. This could include automated pre or post preparations for the Appointment like a pre-Appointment Document signing, requesting info after the meeting, or scheduling follow-up meetings or phone calls.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s commitment to innovation empowers businesses to streamline their sales processes and optimize lead nurturing. Enhanced Event Generators with Based-On Dates and a native integration with the Appointments Toolkit provides a powerful tool for building a more efficient and effective sales pipeline. Event Generators with variable and dynamic Based-On Dates offer a multitude of advantages for businesses including increased flexibility by defining dynamic Event sequences based on specific future dates and catering to diverse sales scenarios. Additionally, you can benefit from the streamlining the scheduling of follow-up Events, ensure timely action throughout the sales cycle, and free up valuable time for sales team members to focus on building relationships and closing deals.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/91-Events-Event-generators

White Label / Customizable Error Pages

  • SuiteDash continues its dedication to EXTREME White Labeling with the introduction of customizable Error Pages. This update empowers businesses to personalize the 404 Error Page and Permission Error Page, ensuring a seamless and brand-consistent user experience even when things don’t go according to plan.
  • Understanding Error Pages: Error pages are web pages a user encounters when the intended content cannot be loaded. This can occur due to technical difficulties or when a user attempts to access a page they lack the necessary permissions for. Traditionally, these Error Pages often have a generic look and feel, potentially creating confusion and frustration for users.
  • Customizable Error Pages: A White Labeling Advantage: SuiteDash understands the importance of brand consistency across all user touchpoints. With this update, businesses can now edit and customize both the 404 Error Page and the Permission Error Page.
  • Incorporate Your Branding: Integrate your Company logo, color scheme, and fonts into the Error Pages, maintaining a cohesive brand identity even when errors occur.
  • Communicate Clearly: Craft custom messages that inform users of the issue and provide clear guidance on how to proceed. For example, a 404 page could offer a helpful message to help users find the desired path, while a permission Error Page could politely explain access restrictions and suggest alternative actions.
  • Maintain User Engagement: Even when errors arise, a well-designed Error Page can help retain user engagement. Humor, informative content, or clear calls-to-action can encourage users to explore other areas of the platform.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s customizable Error Pages empower businesses to elevate their brand presence, even when a Target gets off track. The ability to refine the user experience, even in the event of errors, demonstrates SuiteDash’s dedication to creating a platform that seamlessly integrates with your existing branding and fosters a positive user experience for your Prospects & Clients.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/590-pages-error-pages

CRM / Dynamic Data Placeholders now available in Notes

  • SWelcome to the world of “Evergreen Notes” that automatically populate with the most recent information for your CRM Targets, resulting in the streamlining of data management and ensuring all Notes remain accurate and up-to-date.
  • A Foundation for Success: Effective Client communication hinges on clear and concise documentation. Notes provide a central repository for capturing detailed Client interactions, key updates, and valuable insights. Recent updates addressed user feedback by incorporating auto-save functionality and the ability to save drafts for later completion. This streamlined the Note-taking process and ensured valuable Client data was never lost.
  • Introducing Dynamic Data Placeholders: Everlasting Notes: SuiteDash takes CRM Notes to the next level with the introduction of Dynamic Data Placeholders. These placeholders act as variables within your Notes, automatically populating with the most recent information about your Client or Prospect. Imagine including a placeholder for a Client’s current Company name or phone number within a Note – whenever that Client’s information is updated within SuiteDash, the placeholder within the Note will automatically reflect the change.
  • Evergreen Notes: Streamlined Data Management: The power of Dynamic Data Placeholders lies in their versatility. Since SuiteDash allows you to create Custom Fields for your specific needs, there’s virtually no limit to how you can leverage this feature. Imagine including placeholders for a Client’s website URL, preferred communication method, or specific project details – all of which will automatically update within your Notes, keeping your Client information organized and readily accessible.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s commitment to innovation empowers businesses to manage Client relationships with greater efficiency and accuracy. Dynamic Data Placeholders within CRM Notes mark a significant advancement, facilitating the creation of “Evergreen Notes” that streamline data management and foster a deeper understanding of your valued Clients.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/450-adding-Notes

White Label / Custom Highlight Color

  • Just when you thought we couldn’t find more ways for our customers to further personalize their SuiteDash platform, we found a way. That’s right, get ready for Custom Highlight Color!
  • What is a Highlight Color? A highlight color is an accent color used throughout the SuiteDash platform, adding a touch of visual interest and drawing focus to specific elements. This color is particularly prominent within the CRM Dashboard, highlighting key data and metrics.
  • Extreme White Labeling: Reflect Your Brand Identity: SuiteDash understands the importance of brand consistency. Previously, the highlight color was a preset “Cyan” blue color. But, with Custom Highlight Color, we’ve empowered businesses to customize this color to seamlessly match their existing brand identity.
  • Choosing Your Highlight Color: Design Considerations: From a design perspective, highlight colors are typically secondary or tertiary colors found within a Company’s logo or branding materials. Choosing a bright and contrasting color can add a pop of vibrancy against your primary brand colors.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s customizable highlight color empowers businesses to leverage the power of extreme white labeling. By reflecting your unique brand identity within the SuiteDash platform, you can create a professional and visually appealing user experience for your Clients and Prospects.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-platform-branding

Work Requests / Ability to make File Upload mandatory

  • Work Requests act as a formal submission by Clients to request specific services. They provide a clear outline of the desired work, allowing businesses to gather essential details before Project initiation. Work Requests can then be seamlessly converted into Estimates, Invoices, or Projects within SuiteDash, fostering a smooth workflow.
  • File Uploads for Enhanced Clarity: SuiteDash previously offered the option to enable Client-side file upload functionality within Work Requests. This allowed Clients to attach relevant images, documents or reference materials to further clarify their requests.
  • Mandatory File Uploads: Ensuring Essential Information: Work Requests now have the possibility to make file uploads mandatory. Businesses can now configure specific Work Requests to require a file attachment for successful submission. This prevents incomplete Requests and ensures you have all the necessary information to proceed.
  • TL;DR: The Mandatory File Upload feature for Work Requests empowers businesses to gather complete information upfront, streamline Project intake, and ensure successful Project execution.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/77-work-requests-overview

Integrations / Create Company API + Send Portal Access Invitation

  • We continue to build and develop our White Label Secure API and new options are steadily added and refined to accommodate the most common use cases requested by the Community. This update focuses on streamlining Company creation and automating Client onboarding, empowering businesses to integrate SuiteDash seamlessly into their existing workflows.
  • The Power of the White-Labeled Secure API: SuiteDash’s secure API allows developers to integrate SuiteDash functionality into custom applications, fostering a truly White Labeled experience. This empowers businesses to leverage SuiteDash’s core features while maintaining a consistent brand identity.
  • Simplified Company Creation with Dedicated API: Previously, Company creation within SuiteDash required utilizing the Contacts API and defining a Primary Contact simultaneously. This update introduces a dedicated Company API, allowing for the creation of standalone Companies. Company Custom field data can also be associated with these Companies during the creation process. While a Primary Contact is still required for a Company to be active in the platform, this step can now be completed later, either manually or via the API, offering greater flexibility.
  • Automated Client Onboarding with Portal Invites: SuiteDash streamlines Client onboarding by introducing the ability to send immediate Portal Access Invitations to newly created CRM Targets. This functionality can be integrated into the Company creation process through the API. Imagine automatically sending a Portal Access Invitation email with login instructions upon creating a new Client – this eliminates manual steps and ensures a smooth onboarding experience.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s commitment to White Label Secure API development empowers businesses to leverage Automation and streamline key workflows. These API enhancements simplify Company creation, improve data management, and automate the onboarding of CRM Targets, fostering a more efficient and user-friendly experience.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/550-secure-api

April 5, 2024 Live

Portal / NEW My Tasks Block

  • SuiteDash is excited to unveil the all-new My Tasks Block, a powerful addition to its existing Suite of features. Designed to streamline task management and improve workflow visibility, this block brings a wealth of functionality directly to your Dashboards and Portal Pages.
  • Consolidated Task View: Streamline your workflow by adding the My Tasks Block to any Dashboard or Portal Page. This block acts as a central hub for you, your Staff or your Clients by displaying a concise list of each person’s directly assigned tasks. At a glance, they’ll gain valuable insights into each task’s current Status, Priority level, and Due Date. Additionally, the block displays the associated Project Name and Client name (if applicable), providing essential context for prioritizing your workload.
  • Actionable Insights Easily Available: The My Tasks Block goes beyond simply displaying information. With a single click, you, your Staff and/or your Clients can mark tasks as complete, ensuring progress is accurately reflected. Powerful sorting and filtering options further enhance the ability to manage workloads effectively. Easily sort Tasks by Status, Priority, Due Date, or even by Client, allowing everyone to quickly focus on the most critical Tasks and Projects.
  • Configurable for Different Needs: We understand that different Dashboards need to cater to different audiences. The My Tasks Block offers a high degree of customization, allowing you to configure it to meet the specific needs of each Dashboard or Portal Page. You have granular control over the data displayed. Choose to show or hide elements like Project Names, Client Names, or Due Dates, ensuring the information presented aligns with the intended viewers’ requirements.
  • Seamless Integration with Project Management: For those times when you need to delve deeper, the My Tasks Block offers seamless integration with SuiteDash’s full-fledged Project Management Toolkit. With just one click, you can access the complete task panel, granting you access to all the functionalities available within the dedicated Project Management Toolkit. This eliminates the need to navigate between different areas of SuiteDash, saving valuable time and keeping you focused on the task at hand.
  • TL;DR: The My Tasks Block is a powerful new addition to SuiteDash’s arsenal of tools. It transforms Dashboards and Portal Pages into actionable workspaces, providing instant access to critical task information and allowing users to take control of their workload directly within the context of their projects. With its combination of comprehensive task views, one-click access to full functionality, and enhanced file management capabilities, the My Tasks Block promises to significantly enhance your team’s productivity and overall workflow efficiency.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types#my-tasks-block

Forms / Form Field Choice Actions

  • Tailor Your Client Journeys: SuiteDash is revolutionizing the way you interact with your Prospects, Clients & Staff via Forms with the introduction of Form Field Choice Actions. This innovative feature empowers you to create highly personalized experiences based on their specific responses within your Forms.
  • Taking Choice to the Next Level: SuiteDash already offers the powerful Choice Block functionality, enabling you to set assignments and automations based on Form selections. Form Field Choice Actions is built upon this foundation, allowing you to leverage any dropdown menu, multiple choice, radio button, or checkbox to trigger specific actions based on the chosen response.
  • Dynamic Circle Management: The initial rollout of Form Field Choice Actions focuses on dynamic Circle management. You can now add or remove Targets from specific Circles within SuiteDash based on their form responses. Imagine a Form asking for preferred communication methods. With this feature, you can automatically add those who choose “Email” to an “Email Marketing Circle” and those who choose “Phone Call” to a “Phone Outreach Circle.” This ensures targeted communication and streamlines your outreach efforts.
  • Boundless Potential: The possibilities for Form Field Choice Actions extend far beyond Circles. While SuiteDash is currently rolling out this functionality with Circle Management as the primary focus, we are actively seeking user feedback and suggestions for future enhancements. This open approach ensures the feature evolves based on feedback from the Community. For example, our next addition will be adding the ability to set/change the value of a Custom Field based on the Target’s specific choice (Lead scoring, etc.)
  • Personalized Content Delivery: Dynamically show or hide Portal Pages, or specific content on Dashboards or Portal Pages based on user responses within Forms, tailoring the experience for each Prospect or Client.
  • Unleash the Power of Customization: With SuiteDash’s Form Field Choice Actions, there’s no limit to the number of these conditional fields you can incorporate into a single form. This allows you to create incredibly intricate and personalized Client journeys, ensuring you capture the most relevant information and tailor your interactions accordingly.
  • Empowering Informed Decisions: By dynamically categorizing your Targets based on Form responses, you gain valuable insights into your audience. This empowers you to make data-driven decisions about marketing strategies, content creation, and Client communication, ultimately leading to stronger Client relationships and increased business growth.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s Form Field Choice Actions represent a significant leap forward in Form functionality. By creating a dynamic and personalized experience for your Clients based on their unique responses, you can unlock a new level of engagement and efficiency. With ongoing development and user-driven refinements, the possibilities for this powerful feature are truly limitless.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/589-forms-form-field-choice-actions

Automation / Targeted Billing Automations

  • SuiteDash is revolutionizing the way small and medium businesses manage billing with the introduction of Targeted Billing Automations. This innovative feature empowers you to create a more efficient and personalized Onboarding and Client journey by associating unique sets of Automations with specific Items and Subscription Plans on your Estimates & Invoices.
  • Unleash Granular Automation Control: Say goodbye to the limitations of Automations that were tied to specific Invoices or Billing Generators! Targeted Billing Automations allow you to define and configure a unique set of automations for each line item added to an Estimate or Invoice. This means you can trigger specific actions upon Estimate approval or Invoice payment, all based on the individual line items that were included.
  • Automated Client Categorization: Automatically categorize Clients based on the Items they purchase. This allows for targeted marketing campaigns and personalized communication strategies. You can trigger automated onboarding workflows based on purchased Items, ensuring a smooth and tailored Client experience from the get-go. Or, you can automatically initiate inventory updates or purchase orders when specific items are invoiced and paid for. There is really no limit to what you can accomplish.
  • Subscription Flexibility: Targeted Billing Automations extend beyond single Items. You can also configure unique sets of Automations for Subscription plans included on invoices. This flexibility allows you to trigger Automations not just when a Subscription begins, but also upon cancellation, expiration, or payment failure.
  • Enhanced Client Journeys: Personalization is key to building stronger Client relationships. With Targeted Billing Automations, you can tailor the Client Portal experience based on the items or services included in their Invoice. Provide access to specific resources or tutorials on the Client Portal based on purchased Items, ensuring they have the information they need to get the most out of their investment. Or, trigger targeted upsell or cross-sell recommendations based on past purchases, increasing customer lifetime value.
  • TL;DR: Targeted Billing Automations offer a powerful and versatile approach to billing management. By dynamically triggering specific Automations based on specific Invoice details, you can achieve a new level of efficiency and personalization within your billing process. This empowers you to not only improve your internal workflows but also build stronger and more engaging Client relationships.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/393-office-items-taxes-discounts-settings
Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/88-invoices-subscription-payments

White Label / Custom White Label QR Codes

  • From Fringe to Forefront: QR codes, once touted as the future of mobile interaction, experienced a period of limited adoption. However, with the native integration of QR code readers within smartphone cameras on both Android and iOS platforms, their use has surged. SuiteDash capitalizes on this trend, allowing you to harness the power of QR codes to effortlessly connect with your target audience.
  • Effortless Lead Capture: With SuiteDash’s white-labeled QR Codes, you can now generate a unique QR code for each publicly available Form within your account. This QR Code, easily downloadable and viewable, can be incorporated into a wide range of marketing materials, including: advertisements (print and digital), flyers and brochures, business cards and handouts, product packaging, videos displayed at trade shows or conferences, or billboards and signage. When a potential customer or Client scans the QR Code with their smartphone, they’ll be instantly directed to your designated form. This eliminates the need for manual URL entry, ensuring a smooth and frictionless experience that maximizes form completion rates.
  • The Power of EXTREME White Label: SuiteDash understands the importance of brand consistency. That’s why we’ve taken QR Codes a step further, offering complete customization options. You can upload and integrate your company logo or icon, customize all QR Code colors to tailor the QR code’s color scheme to seamlessly match your brand identity, creating a visually cohesive experience. A well-designed, branded QR Code not only enhances the user experience but also projects an image of professionalism and attention to detail, fostering trust and brand recognition.
  • TL;DR: QR Codes are experiencing a revival, and SuiteDash’s white-labeled solution allows you to leverage this technology to its full potential. By seamlessly integrating QR Codes into your marketing materials, you can create a more interactive and engaging experience for your audience, ultimately driving higher levels of engagement, lead generation, and overall business success.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-platform-branding

CRM / Documents list in CRM Dashboard

  • The CRM Dashboard serves as the central hub for communication and management of your Clients. You can now access, view, and download all Documents generated and assigned to a specific Client directly within their CRM profile. This eliminates the need to search through emails or file folders, saving you valuable time and ensuring all relevant documents are readily accessible.
  • Effortless Access to Signed Documents: We understand the importance of signed agreements and approvals. The enhanced document management system now includes signed and completed versions of documents that were designated for Client signatures. This provides a clear and auditable record of consent, eliminating confusion and streamlining your approval processes.
  • Enhanced Team Efficiency: With all Documents readily accessible within the CRM Dashboard, your team can quickly reference past agreements, contracts, or communication records. This eliminates the need for time-consuming searches and empowers your team to provide faster and more informed Client service.
  • TL;DR: Overall, SuiteDash’s enhanced document management within the CRM Dashboard represents a significant step forward. By centralizing access to critical Documents, streamlining Client communication, and improving team efficiency, this feature empowers you to build stronger Client relationships and achieve greater business success.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/538-crm-dashboard

Projects / Project Notes Auto-Save & Export

  • SuiteDash continues to empower small and medium businesses with the recent improvements to Project Notes, building upon the successful enhancements previously introduced in the CRM Dashboard. This update streamlines project communication and empowers teams to effectively capture, share, and access vital project information.
  • Seamless Note Taking: Project Notes now benefit from the same functionality that transformed CRM Dashboard Notes, including Auto-Save, which ensures you’ll never lose your work again. SuiteDash automatically saves your notes as you type, eliminating the worry of accidental data loss.
  • Automatic Timestamps: Every new note receives an automatic date and time stamp, providing a clear record of when each note was created. This is essential for maintaining a chronological record of project discussions and decisions.
  • Draft Notes: Don’t feel pressured to finalize your thoughts immediately. SuiteDash allows you to save notes as drafts, giving you the flexibility to revisit and refine them before finalizing and sharing them with your team.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Team members can now confidently add notes, share updates, and track project progress within a central hub. This eliminates communication silos and ensures everyone has access to the latest information.
  • Project Note Export for Data Portability: There are times when you may need project information outside of SuiteDash. The new export functionality empowers you to export all Notes for a specific Project. This creates a secure and portable file containing a complete record of all project discussions and decisions. This exported data can be used for various purposes, including external reporting, archiving critical project details, or sharing information with stakeholders who may not have SuiteDash access.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s enhanced Project Notes functionality empowers teams to collaborate more effectively and manage projects more efficiently. By incorporating the convenience of auto-save, automatic timestamps, draft capabilities, and secure data export, SuiteDash provides a robust solution for capturing, sharing, and accessing vital Project information.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/588-projects-project-notes

CRM / CRM Notes Export

  • Building upon the successful introduction of enhanced Notes functionality in the CRM Dashboard, We have now extended these capabilities by adding the ability to export data.
  • Powerful Export for Each Company or Contact: In addition to the improved note-taking experience, SuiteDash introduces a powerful export functionality. You now have the ability to export all Notes associated with a specific CRM Target (Company or Contact). This creates a secure and portable file containing a comprehensive record of all your interactions for that specific CRM Target.
  • Improved Security: Exported Notes can be securely stored outside of SuiteDash, creating an additional layer of data protection.
  • Enhanced Portability: The exported data provides a convenient way to transfer Client communication history if migrating to a different CRM system or sharing information with external parties who may not have SuiteDash access.
  • Streamlined Reporting: Exported Notes can be easily integrated into your external reports or presentations, providing valuable insights into Client interactions and relationship development.
  • TL;DR: The enhanced Notes functionality and export capabilities empower businesses to capture, organize, and access critical Client information more effectively. These improvements not only streamline data management but also enhance data security and portability, ensuring a more robust and user-friendly CRM experience.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/450-adding-notes

Automation / Dynamic Placeholder Widget 2.0

  • SuiteDash has long championed the power of Custom Fields, giving you the power to configure the platform to capture the specific data points most relevant to your business. However, limitations existed in utilizing this Dynamic Data across all platform functionalities.
  • Breaking Down Barriers: We are thrilled to announce a significant leap forward in Dynamic Data utilization. Previously restricted functionalities like Project titles, email subject lines, and a few others were not able to utilize the power of Dynamic Data Placeholders. We now have the ability to integrate DDPs in places where it was previously not possible.
  • Streamlined Project Creation with Dynamic Titles: Imagine automatically generating Project titles that reflect the unique details of each Project. With SuiteDash’s new functionality within Project Generators, you can now utilize Dynamic Data Placeholders to populate Project titles. This will save valuable time and ensure consistent, appropriate and informative Project titles.
  • The Power of Personalization: By leveraging custom fields within project titles, you can personalize each project from the very beginning. For example, if you have a custom field capturing the Client name, the project title could automatically populate as “Client Name – Project X.” This not only enhances clarity but also reinforces Client focus within your project management processes.
  • A Foundation for the Future: SuiteDash’s commitment to dynamic data extends beyond the current implementation in Project Generators. This feature represents the first step in a continuous rollout, expanding the use of dynamic data placeholders across various platform functionalities. We welcome feedback from the Community to help guide us to the places where this new capability will be best deployed.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s Dynamic Data Placeholders within Project Generators empower you to streamline Project creation, personalize Project titles, and ultimately achieve a new level of efficiency and organization within your Project Management workflows. As SuiteDash continues to expand this functionality, you can expect even greater control and customization across the entire platform.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/250-projects-project-generators

Portal / NEW Mobile Menu

  • SuiteDash is dedicated to providing a seamless user experience across all devices. Recognizing the growing importance of mobile access, SuiteDash is proud to announce a brand new mobile menu. This update addresses compatibility issues, streamlines navigation, and boasts a modern design for a more intuitive and user-friendly experience on the go.
  • Farewell to Compatibility Headaches: The new mobile menu has been meticulously optimized to ensure flawless functionality across all mobile platforms. This eliminates compatibility concerns you may have experienced with the previous menu, ensuring a smooth and consistent experience regardless of the device you’re using.
  • Modern Design for a Polished Experience: The new mobile menu features a modern and attractive design that moves and reacts fluidly to touch inputs. This not only enhances the overall user experience but also reinforces SuiteDash’s commitment to providing a polished and professional solution for small and medium businesses.
  • Increased Productivity: Effortless navigation allows you to locate features and functionalities quickly, maximizing your productivity while on the go. Plus, the ability to access SuiteDash functionalities from your mobile device empowers you to respond to Client inquiries and requests promptly, fostering stronger Client relationships. There is no doubt that a smooth and intuitive mobile experience translates to increased user satisfaction, keeping you, your Staff and your Clients engaged and productive within the SuiteDash ecosystem.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s commitment to continuous improvement extends beyond the desktop experience. The new mobile menu represents a significant step forward, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience for all SuiteDash users, regardless of their chosen device.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documents / Documents Requiring Signature added to Urgent Notifications Bar

  • Building upon the success of the Urgent Notification Bar (UNB), SuiteDash now empowers businesses to significantly increase signed Document completion rates by giving the option to use the UNB to bring attention to Documents that require signing. The UNB keeps critical actions at the forefront of your Client’s attention, minimizing the risk of missed deadlines or incomplete documents.
  • The Power of Visibility: The UNB was developed to highlight critical actions assigned to Clients, Prospects, or Staff Targets within the CRM. This tool served as a visual reminder to complete tasks like following up on a lead, completing a form, or finishing a checklist. The result? Increased visibility led to a higher likelihood of Target completion.
  • Streamlined Signing Workflows: We’ve taken this functionality a step further by integrating the Urgent Notification Bar with signed Documents. Now, when you generate a Document requiring a Client’s signature and assign it to a specific Target within your CRM, they’ll see the Urgent Notification Bar. This visually prominent reminder ensures they’re aware of the pending action.
  • One Click to Completion: The Urgent Notification Bar isn’t just informative – it’s actionable. With a single click, the Target can be directed straight to the document within SuiteDash, ready for their electronic signature. This eliminates the need for manual navigation or searching, minimizing friction and prompting faster completion.
  • Flexibility at Your Fingertips: Of course, not every situation requires the urgency of the Notification Bar. For added control, we’ve included a toggle switch that allows you to disable this functionality for specific Documents or workflows. This empowers you to tailor the experience based on the Document’s importance and urgency.
  • The Benefits of Enhanced Signing Reminders: Prompting Clients with the Urgent Notification Bar significantly reduces the time it takes for them to acknowledge and sign important Documents. Furthermore, a streamlined signing process creates a more positive Client experience, fostering stronger relationships and trust. Faster Document completion translates to improved operational efficiency and allows your team to focus on core business activities.
  • TL;DR: Overall, SuiteDash’s expanded Urgent Notification Bar functionality for signed Documents represents a significant step forward. By enhancing document visibility, streamlining the signing process, and offering flexible control, SuiteDash empowers businesses to achieve faster signing rates, improve Client satisfaction, and optimize their overall workflow efficiency.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/49-document-templates

Forms / Dynamic Data Placeholders in Form Field Subtext (Update Forms)

  • SuiteDash uses several types of forms, each one designed to be used in specific circumstances. Update forms are unique in that in every case when a target encounters an update form, the platform always knows the identification of that target even before they start completing the form. Because of this, we are able to personalize the data that is presented to the target in these types of forms in a way that is not possible with other form types.
  • Dynamic Data Placeholders: Personalization Made Easy: Building upon the foundation of user recognition, SuiteDash introduces dynamic data placeholders within Update Form Subtext areas. These placeholders allow you to personalize the Subtext message associated with each form field. This Subtext typically provides additional information or instructions to guide users through the Form completion process.
  • Tailored Instructions for Each User: Imagine personalizing Subtext messages within Update Forms. You can now leverage Dynamic Data Placeholders to dynamically insert a Target’s first name, last name, contact information, or even data from custom fields directly into the Subtext. For example, instead of a generic “Please enter your email address,” the Subtext could be personalized to say “Hi [First Name], please confirm your email address at [Email Address].” This level of personalization not only enhances the user experience but also improves comprehension and reduces errors during form completion.
  • The Benefits of Personalized Subtext: Personalized Subtext messages within Update Forms offer a multitude of advantages. Personalized instructions create a more engaging and user-friendly experience, fostering a positive brand perception. Also, clear and targeted instructions minimize confusion and lead to more accurate form submissions. And, by reducing the need for clarification or back-and-forth communication, personalized Subtext can streamline the overall form completion process.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s Dynamic Data Placeholders within Update Form Subtext empower businesses to personalize the user experience, improve data accuracy, and ultimately achieve a more efficient and user-friendly data collection process.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/286-update-forms

Projects / Drag & Drop Subtasks in Task Templates

  • SuiteDash is further streamlining Project workflows with the introduction of Drag & Drop Subtasks in Task Templates. This innovative feature empowers you to define and reorder Subtasks within your Task Templates, ensuring a consistent and efficient workflow across all your Projects.
  • Building Order into Your Project Foundation: Previously, SuiteDash allowed for dragging and dropping the order of Subtasks within individual Tasks. Drag & Drop Subtasks in Task Templates takes this functionality a step further. When creating Task Templates, you can now define the specific order in which Subtasks will appear when the Task Template is used to generate new Tasks within a Project.
  • Flexibility at Your Fingertips: We understand that project needs can evolve. Even after creating a Task Template, you may decide to adjust the order of the Subtasks. Now you can simply revisit the Task Template and reorder the Subtasks with a simple drag-and-drop motion. These changes will be reflected in all future Tasks generated from that Task Template.
  • Enhanced Team Efficiency: By establishing a clear order for Subtasks within your Task Templates, you can significantly improve team efficiency. Everyone working on a Project generated from that Task Template will have a clear understanding of the workflow, eliminating confusion and ensuring everyone is on the same page. This reduces the need for clarification or micromanagement, empowering your team to focus on completing Tasks efficiently and meeting deadlines.
  • TL;DR: Drag & Drop Subtasks in Templates represents a valuable addition to SuiteDash’s Project Management toolkit. By enabling you to define and maintain Subtask order within Task Templates, this feature streamlines project setup, reduces administrative overhead, and fosters better team collaboration. This translates to improved project execution and overall business success.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/68-task-templates

Portal / Improved layout for Add/Edit Staff

  • Continuing on our path of deploying our existing tools to work also on the HR side, We’ve restructured the process for manually adding a Staff member to more closely resemble the process of adding a CRM target. This includes additional options and explanations that will simplify and streamline the process of adding staff and properly configuring their assignments and automations.
  • Streamlined Staff Management: By streamlining the manual Staff addition process, SuiteDash empowers businesses to onboard new team members faster and more efficiently.
  • Enhanced User Guidance for Simplified Setup: The redesigned Staff addition process incorporates additional options and explanations. This valuable guidance simplifies configuration and streamlines the process of adding new Staff members.
  • Streamlined Onboarding Process: A faster and more intuitive onboarding process allows new hires to get up and running more quickly, maximizing their productivity from day one.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s revamped manual Staff addition represents a significant step forward towards streamlining and automating the process of adding new Staff. By aligning with existing workflows, providing clear guidance, and simplifying configuration, SuiteDash empowers businesses to achieve faster, smoother, and more efficient Staff onboarding.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/123-onboarding-your-staff

White Label / Redirecting White Label CNAME endpoints to blank page

  • As a part of our commitment to EXTREME White Label, SuiteDash has long offered a robust suite of White Label options, including CNAME endpoints. For agencies, resellers and other facilitators, these endpoints allow you to configure a custom domain for your Client’s Portal, completely masking SuiteDash’s presence. This not only enhances the Client experience but also prevents competitors from gleaning insights into your White Label strategy.
  • White Label CNAME Endpoints: Empowering agencies and facilitators to deliver custom-branded solutions to their Clients without revealing SuiteDash as the underlying engine. This latest update addresses a potential White Label exception, further solidifying SuiteDash’s position as a leader in White Label solutions.
  • Extending White Label: We have addressed this outlier White Label exception with this latest release. Now, when a user enters a CNAME endpoint directly into their browser, they’ll be redirected to a blank white screen with a message indicating that the domain is not yet configured. This eliminates any remote possibility of exposing the SuiteDash login and reinforces the integrity of the White Label experience.
  • Addressing a Community-Identified Issue: SuiteDash prioritizes continuous improvement, actively listening to its user Community. This feature improvement was a direct response to this valuable Community feedback.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s commitment to EXTREME White Labeling goes beyond functionality. By actively addressing Community concerns and implementing robust solutions, SuiteDash empowers businesses to deliver an exceptional White Label experience with complete confidence.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/130-setting-up-your-custom-url

White Label / Custom CSS is now applied to all Non-Logged Views

  • SuiteDash continues to push the boundaries of White Labeling. Renowned for its extensive branding tools, SuiteDash empowers agencies and facilitators to deliver custom-branded solutions to their customers. This latest update grants even greater control, allowing for the application of custom CSS to non-logged views.
  • The Power of White Labeling: SuiteDash has always championed comprehensive White Labeling, offering a robust suite of branding tools. These tools empower users to completely customize the look and feel of the platform, aligning it seamlessly with their Client’s brand identity. This extends beyond the logged-in user experience, encompassing non-logged views like invoices and file request interfaces.
  • Responding to Community Feedback: SuiteDash values its Community of SuiteMates and thrives on continuous improvement. A recent Community request highlighted the desire for greater control over the visual identity of non-logged views. Previously, users were limited to the customization options provided within the platform.
  • Unlocking the Power of Custom CSS: We have addressed this feedback by introducing the ability to leverage custom CSS for non-logged views. This empowers agencies and facilitators to meticulously tailor the appearance of these crucial touchpoints. Imagine perfectly matching your brand colors to your invoices or subtly incorporating the perfect version of your logo into the File Request interface. Custom CSS unlocks a world of possibilities, ensuring a truly cohesive and brand-aligned experience for your Clients.
  • TL;DR: SuiteDash’s commitment to White Labeling goes beyond providing tools. By actively listening to user feedback and implementing powerful features like custom CSS, SuiteDash empowers businesses to deliver exceptional white-labeled experiences that leave a lasting impression on their Clients.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-platform-branding

March 8, 2024 Live

Communities / Communities is now in LIVE Beta

  • For those of you who have an active subscription to the COMMUNITY Power-Up, you will now see the Communities menu item if you are the Super Admin. You can go ahead and start checking everything out, but please understand that because there are important features that are not yet ready, the BETA designation will be in place for another few weeks.
  • Until the BETA designation is removed, EVERYONE will still be able to take advantage of the Early-Bird Pricing offer, and gain immediate access to the LIVE Beta of Community.
  • Because we are committed to continual improvement based on feedback from our Community, our strategy is always about getting the first release of a feature out the door, and then continuing to iterate on that foundation to enhance and refine the target functionality. We have approached Community in the same way, so while you can start working with Community now, you’ll have even more features, options and “nice to haves” in the very near future!
  • Mentions & Feed Counters are LIVE but still evolving along the lines of additional permissions, usability & visual appeal. Private Spaces, Advanced Search/Sorting for Comments, Automations to add/remove Targets to/from Communities/Spaces, Email Notifications & Digests, and Manage Tags are working on our DEV environments, but it’s still undergoing testing and should be ready for LIVE in the next week or two.
  • Upcoming features include LIVE Community Chat & Direct Messaging, LMS Course Communities & the Dedicated Community View!
  • Available NOW to everyone who has the COMMUNITY Power-Up!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/587-community-overview

Portal / NEW Default Circles

  • We’re enhancing your ability to personalize and customize your Portal content with the introduction of two powerful new Default Circles: “All Companies” and “All Contacts.” These Circles streamline the process of building adaptable Dashboards and workflows that cater to different types of Prospects & Clients.
  • We’ve always offered powerful Default Circles like “All Clients” and “All Clients and Prospects.” While useful, they didn’t offer the granularity needed for some specific scenarios where content needed to be shown or hidden based on whether the Target was a Company (viewing in Company Mode) or a Contacts (viewing in Individual Mode).
  • The new Circles are specifically designed for use within the Content Block Editor’s Access Options. This means they’re only visible and usable when configuring access for specific content rows, columns or blocks.
  • Here’s where it gets exciting: these Circles empower you to create a single Dashboard or workflow that dynamically adjusts based on the user. Imagine building a Dashboard with specific rows, columns, and blocks. Now, you can define which elements are visible only to “Companies” (viewing in Company Mode) and which are exclusive to “Contacts” (viewing in Individual Mode).
  • This eliminates the need to create separate dashboards or workflows for different user types. With these new Circles, you can design a single, adaptable interface that delivers a personalized experience for both Companies and Individual contacts.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/44-circles-how-they-work

Documents / Document Signing for Staff

  • Automate and streamline the Staff onboarding process, saving valuable time and resources. Say goodbye to manual onboarding tasks and welcome a more efficient and hassle-free procedure.
  • With the ability to use Document Templates, you can create standardized onboarding materials that ensure consistency across your organization. This feature enables you to provide comprehensive and uniform documentation for new and existing Staff members.
  • Staff Custom Field placeholders allow for a highly personalized onboarding experience. Tailor the documentation to include specific Staff member data, making the process more relevant.
  • Centralizing and standardizing the onboarding documentation not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors. This ensures that all necessary information is consistently and accurately communicated, improving compliance and reducing potential issues down the line.
  • These Staff onboarding enhancements empower you to focus on what matters most – welcoming new talent and setting them up for success. With automation, personalized touches, and streamlined processes, onboarding just got a whole lot smoother!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/116-documents-digital-signing

Projects / Dynamic Project “Based-On Date” and Completion Date

  • We’ve enhanced the capabilities of Project Generators with a powerful new feature: Dynamic Project Based-On Dates and Completion Dates. This means you can now leverage the information you collect from Custom Fields to automatically set Project timelines and starting points.
  • Imagine this: during onboarding, you gather the date of an important event (wedding date, product launch, etc.) through a SuiteDash form. Previously, you would need to manually set the Project’s expected Completion Date and Based-on Date to reflect this date. But with this new feature, SuiteDash allows you to define these dates based on the value of a designated Date-type Custom Field.
  • This automation eliminates manual work and ensures accuracy. For instance, if the Client’s wedding date is set to July 15th in the Kickoff Form, SuiteDash can automatically generate a Project with a due date based on that date and you can then set up your Task Templates to generate Tasks for the Project both BEFORE and AFTER the wedding as needed based on your internal workflow.
  • The flexibility doesn’t stop there. You can also define the Project’s Completion Date based on either the generation day (the day the project is created) or another custom field. Additionally, you can set the initial project note using the same logic. This empowers you to streamline your onboarding process, reduce errors, and personalize project timelines based on client-specific information.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/250-projects-project-generators

CRM / Auto-Save for CRM Notes

  • We’re excited to announce a new feature improvement designed to streamline your workflow and ensure your valuable insights are never lost: Auto-Save for Notes!
  • Say goodbye to the worry of losing your thoughts while crafting critical Notes on your CRM Targets. With Auto-Save, SuiteDash will now automatically save your Note drafts in real-time as you work on a CRM Target’s Dashboard. This means you can write freely without the constant pressure to hit “save” and can even navigate away from the CRM Dashboard entirely without losing your progress.
  • When you return to the CRM Target’s Dashboard, your draft Note will be waiting exactly where you left it, ready for you to pick up right where you left off. Once you’ve finished crafting your Note, you can simply save it like usual. This functionality also allows you to seamlessly transition between creating multiple Notes for the same CRM Target – just save your completed Note and a fresh blank draft will be ready for your next thought.
  • Coming Soon will be an Export for Notes that will let you create an Export for all Notes related to a specific CRM Target. And, the same Auto-Save and Export will soon be available for Project Notes!
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/450-adding-notes

Automation / Automation Opportunities available for Events & Event Generators

  • Announcing a major improvement to its existing Events feature: Event-Based Automations. This enhancement streamlines your sales workflow by automatically triggering actions upon completion of specific Events.
  • Events are designed as follow-up reminders mostly used in a sales cycle application. Event Generators give you the ability to create a predefined standard for follow-up Events and then dynamically generate those Events on the fly when onboarding a new Lead, Prospect or Client.
  • Now, we’ve made it possible for you to configure Automations based on the completion of an Event. With Event-Based Automations, you can now configure Automations to fire after an Event is marked as complete. Imagine a standard set of actions needed after a crucial sales call. Event-Based Automations allow you to build automations that execute these tasks – all triggered by a single click marking the Event complete. This eliminates the need to manually execute those Tasks after the Event (phone call, meeting, demo, etc.), saving you valuable time and ensuring consistent execution of your sales process.
  • In essence, you define the playbook for each step in your sales journey, and SuiteDash takes care of running it seamlessly in the background. This empowers your team to focus on building relationships and closing deals, while SuiteDash automates the repetitive tasks that follow key interactions.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/90-events-getting-started
Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/91-events-event-generators

Forms / Power Positioning of Form Fields

  • We’ve added a truly useful new feature to Forms we call Power Positioning. This improvement addresses the challenge of managing the order of Form fields, especially in Forms with a large number of elements.
  • While SuiteDash already allows users to drag and drop Form fields for easy reordering, this method can become tedious and time-consuming for Forms that can sometimes have more than 100 fields. Imagine the effort required to drag and drop five fields from the very bottom to the very top of such a lengthy Form!
  • Power Positioning eliminates this hassle. With a simple click on the position number of a specific field, a convenient interface pops up. This interface allows you to effortlessly choose the new desired location for the field. In just a few clicks, you can utilize Power Positioning to move any field within your Form to its optimal position.
  • This feature promises to significantly improve the efficiency of managing complex Forms within SuiteDash. By streamlining the process of field reordering, Power Positioning helps you focus on crafting well-structured and user-friendly Forms.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/432-forms-overview

Portal / Display Name Changes

  • SuiteDash is improving how users are identified within the platform! This update focuses on two key areas: Display Names and Handles.
  • Previously, Display Names needed to be unique, often resulting in frustrating additions of random numbers to similar names. This is a thing of the past! Now, every user on both the CRM and Staff sides can personalize their Display Names without restriction. This allows for clearer and more recognizable user identification within SuiteDash.
  • However, there’s still a need for a truly unique identifier for specific functions like @mentions. To address this, SuiteDash introduces Handles. Handles are unique usernames assigned to each user and are mandatory for @mentions. This ensures clear and unambiguous communication within the platform.
  • In short, this update offers more flexibility and control over user identification. Display Names allow for personalization, while Handles ensure efficient communication with the unique identifier system. This combination provides a more user-friendly and efficient experience for everyone using SuiteDash.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/65-creating-a-new-contact

White Label / Email Templates Redesign + Power Options

  • Get ready for a smoother email notification experience with SuiteDash’s latest update! We’ve completely revamped the interface for editing Email Templates within your account, and given you a super-powerful “override” control over every single individual email template.
  • Say goodbye to the hunt for the right template. SuiteDash now intelligently groups and orders your Email Templates, making them a breeze to find. No more digging through endless lists – the template you need is right at your fingertips.
  • In addition, we’ve empowered you with even more control over your email notifications. For the first time, you can completely disable any individual Email Template directly within the editing interface. Simply toggle the enable/disable switch for the template you want to silence. Voila! SuiteDash will no longer send out email notifications associated with that template, regardless of any other settings in the platform.
  • This update streamlines your workflow and ensures your clients receive only the most relevant notifications. Focus on what matters most, and leave the email management to SuiteDash!
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/349-customize-email-content

Projects / Drag & Drop for Subtasks

  • For those managing your Tasks using Subtasks, you can now drag/drop the Subtasks into any order at any time.
  • Previously, Subtasks within a main Task required manual reordering through list editing. With the drag-and-drop feature, users can simply click and hold a Subtask, then drag it to the desired position within the main task’s list. This intuitive interface allows for effortless prioritization and sequencing of Subtasks, ensuring your workflow reflects the most critical actions.
  • For project managers, drag-and-drop Subtasks allow for quick adjustments based on changes in priorities
  • Team members can easily visualize the workflow and understand the sequence in which subtasks need to be completed.
  • Individual Task organization benefits from the ability to break down large Tasks into manageable Subtasks and prioritize them based on your individual approach.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/86-managing-tasks

Portal / Image Block can now use Custom Field (URL Type) as the Source

  • SuiteDash is improving the way you manage images within Image Blocks. With the introduction of URL-Based Custom Field values, you now have more control over the image source. This means you can dynamically update the image displayed in an Image Block, either manually or through automations.
  • This update allows you to define a custom field containing a URL as the image source. This provides significant flexibility for managing images based on various criteria.
  • The true power of this feature lies in Automation. SuiteDash allows you to create automated workflows that can modify the value of the custom field containing the image URL. This enables you to dynamically change the displayed image based on specific triggers.
  • For instance, imagine a gamification dashboard where you display award badges based on user achievements. You can set up a custom field to store the image URL for each badge level (bronze, silver, gold). The Image Block in your dashboard can then be linked to this custom field. Finally, create an automation that triggers based on user actions (e.g., completing a task) and updates the custom field value with the corresponding badge level URL. This way, the displayed badge on the dashboard automatically adapts to the user’s progress.
  • You can use this feature to create more dynamic and data-driven dashboards and content using the Image Block. The possibilities for Automation unlocks a range of use cases, allowing you to tailor image content based on specific criteria within your Portal.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types#single-image-block

Forms / Email to Target in all Form Types

  • We’ve improved the Forms feature by allowing you to send automated email notifications directly to the person submitting the form, also known as the Target. This new functionality streamlines communication and provides a more personalized experience for your Targets as they interact with your Forms.
  • Previously, some of the Form types lacked the ability to send dynamic emails to the Target upon submission. Now, you can configure email notifications that are tailored to the specific form and the information submitted. This allows you to achieve some of the examples below:
  • Confirm Submission: Send a confirmation email to the Target acknowledging that their Form submission was successful. This can include a summary of the submitted information for reference.
  • Provide Next Steps: If there are any follow-up actions required by the Target, you can clearly outline them within the email notification.
  • Offer Additional Information: Depending on the Form’s purpose, you can use the email to provide the Target with relevant resources or supplemental information.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/286-update-forms

Billing / Invoices now feature “Overpaid” Status

  • We are enhancing the Billing toolkit with a new feature to handle situations where an Invoice total is reduced after a payment has been received. Previously, the platform allowed for editing live Invoices, a valuable tool for correcting errors or making adjustments. However, this flexibility could lead to a scenario where the edited Invoice total fell below the sum of payments already received.
  • To address this, SuiteDash is introducing a new Invoice status: Overpaid. This status will be automatically applied to any live Invoice that is edited to have a total lower than the combined amount of payments received for that Invoice. Additionally, the platform will clearly display the overpayment amount, providing both the business owner and the client with a transparent view of the Invoice’s status.
  • The “Overpaid” status eliminates any confusion regarding the Invoice’s settlement. Both parties can easily see that the Invoice has been settled and a credit exists.
  • Having a dedicated “Overpaid” status ensures accurate accounting records. The overpayment amount is readily available, simplifying future reconciliation or potential credit application.
  • By highlighting the overpayment, SuiteDash empowers business owners to make informed decisions about how to handle the credit. They can choose to issue a refund, apply the credit to a future Invoice, or hold it on account.
  • Overall, the addition of the “Overpaid” status streamlines Invoice management in SuiteDash, promoting better communication, more accurate record-keeping, and a more positive user experience.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/45-office-Invoices

January 12, 2024 Live

Onboarding / Checklists

  • Introducing our newest feature – Checklists. This feature was meticulously designed with a strong emphasis on power and flexibility. Checklists is an invaluable tool for a multitude of scenarios including, but not limited to, onboarding and offboarding tasks, process guidance, and goal tracking.
  • A Checklist, in essence, is a simplistic list of procedures or tasks that a Prospect, Client, or Staff member needs to complete. It serves as a highly effective tool when a project is unduly complex for your requirements, providing a guided visual cue for users to systematically work through a set of Checklist Items, one item at a time.
  • A feature distinguishing the Checklist feature is the ability to individually customize each item with automation triggers, facilitating personalized nuances catered to your unique business needs. Furthermore, through the use of No-Code Link Actions, each Checklist item can be seamlessly integrated with platform functionality, an experience you may be familiar with via Custom Menus and the Content Block Editor.
  • To facilitate accountability and assure task completion, each Checklist item mandates manual affirmation by the designated Target, confirming that every individual step was indeed completed. This feature also offers the added advantage of tracking each Target’s unique progress on an individual basis, aiding in creating a detailed record of task accomplishment.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/583-checklists

Support Tickets / Remote Chat Integration

  • Introducing a game-changer for your customer support workflows – seamless conversion from Remote Chat to Support Ticket. Eliminate friction and turn fleeting conversations into valuable resolutions with a few clicks.
  • Whether your visitor casually starts a quick question or sparks a deep dive, you and your Staff now have the power to transform the Remote Chat into a Support Ticket using the appropriate Support Form. No more context switching, no more lost threads – every valuable exchange becomes a documented opportunity for resolution.
  • Need specific information before raising a ticket? No worries! Craft custom Support Forms tailored to each scenario. Gather precise details, collect feedback, and personalize the ticketing process like never before. The sky’s the limit with unlimited unique forms at your disposal.
  • Furthermore, expanding the CRM capabilities, our Support Forms present the possibility of creating new CRM Targets based on your specifications. As CRM Targets enter the platform via the Support channel, our tool ensures you are armed with the power to fully customize their experience using familiar mechanisms, reinforcing user engagement and boosting customer acquisition.
  • Unlimited in its scope, SuiteDash lets you create as many unique Support Forms as your organization demands, granting you the freedom to address every customer interaction with distinct precision.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts w/ the PRIME Bundle Power-Up for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/578-support-tickets-priorities-and-tags

Portal / Google Fonts Integration

  • Get ready to ditch font monotony and infuse your workflows with personality! We’re thrilled to announce the arrival of Google Fonts integration, empowering you to personalize every corner of your digital experience.
  • Dive into a vibrant ocean of possibilities with thousands of unique Google Fonts at your disposal. Customize the look and feel of your Dashboards, Portal Pages, Proposals, Documents, and more, letting your content truly shine.
  • Go beyond simply choosing a font. Take control of the design with granular control over font styles. Define the default font and style for each element, from headers and content to links and buttons. Make every piece sing with its own unique voice.
  • Your content shouldn’t be confined to a single screen. With our intuitive interface, you can seamlessly define different fonts and styles for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices separately thus ensuring an optimal reading experience wherever your audience interacts with your work.
  • Whenever available, advanced font styles like italics, bold, uppercase, lowercase, line height, font style, font weight, and letter spacing are automatically included, giving you access to a world of typographic finesse.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Appointments / Scheduled Automations Integration

  • Scheduled Automations consists of a series of Automation sets, which are multiple Automation “Shots” grouped together and fired based on a specific schedule which you define. By leveraging this flexible framework, you can orchestrate complex and perfectly-timed Automations tailored to your specific needs.
  • Automation Shots within Scheduled Automations are scheduled around a “Based-On Date” (BoD), allowing you to precisely time and sequence your Automation actions. Define the BoD in various ways, including the date the Target is added to the Schedule, a specific future date, or a date determined by the value of a custom field. For example, if you gather the Target’s wedding date early on via a Kickoff or Update Form, you can create Automations that trigger before, after, or both before & after that date.
  • Now in Appointment Types, you can set up a connection to a Dynamic Schedule. Then, when each Appointment is scheduled, the platform will automatically pass that unique date/time to the Dynamic Schedule, which will then use that date/time as the BoD for the Automations related to that unique Appointment & Target.
  • You can use this functionality to create a simple email or SMS reminder and follow-up sequence for each appointment, delivering personalized content, or executing specific actions at strategic intervals either before or after the appointment, thus empowering you to optimize engagement and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/568-automations-schedules
Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/377-manage-your-calendars-and-schedules

CRM / Company Connected Email

  • Do you have Primary Contacts juggling multiple companies? Are their inboxes overflowing with notifications from every corner of their business empire? We hear you, and we’re excited to introduce Company Connected Email – a feature designed to bring order to the chaos.
  • For example if Susan was the owner of 3 companies. When she first created her account, she used susan@alphacompany.com and as a result, this is the email address that she uses to login to the platform. But, she also has 2 other Companies, and the official email addresses for those companies are susan@bravocompany.com and susan@charliecompany.com
  • Before Company Connected Email, the platform would send emails for all 3 companies (Alpha, Bravo & Charlie) to her susan@alphacompany.com email address. So, she would receive all the appropriate emails about her companies, but not necessarily in the correct email inboxes.
  • The Company Connections feature gives Susan the power to assign unique email addresses to each Company, and if she does this, the platform will send the appropriate emails to the appropriate email addresses so that they all end up in the correct email inbox.
  • Here’s how it works:
    • Only relevant contacts see the feature: The “Company Connections” section appears only for contacts serving as Primary Contact for multiple companies.
    • Assign unique email addresses: Easily attach specific email addresses to each company Susan manages.
    • Targeted notifications, optimized workflow: Platform emails are automatically routed to the correct inboxes, keeping Susan informed and organized.
  • Company Connected Email is more than just an organizational tool. It’s a step towards a more efficient, personalized platform experience for every contact, no matter how many companies they represent in a functional capacity. This technical step is a precursor to future development that will enable the creation of concepts like “Billing Contact” and other functional Company roles.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/570-crm-understanding-primary-contacts

Automations / Limited Automations enabled for Start & Thrive

  • Until now, access to the platform’s Automation Suite was limited strictly to the Pinnacle plan, but as of this release, we are now enabling both Start and Thrive plans so that they are able to have limited use of specific Automations wherever Automation Opportunities exist.
  • Start / Thrive will now be able to access “Convert to Client”, “Send Email to Target”, “Email Externals” , “Email Internals”, “Send SMS”, “Send Portal Access Invitation Email”, and “Add/Remove Tags”.
  • This addition will not only increase the platform’s value for all SuiteMates, but it also opens the door to allow more flexibility and efficiency in the way we build certain features.
  • Available NOW to ALL Start & Thrive accounts (Pinnacle had access already) for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/467-automations-overview

Automation / Set Current Date option for Custom Fields

  • Say goodbye to manual date stamping and hello to laser-precise accuracy with Dynamic Date Population in Automations. This powerful new feature lets you effortlessly inject the current date into any Date-Based Custom Field whenever an Automation fires.
  • Harnessing the existing core functionality of Automation Opportunities across the platform, our new feature allows you to set or modify the value of any Date-Based Custom Field predicated on who the current Target is, and the exact moment the Automation is triggered.
  • Highly useful in scenarios where you need to document the precise date an action was completed. It can also be beneficial where you wish to repurpose this date as the Based-On Date for various functionalities in the platform, including a Generator, Task Template, or Scheduled Automation.
  • As your chosen Target triggers the Automation, the specified Date-Based Custom Field automatically receives the precise datestamp of the event. It’s that simple!
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

October 27th, 2023 Live

CRM / CRM Quick Find

  • CRM Quick Find makes navigating to your CRM Companies & Contacts a breeze!
  • You and your Staff now have the option to access the CRM Quick Find with either a keyboard shortcut or a single click, making it incredibly convenient to initiate searches from anywhere within the SuiteDash platform.
  • The CRM Quick Find is accessible from anywhere in the SuiteDash platform via a keyboard shortcut. Whenever you are in a SuiteDash window/tab, you can simply type the F key to bring up the Quick Find, thus providing instant access to the search functionality no matter where you are within the platform.
  • Quick Find offers a seamless and intuitive search experience. With just a single keystroke, you can quickly search for, identify, and retrieve CRM Targets that match your query and then you not only have the option to navigate directly to their CRM Dashboard, but you can also choose to easily Impersonate, Message, or Edit the Target.
  • Now you can get to important information or Impersonate the Contact with ease, eliminating unnecessary clicks and reducing the time spent searching for specific data.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/65-creating-a-new-contact

Support Tickets / Priorities

  • We are excited to announce a powerful addition to our Support Tickets Toolkit that will give you even more options in the way you manage and address customer issues. Support Tickets now include Priorities to provide strategic issue management capabilities, ensuring quick identification and the right amount of focused attention for each Support request.
  • When it comes to efficiently resolving customer queries, time is of the essence. Along with the existing Custom Inbox and Tags, the newly integrated Priority filter now offers an incredibly potent method for effortlessly filtering tickets based on their unique set of characteristics. This super-powerful tool ensures that urgent issues are promptly addressed and no Ticket gets left behind!
  • To provide a seamless experience for both you and your CRM Targets, we have gone even further. The latest update allows you to include a Priority field in your Support Forms, enabling your Targets to set the priority level accurately while submitting their tickets. This means that the Target can now clearly communicate when a ticket requires immediate attention versus one that can be handled later, facilitating better understanding and prioritization.
  • We understand that every organization has unique workflows and requirements. To cater to individual needs, SuiteDash also allows you to create custom Priorities that align with your organization’s specific processes. Now you can effortlessly tailor and adapt the Priority levels to match your unique support workflow and ensure that you are always in control.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/578-support-tickets-priorities-and-tags

Support Tickets / Saved Replies

  • Support Tickets has now been further enhanced with the addition of Saved Replies, a powerful tool designed to enhance customer support efficiency and consistency. With Saved Replies, you can now craft and save commonly used responses, making it easier than ever to provide quick and consistent replies to support requests.
  • By utilizing pre-determined answers to frequently asked questions, you can significantly enhance response speed, allowing you and your team to handle more customer queries in less time. No more wasting precious minutes typing out the same responses repeatedly – your Saved Replies are just a click away.
  • What sets Saved Replies apart is the ability to personalize and customize your responses even further. With data placeholders, you can seamlessly integrate customer-specific information into your replies, delivering a personalized touch that exceeds customer expectations. Whether it’s using placeholders for customer names, order numbers, or any other variable data, you can tailor your responses to fit each unique situation. NOTE: these placeholders can only work in scenarios where the customer can be clearly identified.
  • Accessing your Organization’s Saved Replies is quick and effortless. You and your Staff can easily retrieve and utilize these valuable resources directly while replying to a ticket. This ensures a consistent customer experience, regardless of who handles the support inquiry. Everyone has access to the same pool of pre-approved responses, reducing the risk of inconsistencies or miscommunication.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/582-support-tickets-saved-replies

White Label / Custom Login Layouts

  • Introducing the new Custom Login Layouts feature, taking Extreme White Label to new heights. Now, you have the power to truly showcase your brand and company culture with five distinct options to choose from.
  • With Custom Login Layouts, you have the opportunity to unlock a new level of uniqueness for your Custom Login Page. Stand out from the competition and exceed customer expectations with a visual masterpiece tailored to your brand. Prepare to leave a lasting impression with an awe-inspiring login experience that will set you apart in an increasingly crowded market.
  • Elevate your Portal experience with the Image Slider Layout, where you can effortlessly showcase an array of captivating content such as screenshots, mockups, photographs, and graphic slides. Impress your users with a visually stunning entrance that sets the tone for their journey.
  • Capture the essence of your company culture with the Quote Slider Layout. Scroll through a series of glowing testimonials, inspirational quotes, or captivating excerpts from your upcoming book. Leave a lasting impression and inspire your users before they even step foot into your virtual domain.
  • Stay ahead of the curve with the Announcement Slider Layout. Keep your audience informed and engaged by displaying feature descriptions, recent blog posts, or sharing exciting announcements. Seamlessly disseminate important information and captivate your users as they interact with your platform.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/131-customize-your-login-page

Files / File Repositories included in Folder Generators

  • Ladies and Gentlemen, meet File Repositories. This powerfully designed feature seamlessly connects the Files Toolkit with your Dashboards, Portal Pages, and Landing Pages, enhancing your Automation game and maximizing your workflow efficiency.
  • You have the flexibility to use File Repos in both static and dynamic ways, ensuring optimal adaptability to accommodate your unique and specific workflows. Whether you need a standardized file storage system or require dynamic paths tailored to Contact Files, Company Files, or Staff Files – File Repos have got you covered.
  • Specifically, within the dynamic paths mentioned, such as Contact Files, Company Files, and Staff Files, you will find a dedicated Repository folder. This folder is created to work harmoniously with our File Upload and File Download Block, offering a seamless experience for managing files within your chosen paths. Furthermore, we are proud to announce that this Repository is now included as an option when creating a Folder Generator.
  • A Folder Generator is a highly convenient tool that allows you to generate predefined folder structures for specific types of Targets. This means that you can automate the creation of these unique folder structures directly within a Company or Contact’s “Shared with me” Folder. The level of customization is entirely in your hands, as you can include any number of folders and files required to meet your specific needs within this structure.
  • With the addition of File Repositories and the integration with our existing Folder Generator feature, you can streamline your file management process and ensure automated and consistent organization across your entire system.
  • Whether it’s for internal Team collaboration or Client-facing content delivery, this functionality ensures that your files are organized and readily accessible, contributing to a more efficient and user-friendly platform.
  • File Repositories are available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!
  • The Folder Generators integration for File Repositories is available NOW to ALL Thrive & Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/353-files-folder-generators

Portals / Dynamic Images from Custom Field in Image Block

  • You now have the ability to use images from File Upload type Custom Fields in Image Blocks, offering even more visual personalization to your Dashboards, Portal Pages, and Landing Pages.
  • With this new capability, you can effortlessly repurpose and showcase images that have been recently uploaded by your CRM or Staff Targets. For instance, during an onboarding process, you can display images that were just uploaded by your Targets. By simply creating File Upload Custom Fields and including them in your Kickoff or Update Forms, you can provide unique images for each individual Target. This ensures that the displayed image aligns perfectly and assures a unique and professional experience as they navigate through the Dashboards or Portal Pages.
  • To illustrate how this feature benefits various industries, let’s consider a Real Estate scenario. Imagine having ten File Upload Custom Fields as part of your Kickoff Form, dedicated to capturing images of the properties your clients wish to list. Each client is prompted to upload ten pictures using these Custom Fields. Now, on a Dashboard or Page, you can effortlessly utilize ten Image Blocks, associating each block with a specific File Upload Custom Field. As a result, when your clients login and view the Dashboard or Page, they will be delighted to see their property pictures elegantly presented, based on your custom design.
  • This exciting update enhances the visual appeal and personalized experience of your software. It empowers you to leverage the power of images to engage your users and tailor their interactions with your platform. Explore the endless possibilities of this feature and unlock the potential for enhanced user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types#single-image-block

Integrations / Event-Specific Platform Webhooks

  • Introducing Event-Specific Platform Webhooks, an exciting new framework that will take automation to the next level within the SuiteDash platform. With precise targeting of key events, this robust functionality allows for highly specific triggers, enabling the delivery of unique and tailored data for each trigger event.
  • One of the standout benefits of this feature is the ability to individually enable or disable each Webhook, providing granular control over the automation process. Additionally, multiple endpoints can be configured, allowing for seamless integration with multiple databases. This versatility is a major advantage for users seeking to create integrations that connect various systems.
  • Customization is a breeze with Event-Specific Webhooks. Users have the flexibility to customize the data payload, reorder fields, and preview the output in JSON format. This intuitive interface makes working with webhooks effortless and saves valuable time.
  • SuiteDash can now be used as a Subscription Management Platform 😎 To kickstart the journey with Event-Specific Webhooks, we’ve chosen to start with a collection of Billing webhooks related to Subscriptions. Available Billing Webhooks now include Subscription Created, Subscription Canceled, Subscription Expired, and Subscription Unpaid events.
  • These Webhooks go beyond the basics by including detailed information associated with the specific Subscription. For example, in the case of a “Subscription Expired,” you not only receive the Payer’s UID and basic details but also critical data such as the Subscription’s ID, Plan details, payment information, and more. This comprehensive data empowers you to use SuiteDash as a Subscription Management tool that controls access to resources in other applications.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/581-webhooks

Integrations / API Enhancements

  • We are excited to announce the latest enhancement to SuiteDash White Label API, designed to empower our valued customers with an even more efficient contact management and marketing experience. With these additions to our API functionality, customers can now leverage a range of new features to seamlessly interact with contacts and drive targeted marketing campaigns.
  • One of the standout additions is the ability to utilize a contact’s email as a parameter for the “GET” and “PUT” calls in the Contacts APIs. This streamlines the process, allowing the swift retrieval and updating of contact details based on email addresses, facilitating quicker and more accurate interactions.
  • Furthermore, the SuiteDash White Label API now supports the inclusion of Circles. You can effortlessly create and update Contacts using a single Circle or a list of Circles, enabling efficient organization and segmentation for tailored messaging and targeted outreach.
  • And now you can add Notes to a Contact using the API. These notes include a title, the details of the note itself, and its corresponding date. By granting the visibility of these notes as public, customers can effectively share important information and updates with their contacts, fostering transparency and fostering stronger relationships.
  • Expanding beyond individual contact management, SuiteDash White Label API now enables customers to utilize a Company’s name as a parameter for the “GET” and “PUT” calls in the Company API. This integration streamlines the process of accessing and updating Company information, ensuring accuracy and consistency.
  • Last but not least, the implementation of a new API allows you to effortlessly add Subscribers to their Marketing Audiences, enhancing your Marketing capabilities and ensuring greater reach across desired segments.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/550-secure-api

September 15th, 2023 Live

NEW TOOLKIT / Support Tickets

  • We’re very excited to introduce one of our most anticipated features ever – Support Tickets!
  • The new Support Tickets toolkit gives you the power to efficiently manage and track customer inquiries, ensuring that questions and/or issues submitted by your clients/customers are efficiently addressed and effectively resolved.
  • With Support Tickets, you can further centralize your client/customer communications into one cohesive experience. This means no more scattered emails or messages, making it easier to keep track of conversations and maintain organized customer interactions.
  • Clients have their own Support Ticket interface where they can see all open tickets and reply/answer directly from within your Portal. Providing a dedicated channel for customer support enhances the overall customer experience. Clients can easily submit inquiries, track progress, and receive timely responses, leading to better resolutions and higher customer satisfaction.
  • Tailor the Support Tickets feature to your specific needs with Custom Inboxes & Tags. You can use the built-in organizational tools to help define your internal systems, priorities, and escalation procedures to ensure that tickets are handled according to your business requirements, ultimately boosting efficiency and customer happiness.
  • Each account is assigned a unique support email address that you can use to set up an official support email address so that just sending an email to that address will automatically create a new ticket. Additionally, when your clients/customers receive a reply, they can simply reply to that email notification to send back their answers.
  • Create unique custom Support Forms that capture specific information relevant to your support flow, ensuring that support agents receive all the necessary details to resolve issues effectively.
  • Intuitive permissioning settings let you define precisely which Staff members or Teams are authorized to view, respond, or re-assign tickets. Additional options give you full control to configure auto-replies, default signatures, Auto-BCC, and default initial ticket status.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/574-support-tickets-overview

Portals / Landing Pages

  • Landing Pages, another massive release this week, is a foundational feature that will open up a whole new world of possibilities! Whether you need a stand-alone registration page for potential Clients or a one-page sell page for a special offer, Landing Pages are designed to help you achieve your goals.
  • Reach a broader audience as these web pages are publicly accessible to anyone, not just logged-in Clients and Staff. This widens your marketing reach and allows you to capture Leads and engage potential Clients who might be new to your platform.
  • Customize the URL of your Landing Page with a friendly, memorable link that aligns with your brand or campaign. A Friendly URL enhances the page’s aesthetics and makes it easier to remember and share.
  • Easily combine and link multiple pages together, creating a cohesive and intuitive journey. Whether it’s guiding Clients through a step-by-step process or providing in-depth information, this capability allows for a seamless and interconnected experience, enhancing engagement and satisfaction.
  • Landing Pages are 100% available to the public, but you can also configure Private Blocks on the Page that will only be visible when a properly authenticated Prospect/Client/Staff is viewing the Page. Additionally, the visibility of these Private Blocks can be controlled so that they are only visible to specific Roles, Circles, Teams, etc.. which means each one of these Landing Pages can “morph” based on whether or not the viewer is authenticated. This means you can show one message to viewers who are not yet active in your world, but at the same time show a different message to viewers who are “Known” and authenticated in the browser.
  • Built-in SEO settings ensure you have the ability to optimize your Landing Pages for being crawled by search engines.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/572-pages-creating-a-landing-page

Portals / File Upload & Download Blocks

  • Introducing the File Upload and File Download Blocks, an innovative enhancement to our Dynamic Content Editor (DyCE). This new feature makes it drop-dead easy for your CRM and Staff Targets to seamlessly upload and download documents and/or files directly on Dynamic Dashboards or Portal Pages.
  • With the File Upload Block, Targets can effortlessly upload files to your choice of designated folders or file repositories. The File Download Block allows easy access and retrieval of files, ensuring that Prospects, Clients, and Staff can obtain relevant documents with ease.
  • What sets our File Upload and File Download Blocks apart is their flexibility and power. Files can be dynamically retrieved and delivered by associating folders and locations with each specific Prospect, Client, or Staff member. This personalized approach enables efficient and targeted file management, improving overall productivity.
  • Say goodbye to manual file handling with this feature. Files are automatically assigned to the appropriate folders or locations, facilitating consistent organization and easy retrieval. This streamlines document management, saving time and effort for the entire team.
  • Embrace the power of SuiteDash’s File Upload and File Download Blocks and experience the ease and efficiency they bring to your file management workflows. Say goodbye to manual file handling and embrace a seamless and organized approach. Elevate your file management with SuiteDash today.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Projects / Project Notes

  • Now you have the ability to co-locate and organize relevant information directly inside each and every Project. Project Notes help you maintain a structured workflow, enabling you to access critical details, updates, and insights quickly, which ultimately boosts productivity.
  • Whether you’re working alone or with a team, you can easily create and share project-related notes, ensuring each participant in the Project sees exactly the notes/info they need to see and nothing more.
  • Use Project Notes as a repository for essential project information or to update the Team/Clients with new information as the Project moves along. Document key developments, meeting notes, and/or any other pertinent details, ensuring a comprehensive record of the Project’s history, which can be invaluable for future reference or audits.
  • And, with the ability to use Custom Fields within notes, you can use Dynamic Data Placeholders to automatically and seamlessly insert data inside the Note. This feature enhances the usability and power of your notes, making them more informative and relevant for better decision-making.
  • Additionally, in Project Generators, you can define a “First Note” that will be written to all Projects generated from a particular Project Generator.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/78-project-settings,

CRM / Advanced Bulk Edit for CRM Targets

  • Bulk Edit for CRM Companies and Contacts has been completely overhauled and improved to help you accomplish your goals easily and efficiently.
  • Using the powerful Fiters already built into the platform, you can narrow your entire list to the appropriate subset. Then, just click Bulk Edit to choose what edits should be applied to every member of that filtered set. Or, use the checkboxes to select just a few of the filtered results.
  • CRM Bulk Edit helps you ensure data accuracy and consistency across your CRM by giving you the power to quickly and easily update key details, such as Contact information or Company attributes.
  • Powerful options include the ability to filter by and update the Salesperson and/or Coordinator, modify custom fields, add/remove Circles, add/remove Tags, and much more!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/336-crm-bulk-edit

Forms / Route Project Custom Fields data precisely to existing Projects

  • This powerful addition to both Kickoff and Update Forms gives you the ability to collect data and instantly associate it with either an existing Project or a newly generated Project.
  • This flexibility and power means that you can now create dedicated Project Kickoff Forms or create Forms that are designed to be presented and completed at various stages of the Project.
  • Instead of asking for information and manually entering it into a Project, you can now seamlessly transfer data submitted in a Kickoff or Update Form directly to a specific Project using Project Custom Fields. This streamlines your workflow, reduces the risk of errors, and saves valuable time, enabling you to focus on Project execution and Client satisfaction.
  • By applying data from Kickoff Forms or Update Forms to existing Projects, you maintain consistency in your Project data. This ensures that all Project-related information is up-to-date and aligned with the Client’s preferences and requirements.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms, https://help.suitedash.com/article/286-update-forms

Automations / New Billing Data Placeholders for Custom Field Math

  • Now, in Automations, you have the ability to use the numerical values of Invoice Payments, Estimate Totals, and Proposal Totals as dynamic variables in your Custom Field Math equations.
  • These new capabilities are designed to help create a basic commission-tracking or incentive program among your Staff via the Coordinator and salesperson identities.
  • For example, you can set up an Automation triggered when an Invoice is paid. As part of that Automation, you will select “Set Custom Field Value,” from that action, you’ll select the Salesperson Custom Field that you set up for this purpose (must be NUMBER type). In that action, you’ll set the calculation to be “[[current_value]] + ([[inv_payment]] * .25)” and this equation will continually calculate and total a 25% commission paid to a Salesperson, based on the amount of Invoice payments made by that Salesperson’s claimed/assigned Clients.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

Portals / Custom Logo for Account Confirmation Page

  • When it comes to White Labeling, you would be hard-pressed to find another platform that takes it as seriously as we do! We provide Platform Branding, Email Branding, Custom URL, Custom Login, White Label DNS Endpoints, and the ability to completely hide the Super Admin, Template Library, etc. – all of these measures are designed to promote YOUR brand and completely hide the fact that SuiteDash is powering your Portal. Now you can add the Account Confirmation page to that list.
  • When you send a Portal Access Invitation to your Prospects, Clients, and/or Staff to your Portal, the first step they encounter is known as the “Account Confirmation” page.
  • Now, you have the option to define a very specific custom logo to be displayed on the Account Confirmation page, ensuring a uniquely white-labeled onboarding experience for your Clients and Prospects.
  • The ability to customize your logo/presentation for this particular step gives you the ultimate freedom to design your own experience and customize it as you need.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-platform-branding

Billing / Edit Invoice in Partially Paid Status

  • Previously, Invoices could not be edited after they had been paid, even if the payment was only a partial payment, but NOW, you have the flexibility to edit Invoices even when they have a “Partially Paid” status.
  • This flexibility is crucial for adapting to changing Client needs or addressing errors without the need to create a new invoice. This means a better experience for you and your Clients.
  • AYou can easily correct mistakes, update pricing, or adjust items or quantities. This feature helps maintain accurate financial records and fosters transparency in Client communication.
  • If the Invoice has Installment Payments configured, the platform will attempt to automatically adjust the Installment Payments, but in some scenarios the Installment Payments will need to be configured based on the new Invoice total.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/544-office-installment-payments

July 28th, 2023 Live

CRM / Live Chat with CRM Targets

  • Announcing the Beta release of the new Live “CRM Chat” feature. With this enhancement, you can now engage in chat conversations directly with your valued CRM Targets, streamlining communication and strengthening relationships.
  • This long-awaited addition to our Live Chat feature provides you with seamless control over the ability to Chat with your CRM Targets. You have the flexibility to enable or disable CRM Chat as needed, allowing you to adapt the chat experience to meet specific business requirements. By adjusting the CRM Chat settings, you can designate when CRM Targets can initiate chat conversations.
  • Furthermore, Admins can customize the chat experience by selecting the specific Staff Members with whom CRM Targets can engage. This granular control ensures that CRM Targets can connect with the most relevant and appropriate members of your Staff, enhancing communication and fostering stronger relationships.
  • Embrace SuiteDash’s CRM Chat feature and elevate your communication strategies. Strengthen your relationships with CRM Targets through seamless chat conversations and improved engagement. Unlock the power of effective CRM communication with SuiteDash today.
  • Available NOW to ALL Thrive & Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

CRM / Hide “Individual Mode” in Bulk Edit

  • Now you can extend the usefulness of the “Hide Individual Mode” functionality through the powerful use of Bulk Edit. With this release, you can selectively apply the “Hide Individual Mode” en masse, providing you with enhanced control and flexibility over your data management.
  • By leveraging the “Hide Individual Mode” functionality in bulk, you can streamline your workflow and focus solely on managing Companies, eliminating any distractions or complications that may arise if your Primary Contacts see the option to switch to their “Individual” profile.
  • Furthermore, this enhancement ensures that the Primary Contact is limited to representing their assigned Companies only. This restriction promotes data integrity and avoids any potential mix-ups or errors that may occur when Primary Contacts have access to Companies they are not directly associated with.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/570-crm-understanding-primary-contacts

CRM / Company Export Enhancements

  • Our improved Company & Contact Export feature allows you to define precisely which Default and/or Custom Fields you would like to include in your export. This level of customization ensures that you extract the specific data points that are relevant to your business and objectives, saving you time and effort.
  • Not only can you select the fields you want to include, but you can also easily define the order in which they appear in the export. This feature gives you complete control over the organization of your exported data, allowing for seamless integration with external systems or other internal processes.
  • To enhance your user experience even further, the platform will offer to remember and save the order and selections you have defined. This means that once you set up your export preferences, SuiteDash will automatically apply them for future exports, eliminating the need for redundant manual configuration.
  • Upgrade your data management capabilities with SuiteDash’s enhanced Company & Contact Export feature. Experience the ease and flexibility of creating customizable exports that precisely meet your requirements.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/66-importing-exporting-your-contacts

Automation / Scheduled Automations

  • Revolutionize the way you design and manage Automation workflows. With Scheduled Automations, you now have the power to create and customize schedules composed of Automation sets, bringing unparalleled efficiency to your business processes.
  • Each Schedule consists of a series of Automation Sets, which are multiple Automation “Shots” grouped together and fired simultaneously based on a specific schedule-based Trigger. By leveraging this flexible framework, you can orchestrate complex and perfectly-timed Automations tailored to your specific needs.
  • Automation Sets within Scheduled Automations are scheduled around a “Based-On Date” (BoD), allowing you to precisely time and sequence your Automation actions. Define the BoD in various ways, including the date the Target is added to the Schedule, a specific future date, or a date determined by the value of a custom field. For example, if you gather the Target’s wedding date early on via a Kickoff or Update Form, you can create Automations that trigger before, after, or both before & after that date.
  • With Scheduled Automations, you gain full control over your Automation sequences, ensuring timely and targeted interactions with your audience. Whether it’s sending reminders, delivering personalized content, or executing specific actions at strategic intervals, this feature empowers you to optimize engagement and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/568-automations-schedules

White Label / Font Themes

  • Font Themes will give you the creative freedom to effortlessly select and apply fonts and their available styles to various elements within your Portal, ensuring a visually appealing and cohesive user experience.
  • With Font Themes, you gain access to an extensive selection of fonts to personalize your Portal’s typography. The integration with Google Fonts makes it easy to select and apply fonts, along with their available styles, to various elements within your Portal.
  • By leveraging this feature, you can elevate the visual appeal and branding of your Portal, creating a unique and engaging user experience. Whether it’s headers, paragraphs, buttons, or other elements, you have the flexibility to choose fonts that align with your brand identity and enhance readability.
  • Upgrade your Portal’s visual appeal with SuiteDash’s Font Themes feature. Personalize your typography with a wide range of fonts and their available styles, creating a unique and engaging user experience. Trust SuiteDash to provide you with the tools and functionalities needed to enhance your Portal’s branding and aesthetics.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-platform-branding

Portal / FLOWs for Staff

  • SuiteDash is proud to introduce an update to FLOWs that will transform and streamline the onboarding and data collection process for your Staff members, making it simpler, more efficient, and hassle-free.
  • FLOWs for Staff empowers your Staff members to seamlessly submit data collection forms, eSign agreements, watch informative videos, upload and download files, and much more! This comprehensive suite of functionalities ensures that Staff members have all the tools they need to complete their onboarding process smoothly and without any complications.
  • Furthermore, the submitted data is efficiently filed and associated with the appropriate Staff member, minimizing any potential errors or misplacements. This ensures that all necessary information is accurately recorded and easily accessible, boosting efficiency and reducing administrative burden.
  • By integrating FLOWs for Staff into your onboarding workflow, you can save valuable time and resources that would have otherwise been spent on manual data collection and processing.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/384-automations-flows

Forms / Update Forms for Staff

  • Update Forms for Staff provides the perfect tool to streamline your HR processes, enhancing the accuracy and completeness of your Staff members’ data profiles. Through these forms, you can collect critical details, ensuring that you have a comprehensive understanding of your Staff members’ qualifications, skills, and personal information.
  • With Update Forms for Staff, you can eliminate tedious manual data collection methods, saving time and reducing potential errors. The information submitted through the Update Forms automatically and updates the Staff member’s profile, ensuring accurate documentation and easy retrieval when needed.
  • The seamless integration of Update Forms for Staff empowers you to take control of your HR responsibilities like never before. The built-in functionalities enable you to customize and tailor the form fields to meet your specific needs, ensuring that you collect the right information for your organization.
  • Upgrade your HR functionality with SuiteDash and experience the ease and efficiency of managing Staff member data. Take advantage of Update Forms to streamline your processes, close the loop on essential HR functions, and maintain accurate and up-to-date profiles.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/286-update-forms

Files / Files for Staff

  • This feature empowers you to categorize and store Files for your Staff members The intuitive interface allows you to upload, manage, and update Files with ease, ensuring that your Staff has all the necessary resources at their fingertips.
  • To prioritize data security, access to Staff files is protected by a solid permission structure. This structure allows you to assign appropriate access levels to Staff members, ensuring that only authorized individuals can view and interact with specific Files. This protects sensitive information and enables better control and governance over your organization’s data.
  • Files for Staff seamlessly integrates into the SuiteDash Files Toolkit, providing a complete solution for file management and collaboration. By centralizing your Staff’s Files within SuiteDash, you can reduce clutter and maximize efficiency, promoting smooth workflow and effective project execution.
  • Upgrade your file management prowess with SuiteDash and experience the convenience of easily organizing and updating Files for your Staff. With flexible privacy settings and robust permission controls, you can ensure data security and streamline collaboration.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/52-files-toolkit-overview

Portal / No-Code Linking Options for Image Block

  • Updates to the Image Block allow you to easily add direct linking functionality to your images, giving you the flexibility to link directly or use relative URLs. Additionally, you can choose from a selection of No Code Link Actions, enabling you to easily redirect Targets to relevant content or actions.
  • But that’s not all – SuiteDash takes it a step further by offering the ability to directly link to other Portal Pages. With this functionality, you can create a network of interlinked Pages, providing a seamless and intuitive navigation experience for your users.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Automation / Change Coordinator/Salesperson Custom Field data in Automations

  • You can now modify data associated with a Target’s Coordinator or Salesperson, providing you with unprecedented control and flexibility in your automations.
  • By utilizing the Target of the Automation as a reference, the platform intelligently identifies the assigned Coordinator or Salesperson and modifies the data associated with the selected Staff Custom Field. This streamlined process ensures accuracy and consistency, enabling you to maintain up-to-date and relevant information about your Targets.
  • Combine this functionality with the existing Custom Field Math functionality to create a point-based reward program or any unique gamification structure that you can devise.
  • COMING SOON: Data placeholders like {{Invoice_Total}} that can be used in Custom Field Math, and this will take you another step towards custom-coded Commission calculations, Gamification, etc.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

Billing / Send Invoice Custom Field data to Stripe

  • When an Invoice is paid, you now have the option to send the associated Invoice Custom Field data to the payment gateway as metadata, providing you with valuable insights and enhanced record-keeping capabilities.
  • When creating or editing any Invoice Custom Field, you will now see an option for “Send data to Gateway.” By enabling this setting, the data associated with that Custom Field will be sent to your payment gateway when the Invoice is paid. This facilitates the seamless integration of payment data and ensures that all relevant information is captured and recorded along with each transaction.
  • This feature is currently only available with Stripe, a leading payment gateway provider.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/430-invoice-custom-fields

Portal / Force Dark Mode

  • Dark Mode can be a divisive subject 🙂 Some people are not fans, some people love it, and some people REALLY love it! With our latest update, we have pushed customization even further, allowing you to have the highest level of control over Dark Mode.
  • Recent enhancements included the ability to configure a separate and unique Dark Mode Custom Logo for both desktop and mobile. This ensures that your branding remains consistent and impactful, regardless of the user’s device.
  • In addition to the Custom Logo, if you are using the Platform Background or Frosted Glass effect setting, you can now set a specific and unique background image that will be used exclusively when Dark Mode is activated. This feature adds an extra touch of personalization and aesthetic appeal to your platform.
  • And now, you have the option to “force” Dark Mode, granting you full control over the user experience. By enabling this feature, all of your users will only see Dark Mode, and they won’t have the option to switch Dark Mode on or off. This ensures a consistent and immersive experience throughout the platform. May the Forcing of the Dark Side be with you!
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/454-dark-mode

Forms / Form Field ID Icons

  • Introducing Form Field ID Icons, a new feature designed to enhance the efficiency of working with Forms. These icons provide easy visual identification of each form field type, reducing the need to repeatedly expand fields to remind yourself of the type of information contained within a collapsed form field, streamlining your form management process.
  • Simplify form navigation and reduce the time spent expanding fields by utilizing these visual identification icons.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/432-forms-overview

June 23rd, 2023 Live

CRM / Company Import & Improved Import Logs

  • We’re excited to announce that you now have two distinct options for populating your CRM via import. If you are working primarily with Companies, the Company Import will be a very valuable addition to your arsenal.
  • The Company Import gives you the power to add Companies en masse while also creating/assigning the Primary Contact and populating both Default Company Fields and Public / Private Company Custom Fields.
  • Company Import and Contact Import are each designed with a specific purpose, so depending on your specific use case, you may use only Company, only Contact, or a combination of the two. Regardless of how you want to use the imports, you have the ability to use one or both tools to accomplish specific tasks related to populating or updating your CRM.
  • In addition to the new Company Import, there is an improved design and presentation for the CRM Import/Export Logs. All logs are conveniently located in the same location, and to make finding specific logs easy, you can view/filter logs for both Imports and Exports for either Company or Contacts.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/66-importing-your-contacts

CRM / Ability to hide the Individual Profile in Profile Switcher

  • The SuiteDash CRM takes all aspects of CRM dynamics into consideration and offers you an ultra-powerful set of options based on how your organization works with potential Clients. You can work with both Companies AND Individuals in an equally powerful way – without restrictions, choices, or sacrifices.
  • However, if you work exclusively with Companies, and you know that you will never want to work with the Primary Contact as an Individual, then you now have the power to “hide” Individual Mode from the Primary Contact. Simply enter the EDIT mode of the Primary Contact, and you’ll see the new setting in the “Company Connections” section.
  • If you choose to Hide Individual Mode, the Primary Contact will always be logged as the representative of the Company and will not have the Profile Switcher option to switch to Individual Mode.
  • Prospects/Clients are less likely to be confused if they never see the Individual Mode and/or Profile Switcher, and if you will never need that functionality, then there is no harm done!
  • COMING SOON: In the next weeks, you’ll also have the ability to auto-enable this setting in Kickoff Forms when you have the Company set as the Target. There will be continued development in this direction with the goal of providing as much flexibility as possible around this functionality.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/65-creating-a-new-contact

CRM / Inactive Companies

  • It is now possible to set a Company as Inactive!
  • There are many scenarios in which you might want to manually set a Company as Inactive. Maybe they have not made a payment, or perhaps you’ve completed your business, but you don’t want to completely delete the Company because there is a chance that they’ll return for more services later, etc.
  • When you set a Company as Inactive, the Company is removed from the list of active Companies, the Primary Contact is unassociated, and the Company appears in the Idle/Inactive list with Inactive status.
  • If you want to re-activate the Company, you can easily do that. You will be prompted to set a Primary Contact (the previous Primary is offered by default), and after the Primary Contact is set, the Company returns to active status.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/67-understanding-companies

CRM / Form Submissions in Contact/Company Dashboard

  • Previously, Form Submissions were available for viewing on the Form level – each Form had a list of the specific Submissions. That still exists, but now you can also find each Company/Contact’s Form Submissions directly in the Company/Contact Dashboard.
  • Now you can easily review the Form Submissions by a specific Company/Contact without leaving their CRM Dashboard.
  • COMING SOON: FLOW Submissions & completed Documents will also be available in the CRM Dashboard.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/538-crm-dashboard

Forms / Choice Block in Update Forms

  • The Choice Block allows a Target to choose different paths while completing a Form. For example, you could set up a choice of different Subscription Plans with varying prices/plans. Or, you could add the Contact to different Circles with unique viewable content depending on their choice.
  • To your Targets, the Choice Block will appear as a dropdown menu for the Target to select from. When the Form is submitted, Assignments & Automations will be applied based on your configuration for the option they selected.
  • The Choice Block has always been available in Kickoff Forms, but now we’re excited to announce that the Choice Block is also available in Update Forms, which means you can amplify the power of “choice” into your workflows and funnels.
  • Pinnacle users will be able to configure a unique set of Automations to be triggered based on the option chosen by the Target when completing the Update Form.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/286-update-forms

Files / Recently Deleted Files

  • The Files Toolkit in SuiteDash is super-powerful because it gives you the ability to directly integrate Files/Folders into your particular organization’s permissions and onboarding structure.
  • We’ve now implemented a “Recently Deleted” folder, which will serve as an automatic way to delete files easily, but still have the option to restore them for 30 days.
  • When you delete a file, it will be moved to the Recently Deleted folder. From that point, the file will stay in Recently Deleted for 30 days, after which it will be permanently deleted.
  • If you need to restore the file, just navigate to the Recently Deleted folder and use the 3-dots menu to select “Restore” and the file will be restored.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/52-files-toolkit-overview

Appointments / Email & SMS Appointment Reminders for Appointment Target

  • Before now, the Target (Contact) of your Appointments was able to configure Reminders on their side, but it wasn’t possible for the Admin to create a standard reminder sequence for all Targets.
  • Now, you have the ability to pre-define one or more Email, SMS or Platform Notification Appointment Reminders to be sent in advance of the Appointment.
  • You can create multiple Reminders using any of the available options, thus creating a unique and specific Reminder sequence for each Appointment Type.
  • NOTE: The ability to send SMS reminders is only available to use when the Twilio integration is enabled and properly configured.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/377-manage-your-calendars-and-schedules

Dashboards / CRM Filter Block

  • Introducing a new Block for the Block Builder designed to enhance your Staff/Admin Dashboards by showing a real-time list of Companies/Contacts that fit a specific set of conditions related to your workflows and/or funnels!
  • Do you want a quick view of the Prospects who are currently in your CRM? Or the Clients? Or the Companies/Contacts in a specific Circle? Or Tag?
  • Now you can add one or more CRM Filter Blocks to a Dashboard, and set each one uniquely to display all the Contacts that match your configured settings for that particular Block. Segment by Role, Circle, Tag, Last Login Date, etc. so that you can have real-time visibility as to which Contacts are currently in which position in your workflow/funnel.
  • And, each Company/Contact card has a quick-link navigation built right in that will take you immediately to that particular Company/Contact’s CRM Dashboard.
  • This can be especially useful if you are using Circles to identify each stage of your onboarding process. In this case, you could easily create a Dashboard with a CRM Filter Block set to filter for each stage (by Circle) and in so doing, you’ll have perfect visibility of the Companies/Contacts in each stage – and be able to quickly access their CRM Dashboard.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Dashboards / Reporting Block

  • Dashboards is a highly-functional feature that lets you build & configure bespoke Dashboards for you, your Staff, your Prospects, and/or your Clients.
  • The Reporting Block is designed to be displayed on an admin-style Dashboard in an effort to provide Admin & Staff visibility of key statistics related to the primary areas of the platform.
  • Quickly see the number of Leads, Prospects & Clients, the number of Upcoming Events, the total of Unpaid Invoices, the number of open Tasks, and much more! You can easily enable/disable specific data sets by Toolkit so that the Reporting Block can be exactly as you want it.
  • To suggest additional data points for the Reporting Block, please email your suggestions to help@suitedash.com with the subject line “Reporting Block Suggestions”
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Automation / Assign Salesperson Automation

  • One of the most powerful aspects of SuiteDash is the ability to trigger Automations based on some actions or completion of tasks within the platform.
  • Now, using the No-Code Automation Widget, you have the option of assigning or changing the Target’s assigned Salesperson.
  • Be aware that changing a Target’s Salesperson can have an automated downstream effect, depending on your specific choice of Exclusive Mode vs. Shared Mode as it relates to Salesperson Visibility.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

Automation / Webhook Improvements in Automations

  • Just a few months ago, we released the very powerful Webhook Automation, which will enable any number of integration possibilities.
  • A webhook is a notification message indicating that a specific event has occurred. When the event occurs, the notification, usually comprised of raw data, is sent via HTTPS POST to a destination URL of your choice.
  • For this Webhook Automation, the data posted is related to the Target of the Automation. A structured data sample is provided directly in the Automation step so it’s easy to know what data will be passed and how it will be structured.
  • This functionality has been improved with the ability to choose multiple endpoints in the same automated Webhook, which means the HTTPS POST can be sent to multiple destination URLs in the same moment.
  • In addition, the Webhook Automation is now capable of sending both Company and Contact data, depending on whether the Target of the Automation is a Company or a Contact.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

Billing / Dynamic Items powered by Public/Private Company Custom Fields

  • Recently, we released an exciting feature called Dynamic Invoice Items, and it is an absolute game-changer when it comes to automating workflows around Billing and Invoicing.
  • Now, in addition to being able to specify static values in the Automation, you can use “Number” type Custom Fields from either CRM Contacts, CRM Company Private/Public, or Project Custom Fields. Every time the Automation is triggered, it will pass the current values of the selected Custom Fields to the appropriate Dynamic Item in the O-D Invoice Generator.
  • With the Dynamic Item in place, you can then reference the On-Demand Generator in your Automations and adjust the Item details like Item title, description, quantity, pricing, etc., so that each Invoice the On-Demand Generator generates can be unique based on the data provided to the Dynamic Item by the Automation.
  • When you create the Dynamic Item, you will provide default values for title, description, quantity, rate, etc., but those values can be overridden when other values are passed to the Generator by an Automation.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/361-office-invoice-generators

White Label / Custom Background Images & Logos for Dark Mode

  • Dark Mode can be a divisive subject 🙂 Some people are not fans, some people love it, and some people REALLY love it!
  • Of course, SuiteDash is all about customization and White Labeling, so when it comes to Dark Mode, we’ve pushed even further to give you the highest level of customization.
  • Now you can set a separate and unique Dark Mode Custom Logo for both desktop and mobile.
  • In addition, if you are using the Platform Background / Frosted Glass effect setting, you can set a specific and unique background image to be used only when Dark Mode is engaged.
  • To set your custom Dark Mode platform logos/background, simply navigate to Platform Branding and look for the new logo/background image uploaders.
  • COMING SOON: In the next weeks, you’ll also have the option to “force” Dark Mode, which will mean that all your users will only see Dark Mode – they won’t have the option to switch Dark Mode on/off.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-platform-branding

April 28th, 2023 Live

CRM / Company First 2.0

  • After many months of work behind the scenes, Company First 2.0 is LIVE!
  • Company First 2.0 takes all aspects of CRM dynamics into consideration and offers you an ultra-powerful set of options based on how your organization works with potential Clients.
  • Now you can work with both Individuals AND with Companies in an equally powerful way – without restrictions, choices, or sacrifices.
  • When your target market is comprised of Companies, you’ll simply add the Company to your CRM and set a Primary Contact. You will then assign Proposals, Estimates, Invoices, Projects, etc. directly to the Company. Doing this ensures continuity of process in your organization even if the Primary Contact of the Company changes (they quit, are reassigned, etc.)
  • The Primary Contact will receive all notifications for the Company and can represent the Company in the Portal to sign Documents, pay Invoices, or complete Forms. One Contact can be assigned as the Primary Contact for many Companies – There are no practical limits.
  • In addition, you can also work with the Primary Contact as an Individual, completely outside any Company affiliation or association.
  • If you work exclusively with Individuals, you can easily do that as well. Easy peasy!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

CRM / Company First 2.0 / Supporting Features

  • Alongside the core Company First 2.0 functionality, we’ve released a full set of accompanying features designed to streamline implementation and adoption.
  • Profile Switcher & Preferred Profile: When a Contact is set as the Primary Contact for a Company, they have the Profile Switcher enabled in their account, which lets them quickly and easily switch between Company profiles and their Individual profile. They can also set their “Preferred Profile,” which means they will always start in that Profile when entering the Portal from a logged-out state.
  • Kickoff Forms: When you use the Company form field, you now have the option to “Use the Company as the Target” which means that the Company will be the Target of any/all Assignments and/or Automations configured in that Kickoff Form.
  • Kickoff & Update Forms: You can now use both Private and Public Company Custom Fields in both Kickoff and Update Forms. This means you now have the option to “kickoff” all of your workflows in a way that fits nicely into the Company First 2.0 framework. Additionally, these Private/Public Custom Fields are available in Update Forms.
  • Company Files: Companies now have their own dedicated File structure in the Files Toolkit. The default structure is exactly the same as you will find with Contacts, and the default folders work in exactly the same way.
  • Dynamic Logic Engine: Both Private & Public Company Custom Fields are now available to be referenced in the Dynamic Logic Engine.
  • Company API: You are now able to access Company data via the API – this includes Default Fields and both Public & Private Custom Fields
  • Custom Field Categories: You are able to apply Custom Field Categories to both Private & Public Company Custom Fields.
  • Custom Field Settings: You are now able to manage both Private and Public Company Custom Fields in CRM > Settings. You can specify the order of appearance, set as required, or just hide them altogether if you choose. You can also click any Custom Field from this interface to manage the details of that individual Custom Field.
  • Custom Field Categories: Custom Field Categories are now available for both Private and Public Company Custom Fields. Custom Field Categories help you specify which Custom Fields appear in the Contact & Company Dashboard for each Contact or Company.
  • Custom Field Maintenance Tool: This Maintenance Tool is provided to help keep Custom Field values in sync for those who are still populating Company data into CRM Contact Custom Fields.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Forms / Save as Draft

  • Forms are a massively important part of onboarding new business, but there are times when your Targets are not able to complete the Form because they don’t have all the information or are running short on time.
  • Now you have a tool to help capture and close that business! On each individual Form, you can enable the “Save Form as Draft” option, which will present a new button on the Form directly beside the existing Submit button.
  • The Target can use the “Save Draft” button to save a partially completed form as a Draft and return to it at any time to complete the Form. Be aware that this feature uses cookies to accomplish the goal, so if the Target clears the browser cache or prevents cookies, this feature may not work as intended.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms, https://help.suitedash.com/article/286-update-forms, https://help.suitedash.com/article/363-forms-general-forms

FLOWs / Skip a Step

  • FLOWs are automated data collection sequences you can set up for your Contacts to complete forms, upload/download files, set Appointments, and/or eSign documents.
  • There are times when your Prospects/Clients will start a FLOW but not be able or willing to complete all the FLOW Steps. Previously, this would mean that they couldn’t complete the FLOW, and this was causing friction and frustration.
  • Now, when designing your FLOWs, you can enable the “Skip this Step” option, which will allow that specific Step to be skipped by the Target as they are working through the FLOW.
  • When a Step is skipped, the Step will be considered “complete,” the configured Automations for that Step will be fired, and as long as the completion requirements for all the other FLOW Steps are satisfied, the FLOW as a whole can be completed.
  • In the next iteration, we plan to offer options related to the “Skip this Step” option, such as a dedicated set of Automations if the Skip option is used and some additional logic that will not allow the FLOW to be completed and set a reminder sequence to help the Target return and complete the skipped FLOW Step(s).
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/384-automations-flows, https://help.suitedash.com/article/441-flow-steps-breakdown, https://help.suitedash.com/article/422-automations-managing-flows

Automation / Manually Trigger Auto-Templates for Circles + Multiple Companies/Contacts

  • An Auto-Template is a pre-configured set of Automations you can build and save. You can then trigger them manually or use them in an Automated Workflow.
  • Until now, the ability to manually trigger an Auto-Template was limited to a one-at-a-time “click to trigger” for a specific Company/Contact, but now you can select multiple Companies/Contacts or even a Circle and manually trigger an Auto-Template.
  • Triggering an Auto-Template for a Circle or for multiple Companies/Contacts at once means that each one of the selecting Companies/Contacts will become an individual Target, and the Automations specified in the chosen Auto-Template will be executed uniquely for each one of those individual Targets.
  • From the Circles list, you’ll find the “Auto-Template” option available in the Options menu, and from the Contacts & Companies list, you’ll find that you can select multiple Targets and then scroll to the bottom to access the “Bulk Actions” select box to access the “Auto-Template” option.
  • Keep in mind that some Automations will be Role-specific. For example, if you select a “Lead” as a part of a Bulk selection, and the chosen Automation has a Project Generator specified, a Project will not be generated for the Companies/Contacts who are Leads.
  • This powerful addition has the capability to be an incredible time-saver by executing a series of Automations against an entire set of Targets with just one click!
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to Thrive and Pinnacle SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/437-automations-auto-templates

Proposals / Integrated Content Block Editor

  • You now can create and edit your Proposals using the familiar and powerful Content Block Editor. Not only does this simplify layout and design, but it also enables the ultra-flexible dynamic option to show/hide specific rows, etc., based on Role and/or Circle affiliation.
  • Using the dynamic Access Options, you can design a Proposal Template that adapts based on the type of Prospect or Client to whom you are sending the Proposal. Set a row to hide for some Clients and to show for others. In this way, you can include/exclude sections of the Proposal when needed without any additional effort.
  • Implementing the Content Block Editor in Proposals opens the door to a wide range of new and interesting dynamic content that can easily integrate with the control and permissions structures used throughout the platform.
  • Coming soon: Proposal Choice Block will enable the Target to make selections from your configured choices to “build” a list of items they are accepting, and based on the items they accept, the Proposal total will automatically adjust.
  • Available to ALL Thrive & Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/435-proposal-templates, https://help.suitedash.com/article/434-proposals

Template Library / Private Template Sharing

  • The Template Library is a repository for pre-built Templates. It contains both user-created and stock Templates that are provided by default.
  • You always had the option of contributing your Templates to the Template Library, thus making them available to the entire Community. But, there may be times when you want to share with just one person or a few people in a way that you can control.
  • Now, you can Privately Share your Templates on a per-Template basis or in a more powerful way using the Global Template Sharing option.
  • Simply enable the “Private Sharing” option when contributing the Template, and you’ll be given a Private Sharing Key code that you can copy to your clipboard and easily share with your recipients.
  • Also very handy if you want to move a Template from one account that you control to another account that you control. Or, for Agencies who are doing SuiteDash work for multiple accounts, this will make it very easy to get your Templates into new/existing accounts to act as a starting point.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/457-template-library

Custom Fields / Calculating Custom Fields

  • We’re very excited to announce that Calculating Custom Fields is LIVE!
  • Yes, you now have the ability to perform complex mathematical calculations using Custom Fields as variables, which means that you can build equations using Custom Fields and output the result on any Dashboard and/or Portal Page.
  • To get started, go to Custom Fields and create a new Custom Field. In most ways, the creation process is normal, but for “Type,” you will select “Calculating.” For the value, you will create your equation using standard mathematical formatting and insert CF placeholders (number type only) as variables in the equation.
  • The Calculating Custom Field will not show in Company/Contact Dashboards, but the placeholder will be available in the Placeholder Picker in Dashboards, Portal Pages, and other places where you can insert Dynamic Data Placeholders. The Calculating Custom Field (CCF) Placeholder will render the result of the equation you configured for the CCF.
  • Coming soon: The ability to use CCFs in the Chart Block and Dynamic Logic Engine!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/248-custom-fields

LMS / Course Level Custom CSS & JS

  • Creating an LMS Course can serve your business as a sellable Product, a nicely structured Tutorial, or as an introductory “tour” of your business, your credentials, and a showcase of endorsements and/or testimonials.
  • With so many use cases, it’s obvious that you may want to style one LMS Course in one way and another LMS Course in another way, which is why we’ve given you LMS Course level Custom CSS & JS.
  • By default, when a new LMS Course is created, the Custom CSS from Platform Branding will be adopted, but from there, you can completely customize as needed for the LMS Course, and that CSS & JS will be applied uniquely when that Course is viewed from the Participant side.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/523-lms-manage-your-courses

White Label / Preview of Account Confirmation Customizations

  • When you invite a new Prospect/Client/Staff to the Portal, the first place they encounter is the Account Confirmation page, which is where they set their password before continuing into the Portal.
  • You have the power to completely customize this view to fit your brand, but until now, the only way to see the results of your customizations was to create a test Prospect/Client and go through the process of onboarding, which was somewhat cumbersome.
  • Now, you have a Preview button directly below the settings for this customization, which lets you easily and quickly Preview as many times as needed to achieve your desired result.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-platform-branding

CRM / General Improvements

  • When URL Custom Fields of “Hyperlink” type are displayed on the Company/Contact Dashboard, you will now find two icons, one to open the link in a new tab and the other to copy the link to your clipboard.
  • Middle name is now available as a Default Field for CRM Contacts.
  • “Rev” is now available to set as a prefix in the same way you can set “Mr.”, “Mrs.”, “Dr.”, etc.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/248-custom-fields, https://help.suitedash.com/article/65-creating-a-new-contact, https://help.suitedash.com/article/512-form-field-types

March 17th, 2023 Live

White Label Source Code

  • When it comes to White Labeling, you would be hard-pressed to find another platform that takes it as seriously as we do! We provide Platform Branding, Email Branding, Custom URL, Custom Login, White Label DNS Endpoints, and the ability to completely hide the Super Admin, Template Library, etc. – all of these measures are designed to promote YOUR brand, and completely hide the fact that SuiteDash is powering your Portal.
  • Now, you can add “White Label Source Code” to that list! Yes, that’s right 🙂 If your Prospects, Clients, Staff, or even your competitors get “curious” and decide to “View Page Source” to scan the code, trying to figure out what technology you’re using to deliver such an amazing experience – they’ll find only generic code with no specific reference to SuiteDash.
  • The only exception to this is when the Super Admin is logged in. In this case, there are references to SuiteDash, but it is always safe and appropriate for the Super Admin to see references to SuiteDash as this person is the one who originally purchased the account and maintains the billing arrangement with SuiteDash.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/466-branding-overview

Form Themes

  • In another major step towards more complete customization, we are proud to announce that the first iteration of Form Themes is LIVE! The primary benefit of Form Themes is that they can be applied to any existing or future Form without changing or breaking the functionality of the Form. Form Themes are meant to affect only the appearance and styling of the Form.
  • You can now choose from over 30 pre-configured Form Themes that offer a variety of designs, layouts, and styles for you to choose from. New Themes will be continuously added so that your choices will be ever-expanding.
  • In addition, you can create, modify & save your own Form Themes and employ them uniquely on each Form, or you can set one of your custom Form Themes as the default for all new Forms.
  • When the Form Theme is loaded, we load all the CSS code that was used to achieve that Form Theme, and you can use that CSS as a starting point to make changes that achieve your goals. When you modify a default Form Theme, you’ll be prompted to save your changes as a new custom Form Theme, and this will ensure that your changes are safe and will be re-usable wherever you need it.
  • Form Themes are available as an option in the Template Library, so you can share your Form Theme with the Community by contributing it to the Template Library.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/552-forms-form-themes

Coordinator/Salesperson Dynamic Data Placeholders

  • Just a few weeks ago, we released an update that gave you the ability to show your Prospects & Clients the avatar/profile pic of their Coordinator or Salesperson. Now, with this release, we’ve completed that thought!
  • In all the appropriate places where you can access Dynamic Data Placeholders, you’ll find that you can now access data for the Target’s Coordinator or Salesperson. Of course, the basic data like name, phone, email, etc., can be displayed, but you also have the ability to show Custom Field data associated with the Coordinator and/or Salesperson 💪
  • With this new capability, you can create very detailed layouts in Portal Pages, Dashboards, etc., that can dynamically show each Contact the relevant information about their Coordinator or Salesperson.
  • And because you can use Staff Custom Fields to create custom data fields, there is no practical limit to how you can use this feature – the power is unlimited!
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/294-dynamic-data-placeholders

Editor Links : Use Built-in Preview

  • For those of you who link directly to PDFs in your Dashboards or Portal Pages, you now have the option to force a preview of that PDF or file in our built-in preview window.
  • When hyperlinking to a PDF, for example, you typically have no control over how your end users will experience that link because that behavior is a browser-level setting that each end user can have set up differently. They might have it set to open PDFs in a new tab, or others might have instructed their browser of choice to directly download linked PDFs – this is on their side, and typically out of our control.
  • But, because we have the Built-in Preview, we can custom link the PDF/File to be opened in that Preview and effectively bypass the end user’s browser settings, thus delivering a consistent and convenient experience for all your end users.
  • The Built-in Preview offers both Print and Download options, so your end users will always be able to have the same freedom of choice they are used to.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Dynamic Invoice Items : Use Custom Fields

  • Recently, we released an exciting feature called Dynamic Invoice Items, and it is an absolute game-changer when it comes to automating workflows around Billing and Invoicing.
  • Now, in addition to being able to specify static values in the Automation, you can use “Number” type Custom Fields from either CRM Contacts or Project Custom Fields. Every time the Automation is triggered, it will pass the current values of the selected Custom Fields to the appropriate Dynamic Item in the O-D Invoice Generator.
  • With the Dynamic Item in place, you can then reference the On-Demand Generator in your Automations and adjust the Item details like Item title, description, quantity, pricing, etc., so that each Invoice the On-Demand Generator generates can be unique based on the data provided to the Dynamic Item by the Automation.
  • When you create the Dynamic Item, you will provide default values for title, description, quantity, rate, etc., but those values can be overridden when other values are passed to the Generator by an Automation.
  • Available to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

Manage Tags

  • You now have the ability to see all your Tags in one place, edit Tag labels, and delete any Tags that you no longer have a need for. You can easily create new Tags, manage, and build out your intended Tag structure in one organized place.
  • Tags are available in many parts of the platform, and the general thing to remember is that they don’t have any programmatic function, which means they are meant to be used by you as an additional layer of organization based on nomenclature & systems that you devise.
  • One of the most popular uses for Tags in the CRM is to designate the source of a Lead, Prospect, or Client. This is accomplished by setting unique Tags for each Kickoff Form, Landing Page, or other lead-generation sources. Tags can remain unchanged during the entire customer journey, thus leaving you free to use other programmatic grouping mechanisms, like Circles, in the way they are intended, without losing the association you designed for Tags.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/551-tags

“Make Dashboard” Option for Portal Pages

  • Earlier this year, we released Dynamic Dashboards, which powered up your Dashboard game with our familiar Content Block Editor and the ever-adaptable dynamic options that it brings. This provides a super-flexible framework that supports both a robust permissioning structure and a wide range of planned development that includes new blocks designed to enhance a variety of dynamic Dashboard functionalities.
  • Before Dynamic Dashboards, many customers were using Portal Pages + Start Page functionality to create bespoke Dashboards for their Prospects/Clients, but for many, the Dynamic Dashboards can now do that job.
  • To help facilitate the changeover, we’ve now added a “Make Dashboard” option in Portal Pages that will duplicate the Portal Page content, and use that same content to create a new Dynamic Dashboard. From there, you can make the necessary changes to achieve your goals.
  • If your goal is to direct the Prospects/Clients to the new Dashboard instead of the Start Page, then be sure to remove the Start Page assignment from the Portal Page, and then properly make the assignments in the appropriate Dynamic Dashboard.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/53-creating-a-portal-page

February 10th, 2023 Live

Secure “White Label” API Framework

  • Did someone mention something about an API? Well, the time has come for the API journey to begin – yes, that’s right, you now have access to something quite unique – your own “White Label” Secure API + LIVE Documentation 🤯
  • As an All-in-One Business Software solution, it has always been part of our phased strategy to initially focus on building out, integrating, and automating our own Toolkits rather than spending our resources to enable integrations with 3rd party software. Of course, critical connections like external calendars, accounting, gateways, etc., were built by necessity, but in general, to this point, we have prioritized improving & expanding the SuiteDash platform.
  • We have now arrived at the strategic milestone where it’s time to take a more aggressive approach to enable data connections with 3rd party applications. The first major step has been establishing a solid foundational framework in a way that fits into our unique White Label structure. That has now been completed, and we have released the first of what will become many iterations – this iteration includes the ability to GET, POST, and PUT both Default and Custom Field data for CRM Contacts.
  • The Secure API LIVE Documentation can be directly accessed via the URL in your URL bar without logging in, which makes it possible for you to share this URL with your team or with your developer without giving direct access to your account. However, no actual data can be accessed unless the LIVE Documentation is properly authorized with the Secure API Credentials, which are only available to Admins who are logged into the account.
  • In the following months, we’ll be moving to expand the capabilities of the API / Webhooks with the goal of covering the primary platform functionalities by the end of 2023. As always, we’ll be looking to the Community to help us prioritize this work, and to do that, we’ve set up a completely separate VOTE board (link below) so that every single SuiteMate can make their priorities known. We’ll use the results of this voting to help prioritize the development of the API / Webhooks. We genuinely value your input, so if you don’t see what you’re looking for, please add your suggestion so that others can see it and vote it up! You can find the API / Webhook Voting Board HERE > https://vote.suitedash.com/b/api-integrations/
  • We are already in the planning process with several API integration platforms and expect to establish and grow our presence with the top platforms in this category. In addition to our existing Zapier integration, these new integrations will likely include Make.com (formerly Integromat), Pabbly Connect, and Integrately. Again, this effort may extend for the entirety of 2023, so please be patient as we work methodically with these providers.
  • As with any API offering, there are limits to the number of API calls your account can make. Your limits are based on which Plan is active for your account. API LIMITS are: Free Trial = 80 calls/month | Start = 400 calls/month | Thrive = 2,000 calls/month | Pinnacle = 20,000 calls/month | You will always be able to view your current usage statistics from inside your account via Integrations > Secure API. These limits are subject to change.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/550-secure-api

No-Code Automation : Webhook Automation

  • We’ve added a new Automation to our No-Code Automations Toolkit. We’re excited to release the Webhook Automation, which will enable any number of integration possibilities.
  • A webhook is a notification message indicating that a specific event has occurred. When the event occurs, the notification, usually comprised of raw data, is sent via HTTPS POST to a destination URL of your choice.
  • For this Webhook Automation, the data posted is related to the Target of the Automation. A structured data sample is provided directly in the Automation step so that it’s easy to know what data will be passed and how it will be structured.
  • Additionally, an Event field is provided to help enable powerful integrations. This field can optionally be used to assign any string to be used as an event identifier. This is helpful when this Automation is used to send notifications at various steps in a multi-step process.
  • Available to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

Dynamic Invoice Items

  • At SuiteDash, we build everything with an eye toward Automation, and this feature is an absolute game-changer when it comes to automating workflows around Billing and Invoicing.
  • Now, in On-Demand Invoice Generators, you have the option of creating and adding “Dynamic Items” to the OD Generator. These items are designed to be placeholders in the Generator so that in an Automation, they can be replaced/populated with dynamic data based on upstream choices or paths taken by the Target.
  • With the Dynamic Item in place, you can then reference the On-Demand Generator in your Automations and adjust the Item details like Item title, description, quantity, pricing, etc., so that each Invoice the On-Demand Generator generates can be unique based on the data provided to the Dynamic Item by the Automation.
  • When you create the Dynamic Item, you will provide default values for title, description, quantity, rate, etc., but those values can be overridden when other values are passed to the Generator by an Automation.
  • Available to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/361-office-invoice-generators

Drip Sequences : No-Code Automations

  • Drip Sequences in SuiteDash go MUCH further than what you might be used to! Of course, the Drip Sequences in SuiteDash can handle the traditional tasks associated with them, but with additional features like Reverse Drip and the ability to use a dynamic “Based-on Date”, our Drip Sequences can also do some pretty amazing things!
  • But NOW we’ve added even more horsepower to Drip Sequences by introducing the “Automations Drip” option! Yes, that’s right! Now, not only can you script out your Drip Sequences to send emails at specific intervals defined by you, but you can also set Automations to fire at specific intervals using all the options available in our No-Code Automations widget.
  • Just a simple example of how this can be used. Imagine that you create a Drip Sequence to act as a reminder process for a Prospect/Client to complete some action. So, the idea is that you put them on a specific Drip Sequence, and if they perform the action you are reminding them to do, you use an Automation tied to that action to move them off of that Drip Sequence by changing their Audience. If they don’t perform the action, then after the number of prescribed days, you can use the No-Code Automations Drip to automatically send yourself or your Staff an SMS or email notification to follow up with them manually – or change their Circle – or move them to an Audience with an even more aggressive reminder messaging. There are no limits, and it all happens automatically!
  • Keep in mind that Automations will only be applied to Known Prospects/Clients within the portal. Subscribers added by email who are not Known Users will not have the Automations applied.
  • Available to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/347-marketing-drip-sequences

Remote Chat : Send Form Links

  • Embeddable Remote Chat allows you to create and configure a chat that you can install on any 3rd party website. You’ll be able to completely control how the chat experience looks and feels, complete with custom colors, logos, icons, and text labels.
  • The latest iteration gives you the ability to quickly and easily post Form Links to the Guests in your Remote Chats.
  • When you or your Staff joins a Remote Chat, you will find a new icon in that individual Chat. When clicked, you’ll see a list of all the Kickoff and General Forms that exist in your account. Just select the Form(s) Links you want to insert into the Remote Chat, click Send, and the Guest will instantly see the direct links. Clicking the links will open the Forms in a new tab so that the Guest can complete the Forms even if they close the Remote Chat.
  • Available now as a part of the PRIME Bundle Power-Up

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/548-remote-chat-basics

Block Builder : Salesperson’s and Coordinator’s Avatar

  • One of the many powerful aspects of SuiteDash is the ability to create a dynamic Portal experience for your Prospects and Clients.
  • To help you accomplish these dynamic experiences, you now have the ability to dynamically display the avatar of the logged-in user’s Salesperson and their Coordinator.
  • Imagine a Dynamic Dashboard or a Portal Page that welcomes the Target into your Portal, and on that Dashboard, you want to familiarize them with their assigned Salesperson or Coordinator – now you can do just that in a dynamic way.
  • As you are creating with the Block Builder, just insert the Image Block and use the provided settings to select the “Salesperson Custom Image” or the “Coordinator Custom Image” and then indicate that you’d like to display the Avatar. Coming soon is the ability to use Dynamic Data Placeholders to return Default & Custom Field data from the Target’s assigned Coordinator and Salesperson.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Granular Permissions : No-Code Automations in Tasks

  • Project Management within SuiteDash is ultra-flexible and very powerful. But it doesn’t stop there – because SuiteDash is a complete set of pre-integrated tools, you are able to create unlimited No-Code Automation scenarios to be automatically triggered by the completion of a Project, a Phase, or any Task in a Project.
  • Previously, access to these No-Code Automations was available to any Staff member who was assigned to the Project. But, we heard feedback from the Community that this was introducing difficulties with the way they wanted to use the platform.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/78-project-settings

Ability to access/use a Contact’s UID

  • As SuiteDash takes additional steps to empower 3rd party integrations via the API, Webhooks, and popular integration frameworks, the need to specifically target individual Contacts becomes critical. Email address as a reference parameter is not reliable as Contacts may change their email address. Enter the magic of UID.
  • UID stands for “Unique Identifier”. This number is randomly generated by a hash generator, assigned to a Contact on creation, and recorded in the database. This UID never changes throughout the life of the user, and as a result, it can be relied upon for reference when building integrations.
  • A Contact’s UID can now be accessed/referenced directly from the Contact list by clicking Options, and then the fingerprint icon – the UID will be automatically copied to your clipboard. In addition, the UID is available in all API calls, Webhook data & other integration paths.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/65-creating-a-new-contact

Remove all Circles option

  • We’ve added more power to one of the Automations in our No-Code Automations Toolkit. You can now use the Remove from Circles Automation to remove the Target from all the Circles they are currently affiliated with. This enables a more powerful usage of Circles and how they can work with Automations.
  • This is good for scenarios where you build processes via Circle affiliation and then need to “reset” that process based on some scenario, but you don’t always know which combination of Circles might exist in a specific scenario.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

December 16th, 2022 Live

PDF Document Signing

  • PDF Document Signing is LIVE as part of the PRIME Bundle Power-Up!!
  • Create a PDF Signing Template that you can use over and over as part of an Automated Workflow, or if you need a one-time signing of a PDF, you can upload it, prepare it for signing, and send it directly to the intended recipients.
  • The goal of this first iteration was to enable the digital signing of uploaded PDFs using the same familiar workflow that we already have in place for Documents & Document Templates. That has been accomplished as part of the first iteration, but we will continue executing the plan to roll out additional capabilities in follow-up iterations.
  • Future iterations will include the ability to collect Custom Field data, insert Custom Field data via Dynamic Data Placeholders, and work with multiple Signers.
  • Available now as a part of the PRIME Bundle Power-Up

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/547-documents-pdf-signing

Embeddable Remote Chat

  • Create and configure an Embeddable Remote Chat that you can install on any 3rd party website or landing page. If you are using the SuiteDash Sales Funnel Builder, you can use the Remote Chat to add real-time communications to your Landing Page.
  • When a visitor to that website or landing page starts a chat, you’ll receive a notification directly inside your SuiteDash account, and you’ll be able to answer and have a real-time discussion with that visitor immediately!
  • You’ll be able to completely control how the chat experience looks and feels, complete with custom colors, logos, icons, and text labels. Easy to set up and configure with a full set of no-code options.
  • You can configure as many Remote Chat instances as you need in case you want to match the styling and/or branding of multiple Websites and/or Landing Pages.
  • For each Remote Chat, you can designate which Staff members are authorized to answer chats and respond to visitors. This gives you the power to know with certainty that your visitors are only chatting with qualified Staff members.
  • Future iterations will include the ability to integrate Kickoff Forms, an intuitive chat-bot style conversation & decision workflow, and an integration with the upcoming Support Tickets feature
  • Available now as a part of the PRIME Bundle Power-Up

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/548-remote-chat-basics

Dynamic Team Chat

  • When you create Teams in SuiteDash, it helps you easily assign Projects, LMS Courses, Portal Pages, Dashboards, Shared Folders, etc.
  • Now, you can add “Easy, Organized, and Real-Time Communication” to that list! When you create and/or manage a Team, you can enable the “Create Team Channel” option, and a Chat Channel will be automatically created.
  • When new Team members are added, they’ll automatically be added, and when Team members are removed, they’ll automatically be removed. The Team Channel is dynamically managed by the platform, so you never have to worry about forgetting to add or remove Staff from the Channel.
  • Use the Team Chat for real-time communication directly in the platform!
  • Future iterations will provide useful and efficient shortcuts, sharing, and collaboration features that will seamlessly integrate with existing platform tools.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/71-teams-overview

Platform Background + Frosted Glass Effect

  • With this feature, you can take your Portal experience to an entirely new level by adding color, patterns, or niche-specific imagery!
  • Enhance the beauty and brand symmetry of your Portal with a custom background image of your choice. The platform design has been optimized to be fully functional and usable with a background image in place.
  • The popular “frosted glass” effect has been used where needed to be sure that content and UI elements are visible against the background image.
  • When thoughtfully used and designed, this feature lets you add another impressive layer of uniqueness and professionalism to your Portal experience.
  • Easily find free-to-use images for this feature at websites like https://pixabay.com/, https://pexels.com or https://unsplash.com/
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-platform-branding

Installment Payments for Generators

  • Several weeks ago, the much-anticipated Installment Payments feature was released, but now we’re releasing a follow-up iteration!
  • With Installment Payments, deposits and payments can be specified based on either a percentage basis or based on a fixed amount. Want to take 50% upfront, followed by 5 monthly payments of 10%? Or maybe you want to spread your $1,000 Invoice into a $300 deposit followed by a $200 payment and then five monthly $100 payments? All this is possible!
  • Now, with this release, you are able to pre-configure Installment Payment terms for your On-Demand, Recurring, and Accumulating Generators – this means that the Installments can be “pre-defined” so that when an Invoice is created by a Generator, the Installments will configure themselves automatically based on your preferences.
  • So this means your Automated Workflows can include pre-defined Installment Payments based on your preferences. Everything will be automatically created and applied to each of your Prospects/Clients in a predictable and replicable manner – on auto-pilot!!
  • This functionality is fully described in this video just released on our YouTube Channel > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GklZjsxy6U
  • Be sure to Subscribe and enable the Notification Bell so that you are always on the cutting edge of what is available and possible with SuiteDash!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/544-office-installment-payments

Dynamic Logic Engine “Every Year” option

  • This feature is an improvement to the hugely popular Dynamic Logic Engine!
  • The Dynamic Logic Engine gives you the ability to use date-based logic triggers to fire Auto-Templates based on several date-based options. We’ve added a new “Every Year” option for both Specific Date and Custom Field date-based triggers.
  • This new feature will give you the power to set up yearly Birthday or Anniversary emails, yearly compliance date reminders, etc. There are many useful ways to use this new functionality!
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/437-automations-auto-templates

Custom File Upload Destination for Project Custom Fields

  • Now when you are using File Upload Custom Fields for Projects, you can designate exactly where the uploaded files will be placed!
  • When creating a File Upload Custom Field for Projects, you will have the choice of Public or Private as the base destination, and then you are able to provide a custom upload path.
  • All files uploaded to that Project File Upload Custom Field will be placed directly into the path you choose on the Custom Field level. This allows you to automate your Project workflow further so that it is replicable and predictable for each Project.
  • When you designate a file upload destination, the platform will automatically create the folder structure based on your configuration if the folders don’t already exist.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: “https://help.suitedash.com/article/248-custom-fields

Custom “Bill To” on Individual Estimates, Invoices & Generators

  • Recently, we introduced a global setting that gave you the freedom to customize the “Bill To” and “Organization Info” for all Estimates & Invoices.
  • NOW, we’ve extended that capability to extend to each individual Billing entity.
  • For each Estimate, Invoice, or Invoice Generator, the global setting will be inserted. Still, you’ll be able to change that configuration if needed as you are working on that specific Estimate, Invoice, or Invoice Generator.
  • This change gives you the power to have a global default but then change it if needed when working on a specific item with different requirements.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/45-office-invoices

Option to set “First Day of the Week” in the Calendar

  • In some parts of the world, it’s typical to show calendars with Sunday as the first day of the week, and in others, there is a preference to show Monday as the first day of the week.
  • Simply head to Calendar > Settings > Calendar Defaults to modify the First Day of the Week. This setting will change that preference for every user in your account.
  • Coming soon will be the ability for each user in your account to choose their own preference for the “First Day of the Week” setting – so no matter what part of the world your Staff or Clients are in, they can see the Calendar displayed in a way that they are most comfortable with.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/445-calendar-settings

Enhanced Time Format Options

  • Some of you might say, “It’s about time” 🙂 and yes, we agree. It’s time to give you options to choose how you see your times 🙂
  • Yes, you will now have the ability to set your preferred time format as a part of your Company Settings.
  • Not only will you be able to choose between 12h and 24h time format, but in the case that you choose the 12h format, you’ll have the ability to choose from several different options on how the time is displayed.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/420-company-profile-settings

WYSIWYG Editor for customizing Footer in Email Branding

  • SuiteMates LOVE the ability to completely White Label all parts of their Portal, and this includes their ability to completely White Label the email notifications sent from the platform.
  • You now have another powerful option to help extend the professionalism and usefulness of your White Labeled email notifications.
  • Navigate to Email Branding, and you’ll find that you now have a WYSIWYG Editor at your disposal to help create a richly formatted email footer!
  • Use your imagination to create attractive and colorful email footers that will impress your Clients!
  • This feature is very useful if you are in the accounting, legal or other business that is heavily regulated by compliance frameworks; you likely have a requirement to add large chunks of disclaimers or other information to the footer of all emails that go out, even from automated software.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/128-customize-email-branding

PDF Receipt automatically added to Payment “Thank You” notification

  • When an Invoice is paid – either in full or partially – you have the option to enable a Payment “Thank You” notification that is sent to the Client. You can set this to enabled or disabled.
  • Now, if you enable this notification, it will automatically include an attached PDF Receipt with all the Invoice details and payment amount.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/392-office-invoice-estimate-document-settings

The iFrame Block can now use Staff Custom Fields (URL Type)

  • An iFrame Block can be used to embed content within an Inline Frame. It basically acts as a secondary webpage within your main page.
  • In the iFrame Block settings, you can choose between URL or Custom Field URL. For URL, you can paste the direct link into the Embed URL field. For Custom Field URL, you will need to choose the Custom Field from the dropdown menu. You’ll need to create them first.
  • Before this release, you could only choose from CRM-Company and CRM-Contact Custom Fields. But now, you can also choose to use Staff Custom Fields (URL Type) to be the source of your iFrame.
  • This feature gives you the ability to create a generic Dashboard/Start Page for your Staff but then show each of them unique iFrame content from whatever source you would like. Common uses would be to iFrame Google Sheets, employee-specific reports from a 3rd party, employee-specific control panels from a 3rd party, etc.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Company Default Fields in Forms

  • Previously, you had the ability to use CRM Company Custom Fields in Update Forms, but there wasn’t the option to update the Default Fields like Address, Phone, etc. But that’s no longer true!
  • Now in both Kickoff and Update Forms, you can use the default CRM Company fields to create new Companies or update existing Companies.
  • This functionality comes in most useful in cases where you may only ask for the Company name in your first interaction (a Kickoff Form), but further down the funnel, you want to use an Update Form to collect the Company address, phone number, etc.
  • Another feature requested BY the Community is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to help business owners around the world achieve #SuiteFreedom by leveraging the power of systems, processes & automations!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/67-understanding-companies

Complimentary Demo Account + Power-Ups for Resellers

  • Hey, Resellers! We have an early Christmas present for you 🙂
  • Resellers will now have the ability to create ONE Demo account at no charge. This account will remain active indefinitely as long as your Reseller account is active.
  • This Demo account will have all the features of a Pinnacle account, including complimentary PLUS and PRIME Bundle Power-Ups. You may use this full set of features to develop demonstration workflows that you can show to your prospective customers.
  • This Demo account should be very helpful to those of you looking to create demonstration workflows that you can present to your prospective customers. Now that you can build and use the same demos over and over, it will be worth it to invest more time in creating well-thought-out and well-designed workflows, which will very likely result in more success and more profit!
  • Available NOW to ALL Official SuiteDash Reseller accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/396-partner-reseller-program

Push Reseller Profiles into existing Reseller Child accounts

  • A Reseller Profile is a framework of pre-built content that you can apply to a new Child Account. It is essentially a shortcut for you as a Reseller so that you do not have to create the same content over and over again for each Child Account.
  • Previously, Reseller Profiles could only be applied to Child accounts as they were being created, but NOW you can push Reseller Profiles into existing Child accounts.
  • This gives you the ability to continually create and modify the Templates you are providing your customers, and when you have something new or need to add a specific Template/Profile for a Child account that already exists… you can do it 🙂
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/402-partner-reseller-profiles

November 4th, 2022 Live

Dynamic Logic Engine

  • We are thrilled to announce the release of the super-powerful Dynamic Logic Engine!
  • You can already configure Automations to be automatically triggered based on a variety of trigger events across the platform. In addition, you can create Auto-Templates, which are pre-configured Automation Sets that can be manually triggered by you or your Staff after an appropriate scenario in your business is identified by a human decision-maker.
  • But with the Dynamic Logic Engine, you now have your own personal “bot” scanning and watching 24/7 for specific conditional scenarios or date-based triggers – and when those scenarios are identified, the associated Auto-Template gets fired automatically!
  • You’ll be able to use one or more logical operators to identify scenarios and then automatically trigger Auto-Templates when the logical conditions make a positive identification. Use IF statements to monitor Custom Fields for particular values using Equal, Not Equal, Greater than, Less than, Contains, Does not Contain, etc.
  • Additionally, you’ll be able to use WHEN statements to leverage specific dates or recurring logic and trigger Auto-Templates when those date-trigger events are positively identified.
  • The Dynamic Logic Engine is an incredible addition and the major complimentary piece of the No-Code Automations master plan. Now you have the ability to create Automations that will be able to instantly react to any predictable scenario in your business – AND, it’s able to do this 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without any manual action from you or your Staff!
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/437-automations-auto-templates

“One-Click” Automation Trigger

  • The Automation possibilities in SuiteDash are already incredible, but we’ve gone even further to give you even more powerful options when designing your automated workflows!
  • Now you can configure “One-Click” triggers of your Auto-Templates! Yes, that’s right, you can use either a Custom Menu item or the Button Block from our Block Builder to trigger the Auto-Template of your choice with just ONE click.
  • You have the option to limit the number of times the menu item or button block can be clicked, which means you can allow a specific number of trigger events for that particular Auto-Template – and this “count” is unique to each individual user and is tracked on an individual user basis.
  • You can base the “count” on a static number that you define, or you can base it on the value of a CRM Custom Field (Number Type), which means that the # of times any specific user can trigger the Auto-Template can be unique for each individual user because it’s based on the unique value stored in their particular profile for that particular Custom Field.
  • You have the option to hide the Custom Menu item or Button Block/Row when the “count” reaches zero, which means you can offer the option, limit the # of times it can be used, and then hide/remove the option after your goal has been accomplished.
  • This feature can be leveraged to create a “credit” system for your Clients in which they can “order” services from you with one click, have their “count” decremented by 1, and then completely hide/disable the ability to “order” after the count reaches zero. Then, use the Dynamic Logic Engine to identify that the “count” stored in the Custom Field (you’ll create a Custom Field specifically to track this count) has reached zero and trigger an Auto-Template that generates an Invoice that, when paid, will “recharge” their credits via an Automation to change the value of the Custom Field using our Custom Field Math option > [current-value] + X > with X being the number of credits they are buying. And then, since the “count” stored in the Custom Field is no longer zero, the One-Click Automation button will begin to show again so that they can again order services from you.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/158-custom-menus, https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Reverse Drip Sequences

  • Traditional Drip Sequences send on a schedule AFTER a subscriber is added to an Email Marketing Audience. BUT, there are many cases where you need to “drip” emails to an Audience BEFORE a specific date or event. With Reverse Drip Sequences, you’ll be able to identify a “Based-on Date” by selecting a specific date (option to target a specific date) OR you can identify the “Based-on Date” by the value of a Date-type Custom Field.
  • Perfect for those who want to systematize the messaging before an Event or a specific date (like “Tax Day” or some other deadline date for compliance. With Reverse Drip, you can customize the before AND after messaging around these dates. AND it can work for both static dates (everyone in the Audience) or for dynamic dates (each person in the Audience can have a unique “Based-On Date” via a Custom Field value).
  • Imagine a wedding venue that onboards a Client, and one of their Custom Fields that the Client provides via a Form is “Wedding Date”. They could then set-up a Reverse Drip Sequence to send pre-created emails to the Client 60 days before, 30 days before, 14 days before, 5 days before, etc., and the platform will do that dynamically for each Client based on the Client-specific date value of that “Wedding Date” Custom Field. AND, you can also use the same Sequence to send messages after the Based-On Date as a way to check in, update or follow up after the date/event.
  • Available NOW to ALL Thrive & Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/347-marketing-drip-sequences

Role Change options for Known Targets in Kickoff Forms

  • If you are using Kickoff Forms in a workflow where Known Targets are expected, you may have scenarios where you need to modify the Role of the Known Targets based on the fact that they are submitting the Kickoff Form.
  • You are now able to specify this Role change in a very specific way for Known Targets. This means you can convert Leads into Prospect or Clients, and you can convert Prospects into Clients.
  • If the Known Target is a Lead, but that Lead doesn’t yet have an email address added to their Profile, they will be prompted to enter and confirm an email address before the Form can be submitted. This validation is necessary because it is required that Prospects and Clients have an email address, and this will also make sure that your ensuing workflows and Automations will work smoothly as you expect.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms

Customized “Bill to” section for Billing

  • In some business applications or localities, you may find it necessary to customize how the “Bill To” information is formatted on your Estimates & Invoices.
  • Now you have the ability to configure this all-important “Bill To” section of the Invoice using your manual input along with data placeholder options for both the Company Name and the Contact Name.
  • Currently, this configuration can be made on the global level from Invoice/Estimate Settings, but in the next few weeks, you will also have the ability to manually customize this option on a per-Invoice/Estimate basis if needed.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/392-office-invoice-estimate-document-settings

Relative Due Dates for Invoices when converted from Estimate

  • As part of SuiteDash’s focus on automation, Estimates are designed to be converted directly into an Invoice. This can be triggered by the Prospect/Client by Approving the Estimate, or this conversion can be triggered manually from the admin side.
  • Now, you have the capability of setting a Relative Due Date on the Estimate so that the Due Date of the resulting Invoice will be automatically set Based on the date that the conversion to Invoice happens.
  • For example, if you set the Relative Due Date value to 14, this means that the moment the Estimate is converted to an Invoice, the Due Date will be calculated by adding exactly 14 days to that date (we call this the Based-On Date). So, the Based-On Date PLUS the 14 days will result in the Due Date of the Invoice.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/391-office-managing-estimates

Conditional Logic to show/hide Appointment Block

  • When you are using the Appointment Block in your Kickoff or Update Forms, you may have some use cases where you want to only show that Appointment option when the Target gives a specific answer on one of the Form fields.
  • Now, using Conditional Logic, you are able to show or hide the Appointment Block based on the responses given by the Target in the Form. Conditional Logic options include the ability to match exactly or look for partial matches, greater than conditions & less than conditions.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: “https://help.suitedash.com/article/511-conditional-logic-form-fields

Add/Remove Tags Automation

  • Now you have the option to Add and/or Remove Tags to/from the Target of an Automation!
  • Using the No-Code Automation Widget, you can now use any Automation Opportunity to modify the Tags associated with your Prospects/Clients.
  • Tags don’t have any specific implied functionality, but are quite useful as they give you the ability to filter/search or export your Contacts based on Tags. This can be very useful as a tool to accomplish specific business goals based on your internal systems & processes.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

Date Format Options for Project Generator Titles

  • In Project Generators, you are given the option to use placeholders in the titles of the Projects generated by the Project Generator. This helps you standardize your Project naming conventions and ensure that each individual Project is appropriately and uniquely identified.
  • You now have additional placeholders to work with. New options include a variety of common date formats > [MM/DD/YYYY] [DD/MM/YYYY] [MM-DD-YYYY] [DD-MM-YYYY] [YYYY-MM-DD] [DD-MMM-YYYY] – and the Display Name of the target Client > [client-display-name]
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/250-projects-project-generators

October 21st, 2022 Live

New & Improved Management of Tasks

  • We’re proud to announce that based on feedback from the Community, we’ve released a major upgrade to the way Tasks work across the SuiteDash platform. Tasks are now able to be moved, reassigned, and repurposed to offer you the best of all worlds!
  • All users can create Private Tasks that are private only to them, but when needed, those Tasks can be made public, reassigned, moved into Projects, or converted to an RE: Task with an associated Prospect or Client.
  • Tasks can be moved from one Project to another, or if needed, they can be removed from a Project and converted to an RE: Task or simply an assigned Task outside of a Project.
  • As always, each user will be able to use My Tasks to see all Tasks that are assigned to them, regardless of whether those Tasks are part of a Project, were assigned by another user or were created by them as a Private Task. Everything is in one place with the ability to search, sort, and filter!
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/86-managing-tasks

Stripe 3D Secure Payments (SCA)

  • For many European customers, this important feature will ensure that their Clients will be able to pay Invoices and comply with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) as laid out by the PSD2 directive issued by the European Union (EU).
  • For extra fraud protection, 3D Secure (3DS) requires customers to complete an additional verification step with the card issuer when paying. Typically, you direct the customer to an authentication page on their bank’s website, and they enter a password associated with the card or a code sent to their phone. This process is familiar to customers through the card networks’ brand names, such as Visa Secure and Mastercard Identity Check.
  • 3D Secure / SCA is currently supported only in the Stripe payment gateway.
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/89-invoices-payment-gateways

Support for Apple’s HEIC and HEIF images

  • What is HEIC? HEIC is the file format name Apple has chosen for the new HEIF standard. HEIF stands for High-Efficiency Image Format, and, as the name suggests, it is a more streamlined way of storing image files. Using advanced, modern compression methods, it allows digital photographs to be created in smaller file sizes, all while retaining higher image quality than its JPEG alternative. 📷
  • Now, you will enjoy full support for the HEIC format, including the ability to preview these images directly inside the platform. This means that you will be able to easily preview photos taken with an iPhone and uploaded directly to the platform. No more converting to JPEG or PNG!
  • In addition, you’ll now have the ability to preview the following file formats directly in the platform natively: AAI, ARW, CR2, CUR, ICO, DCM, DCR, DDS, MRW, NEF, ORF, PICT, PFM, PSB, PSD, RAF
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/52-share-files-with-your-clients-prospects

Duplicate Course/Module in LMS

  • A major upgrade to SuiteDash’s built-in LMS, you now have the ability to instantly duplicate an entire Module or an entire Course with just one click! Before now, you could duplicate a Lesson, but that ability is now amplified to a whole new level 💪
  • If you have spent a great deal of time building, styling, and perfecting your LMS Course presentation, then you’ll definitely appreciate this new feature when it comes time to create a new Course. Simply duplicate your Masterpiece and then modify it as needed!
  • Extremely useful when you need multiple Courses or Modules that have only slight variations.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/523-lms-manage-your-courses

Automations added to Project Generators

  • Now you can configure No-Code Automations to be triggered when a Project Generator is used to generate a Project. This means that you can design a set of Automations to be triggered at the moment the Project is generated. For example, when a new Project is generated, you can trigger emails, assign FLOWs, generate an Invoice, or any number of items that will help move the Project forward.
  • You can also configure or “pre-create” the Automations that will be triggered when the Status of the generated Project is set to Complete. This means that every Project generated by the Project Generator will already be programmed with Automations waiting to be triggered by the completion of the Project.
  • So, in summary, you can configure Automations that will be triggered at the START of the Project and an entirely different set of Automations to be triggered when the Project is set to COMPLETE.
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/250-projects-project-generators

Organization Custom Fields

  • A new type of Custom Field that is MUCH more useful than you may immediately realize 🙂
  • Organization Custom Fields are designed to hold custom information about YOUR company (the Admin/Staff side of the platform) and let you display or dynamically insert that information anywhere in the platform using Dynamic Data Placeholders.
  • To get an idea, imagine that you have a detailed Policy as it relates to your Product or Services. You can use an Organization Custom Field to save that content (Multi-Line Text Area or WYSIWYG Text Area) and then be able to dynamically insert that Policy in Documents/Contracts, Proposals, Portal Pages, Drip Sequences, etc. – You might put that Policy in MANY places. But what if the Policy needed to be updated/changed? Now, because you’re using Organization Custom Field, you will only need to change that policy in ONE place!
  • You can use this functionality to create/save and re-use content in a way that is dynamic because you just need to insert a placeholder wherever you need the content to be extracted. This means that if you need that particular “block” of content to change, you can just change it in one place instead of having to remember, track down and change it in the many, many places where you need to use it.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • vailable NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/248-custom-fields

September 23rd, 2022 Live

Installment Payments

  • We are excited to announce the release of a much requested feature – yes, it’s time for Installment Payments! Now you can automate deposits, installments, and reminders in a way that fits right into the way you do business!
  • Deposits and payments can be specified based on either a percentage basis, or based on a fixed amount. Want to take 50% up front, followed by 5 monthly payments of 10%? Or maybe you want to spread your $1,000 Invoice into a $300 deposit followed by a $200 payment and then five monthly $100 payments? All this is possible!
  • When you are creating an Invoice, you can define specific dates for your installments, or you can set the due dates to be relative to the creation date of the Invoice. And COMING SOON, you will even be able to pre-configure Installment Payment terms for your On-Demand, Recurring and Accumulating Generators – this means that the Installments will already be defined so that when an Invoice is created by a Generator, the Installments will configure themselves automatically based on your preferences.
  • Installment Payments are great, but what if.. for each individual Installment Payment, you could configure Automations to be triggered using our No-Code Automations widget? Well, get your happy dance on, because you can do EXACTLY that 🙂 For each individual Installment, you can configure Automations to be triggered when that individual Installment Payment is made! And you can create separate Automations for each individual Installment Payment.
  • AND, let’s put another cherry on top of the icing-covered cherry! For each individual Installment Payment, you can configure a unique set of Reminders based on your specific preferences. You can set “before” due date reminders and “after” due date reminders – all according to your specific preferences.
  • Works great for deposits! And if you don’t want to define all the payment after the deposit, then the platform will automatically create an Installment Payment by calculating the remaining amount due whenever the configured Installments don’t add up to the Invoice total.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/544-office-installment-payments

Google Meet Integration

  • Calling all Google Meet fans! It’s time to celebrate because you can now integrate with Google Meet to auto-generate meeting links for your Appointment Types!
  • Each of your individual Staff members is able to set up a 2-Way Integration with their individual Google Calendars. As an extension of that integration, Appointment Types can be configured to automatically generate a Google Meet link when someone books an Appointment for that individual Appointment Type.
  • The Google Meet link will be included in all platform references to the Appointment, including in the email notifications and reminders sent to all the Appointment participants, including the Staff member.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/543-google-meet-integration

New Automation to Create a Deal

  • We have added a super-useful new Automation option to the No-Code Automations widget – Create a new Deal! Now you can initiate a Deal for a Prospect/Client at any available Automation Opportunity.
  • With the addition of this “Create New Deal” Automation, you now have the option to add a new Deal via on Automation, and then move the Deal through the Deal Stages via other downstream Automations.
  • In the Automation, you are able to select the Deal Category, the Deal Value, a relative “Expected Close Date”, the initial Deal Stage, and you can even define Followers to be notified when the Deal is created!
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/85-deals-getting-started

Proposals : Trigger Automations if Proposal is rejected by Client

  • When you send a Proposal to a Prospect/Client, they have the option to either Accept or Reject. Now, you can configure Automations to be fired based on both of those available options.
  • Previously, we gave you the Opportunity to configure Automations to be fired when a Proposal was accepted by the Client. Now, we have given you the option to trigger Automations in the case that a Prospect/Client rejects your Proposal.
  • One idea is to use the “Reject” Automation option to fire Automations that alert you or your Staff and implement a strategy that you develop with the goal of understanding why the Proposal was rejected and taking action to remedy the situation. With the right approach, this Automation could mean the difference between saving or losing that business.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/434-proposals

Ability to Duplicate Auto-Templates

  • Earlier in the month, we released a feature that is a true game-changer as it relates to Automations. The ability to build & save a set of Automations is an amazing way to methodically systematize your business processes, and we are so excited about the many capabilities that these Automations sets empower both now and in the future. These pre-built Automation sets will now be referred to as “Auto-Templates”.
  • Now, to make working with Auto-Templates more efficient, we’ve added the capability to duplicate an existing Auto-Template. This means that if you spend a lot of time developing a specific set of Automations, it will be very easy to duplicate and adapt that Auto-Template in the case that you need to cover a few different scenarios that vary only slightly from the original.
  • Duplication is drop-dead easy, and from that moment you can modify the new Auto-Template any way you like without affecting the configuration of the original.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available to ALL Pinnacle accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/437-automations-auto-templates

Ability to Export Payments

  • In some cases, you may find it helpful to generate a CSV of a full set or some subset of payments made by your Clients. You now have that capability!
  • To Export specific payments click Filter then set your criteria. So for example, you can only export payments made with a credit card, or only export payments made by a specific Client. Just click “Filter”, choose credit card as the type of payment, then select Export. Only the payments that are returned by the filter are exported to the CSV.
  • Just another feature requested BY the Community that is now delivered TO the Community! Thank you for being part of our Mission to bring #SuiteFreedom to business owners around the world!
  • Available NOW to ALL SuiteDash accounts for no additional charge!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/45-office-invoices

September 9th, 2022 Live

Introducing Auto-Templates

  • Previously referred to as “Automation Templates”, the ability to build & save a set of Automations is an extremely powerful capability. These pre-built Automation sets will now be referred to as “Auto-Templates”.
  • Auto-Templates are designed to bring the power of Automation to your workflows when they reach a point that needs a human decision and/or interaction.
  • When building automated workflows, the goal will always be to fully automate as much as possible, but of course there will be times when the automation needs to stop and a human needs to be involved to review and make a decision on the next step. We call these places where a human decision/check is needed “Checkpoints” and it’s at these Checkpoints where you’ll find Auto-Templates are very powerful.
  • When you pre-build an Auto-Template for each possible decision or direction that may be encountered, the human (you or your Staff) simply needs to decide which is appropriate, and then trigger the Auto-Template that is associated with that decision.
  • For example, let’s say there are 3 possible decision outcomes (A, B & C) and thus you can create a dedicated Auto-Template for each of those possible outcomes. So if the decision is A, then your Auto-Template for that outcome (Auto-Template A) might do things like add the Target to a new Circle, remove them from another Circle, add them to a new Marketing Audience, trigger a Project Generator, send an Email to members of your Staff, fire an Email Cannon to the Target, etc.
  • So, the end result is that you can use the power of Automations in your workflows even in cases where a human interaction point is required (Checkpoint). Using pre-built Auto-Templates lets you and your Staff re-launch your automated workflow by instantly triggering multiple Automations with just a few clicks! Imagine the many hours that you’ll save!
  • And to make things even easier, you can now create, edit and manage your Auto-Templates from the new Auto-Templates list which you can find in the primary navigation. Look for the Automations > Auto-Templates menu item.
  • Auto-Template functionality is only available to Pinnacle accounts

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/437-automations-auto-templates

Assign Visibility on an Individual User basis

  • The SuiteDash Block Builder gives you a wide range of powerful options, but maybe the most important is the ability to show/hide individual Blocks or even entire Rows based on the logged-in user’s Circle or Team affiliation. This gives you the power to customize the content of the Portal Page or Document Templates in real time based on who is viewing the Portal Page, Document or LMS Lesson.
  • But wait! There’s more! We’ve now given you even more control by enabling the ability to Show/Hide any Block or Row on an individual level. This means you can create a Row/Block and designate that only one or more individual users can view that particular Row/Block. Or you can use the Hide option to show the content to everyone except one or more individual users.
  • With this update, you have the power to use the powerful Block Builder tools to design your Portal Pages, Document Templates and/or LMS Lessons to fit any imaginable scenario! But, keep your eyes open because this same power is on its way to the Dashboard and Proposals! Now don’t go using that POWER all in one place!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/448-content-block-editor

iPhone Message to install PWA Mobile App

  • One of the many benefits of using SuiteDash is that when you set up your Custom URL and White Label Login Page, we also give you a fully White Labeled PWA Mobile App that you, your Staff and your Clients can install directly on their iOS or Android devices.
  • On Android, we are able to show a visible “Install Now” button to help your Staff/Clients get the App installed, but the option to show that same button is not yet possible on iPhone. Instead, iPhone users need to install the App by using the “Add to Home Screen” functionality built into the Safari mobile browser.
  • With this update, we now show a helpful message to Apple device users that will dramatically simplify the process of getting the App installed on their iPhone or iPad.
  • Additionally, the message will be shown to iPhone & iPad users in any mobile browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Brave, etc.) so that they will be aware and will easily understand how to get your White Label Mobile App installed on their iOS device.
  • SuiteDash’s PWA strategy continues to be validated as both Apple & Android steadily move closer and closer to full PWA support. Every few weeks, we are seeing both major mobile OS builders increase their commitment to PWA support in the form of key capabilities. For example, Apple recently announced that push notifications for mobile PWA apps on iPhone would be supported in 2023. The future is happening!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/335-white-label-mobile-experience

Appointment FLOW Step

  • For our many customers who are using the ever-evolving and increasingly powerful Appointment Scheduling toolkit, you’ll now have another option for presenting your Appointment options to your Prospects/Clients.
  • FLOWs are a super-powerful onboarding and data-collection tool, but now you also have the possibility to include an “Appointment Block” Step in your FLOWs!
  • In addition to the current FLOW Steps (Update/General Form, eSign, File Upload, File Download and Content/Embed) you can now introduce a FLOW Step that will present the Prospect/Client with your choice of Appointment Types from which they can choose and book/reserve an Appointment at an available time.
  • Congratulations!! We’ve given you even more powerful options to design and build workflows that fit the way you do business!
  • FLOWs Automation functionality is only available to Pinnacle accounts

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/441-flow-steps-breakdown

Project/Task related placeholders for emails in Automations

  • Our “No-Code Automations” widget opens up a world of possibilities everywhere it can be referenced.
  • One of the many places you can set up Automations is in Projects/Tasks. Tasks can be configured so that when they are marked Complete, that action will trigger the Automations that you specify for that particular Task. This can be set also on the Task Template level.
  • One of the possible Automations is the sending of an email to your Staff or the sending of an email to the “Assigned User” (the Client assigned to the Project), and this Automation is where this new update comes into play.
  • Now when you set up an Automation to send an email based on the completion of a Task or Project, you have the option of using Project/Task placeholders, and those placeholders will reference the data associated with the Project/Task that triggered the Automation.
  • Available options include: TaskTitle, TaskDueDate, ProjectTitle, ProjectValue, ProjectDueDate, ProjectEndDate and any other Project Custom Fields that you have created in your account.
  • The end result is that you can send automated emails to your Staff and Clients that directly reference the Project and/or Task that triggered the sending of that email. Get it? Got it? Good 🙂
  • Trigger/Action Automation functionality is only available to Pinnacle accounts

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/294-dynamic-data-placeholders

Apply Task Templates from the CRM Contact Dashboard

  • Task Templates are an incredibly robust way to pre-build sets of pre-assigned, pre-configured Tasks & Phases. They can be referenced and utilized as a part of Project Generators or they can be manually referenced when manually creating a new Project. They can also be merged into existing Projects either manually or via an Automation.
  • With this update, you are able to more efficiently merge a Task Template with a Contact’s existing Project. You are now able to accomplish this directly from the Contact’s CRM Dashboard.
  • Another step towards the goal of making the CRM Dashboard a “one stop shop” for handling every aspect of business, communication and collaboration with your individual Prospects/Clients.
  • When you “Apply a Task Template”, you’ll be prompted to help the platform determine which Project the Task Template should be applied to. In just a few clicks, the Task Template will be applied and the associated Tasks/Phases will be instantly created & assigned.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/68-task-templates

Ability to upload attachments when Recording a Manual Payment

  • For our many customers who don’t accept online payments, or have certain scenarios where they need to accept payment using some other method, we’ve added a new option that should enhance the platform’s usability.
  • Now when you use the “Record Payment” option to partially or fully satisfy an open invoice, you have the option of uploading/attaching a file to that payment. This would typically be a PDF ‘proof of payment’ or receipt that was generated by another payment method.
  • As an example, if you agree to accept Bitcoin or some other crypto currency as payment for your Invoice, you can use this new feature to save a PDF of the payment receipt confirmation and then upload it while recording the payment.
  • The file(s) will then be available for your Client to view/download when they view that particular Payment from inside your Portal.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/45-office-invoices

CRM Import – Ability to assign Company Category on Import

  • The CRM Import offers a wide range of flexible possibilities including the ability to import and update Default/Custom Fields, set/update Coordinators, etc.
  • With this update, you not only have the ability to associate a Contact with a Company via the Import, but you can also assign a Company Category.
  • Company Categories are a useful tool that help you organize, filter and find Companies that fit some similarities defined by you. Company Categories are completely customizable and can be created, edited and deleted at any time.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/66-importing-your-contacts

New Placeholder in Project Generators

  • Project Generators are an amazing way to pre-build and streamline workflows for you and your Team. Because they need to generate Projects with unique & relevant titles that can be understood by your Team, we provide data placeholders to help ensure the Project Titles fit the needs of your business. (Things like First Name, Last Name, Today’s Date, Year, etc..)
  • With this update, we’ve now added a placeholder that will output the first line of the Address associated with the referenced Client. Many businesses in the real estate and construction industries reference their projects by the street number/name and that’s the primary purpose of this new addition.
  • So now, you’ll be able to include the property’s street number/name in the actual Project Title which should help you and your Team get on (and stay on) the same page.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/250-projects-project-generators

Set Default Time Zone for Appointments in Kickoff Forms

  • Kickoff Forms are critical to onboarding and reboarding prospective and existing Clients! Kickoff Forms can be used in hundreds of different ways, but one of the most useful is to let prospective Clients book an Appointment with you or your Staff.
  • When you include Appointment Booking in your Kickoff Forms, it’s not possible for the platform to accurately understand the Time Zone of Unknown Targets when they access the Kickoff Form in a non-logged scenario (Ex. Embedded on your website or when set up as a public Landing Page).
  • This new setting/option gives you the ability to set a default Time Zone for this selector. This would be most useful in situations where your Targets are most likely to be in the same Time Zone as your business or organization.
  • When the Target first encounters the Appointment Booking interface, they’ll see the Time Zone selector is pre-set with the Time Zone that you configured, but they still have the option of changing it if needed.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/444-appointments-with-kickoff-forms

August 19th, 2022 Live

Appointments Block in Update Form

  • Another exciting improvement to the Appointment Scheduling Toolkit, you can now use the Appointment Scheduling Block in Update Forms!
  • Update Forms are primarily used inside your Portal to update or add data to an existing Company or Contact. They are also the type of Form that can be used for a FLOW Step.
  • This addition gives you even more options to design your workflows to include Appointment Scheduling.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/286-update-forms

Company Custom Fields in Update Form

  • You now have the ability to include Company Custom Fields in Update Forms!
  • If you need to let your Contacts add or update data related to their Company, this is now possible with the ability to include Company Custom Fields in Update Forms.
  • Company Custom Field form fields will only be shown to Contacts who are associated with a Company. Otherwise they will be automatically hidden.
  • For each Company Custom Field (CF), you’ll have the ability to choose which Contact(s) will be able to see and therefore add/update information for their Company. The default option is that only the Primary Contact will see the Company CF form fields and be able to change the data (if field is not set to read-only). The other option is that you can allow any Contact associated with the Company to see the field & update data (unless read-only)
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/286-update-forms

Select Multiple Appointment Types in Appointment Block

  • Until now, you could only offer a single Appointment Type for your prospective Clients to book when they were onboarding using a Kickoff Form. But NOW, you can offer them a choice of multiple Appointment Types.
  • When you’re configuring the Appointment Block, you will now find a multi-select field instead of a single choice select box. You can select just one if you like, but you can also select multiple Appointment Types, which will give your Targets the ability to choose which AT they would like to book.
  • One example of how this capability can be used is to offer a “15 Minute Call”, a “45 Minute Meeting” or a “90 Minute Consultation”. And, there are many other possibilities!
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/444-appointments-with-kickoff-forms

Custom Email Notifications for each Appointment Type

  • Until now, you had one set of Email Templates that were related to Appointment Types – just one email template to confirm the booking, one email for cancellation, etc. This meant that you needed to use generic language in these templates so that they sounded correct for each of your various Appointment Types.
  • Now, for each individual Appointment Type, you can completely customize the email template for each step of the booking process. This means you can use very specific language that refers to and references the specific Appointment Type directly, and for your other Appointment Types, you can do exactly the same. No more generic emails 🙂
  • Another feature that will enhance the professional appearance of your organization and impress your prospective Clients as they interact with your custom White Labeled Client Portal.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/377-manage-your-calendars-and-schedules

Pop-Up Notices Scheduling Options

  • Pop-Up Notices are one of the most useful ways to provide location specific information and updates to your Contacts and Staff. You can already specify which Circles or Teams will see the Notice(s), and at which Location(s) the Notice(s) will show.
  • Now, you can also designate WHEN the Notice(s) will show! Using the new Scheduling Options, you can designate a Starting Date/Time and/or an Ending Date/Time for each individual Pop-Up Notice. (Date-Time Scheduling)
  • You also have the option to show a Notice every day, but only during a specified time window. (Time Scheduling)
  • And, you can even choose to show the Pop-Up Notice using Standard Time Delivery or Time-Shifted Delivery. If you select Standard Time Delivery the notice will show/hide to all Users based on the Time Zone you have set in your Company Settings. If you select Time-Shifted Delivery the notice with show/hide based on each User’s individual Time Zone settings.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/463-popup-notices

Ability to Duplicate FLOWs

  • FLOWs are an extremely powerful tool that let you design a step-by-step onboarding process for your Prospects and/or Clients.
  • As you design your workflows and automations, there may be times when you need to create multiple FLOWs that are very similar to each other, and this is why we’ve now added the ability to duplicate a FLOW.
  • When you duplicate a FLOW, literally EVERYTHING is accounted for, including the associated Automations that you’ve configured for each FLOW Step, and for the FLOW completion.
  • Now you can save tons of time by duplicating an existing FLOW and using that as a huge head start on building another FLOW that needs to be similar.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/384-automations-flows

On-Demand FLOW option for Known Targets in Kickoff Forms

  • Kickoff Forms are an insanely powerful way to start a Target through a workflow. You are able to define a unique experience for both Known and Unknown Targets.
  • Now you have the additional option of assigning an On-Demand FLOW to Known Targets in your Kickoff Forms!
  • This new functionality gives you the ability to further automate your workflows to include On-Demand FLOWs for your existing Prospects and/or Clients.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms

Subject Line Option added to Form Cannons

  • Form Cannons give you the power to trigger an email to be “fired” to your Target that contains instructions and link(s) to the Form(s) that you are asking them to complete. The Target can then click the links and complete the forms WITHOUT logging into the platform. The link simply opens directly out of their email, and they are instantly looking at the Form(s)
  • Now, you have the option to specify the Subject line of the Email Notification sent to the Target, which means you can fully customize the Subject line for each individual Form Cannon.
  • Being able to fully customize the Subject line means that you can craft your message uniquely for the particular purpose so that your Targets are more likely to understand what the email is about, and therefore more likely to open it and complete the requested Forms.
  • Another feature that will enhance the professional appearance of your organization and impress your prospective Clients as they interact with your custom White Labeled Client Portal.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/541-form-cannons

July 15th, 2022 Live

Form Cannons

  • It’s a BIG day! Today is the day that Form Cannons arrive on the SuiteDash scene!
  • Reducing friction is always the goal when asking your Prospects or Clients to complete an onboarding or data collection workflow, and now Form Cannons are available to give you a more “friction free” option when designing your workflows and automations.
  • Form Cannons give you the power to trigger an email to be “fired” to your Target that contains instructions and link(s) to the Form(s) that you are asking them to complete. The Target can then click the links and complete the forms WITHOUT logging into the platform. The link simply opens directly out of their email, and they are instantly looking at the Form(s)
  • You can configure and fire a Form Cannon manually, or you can configure (pre-load) the Form Cannon so that it can be “fired” as a part of an Automation – which means you can use Form Cannons as part of your onboarding or data-collection Automations!
  • If your Forms require a bit more security, there are options to set a password and/or limit the # of times the link can be accessed.
  • You can even configure an email notification to be sent to you or members of your Staff when the recipient(s) view the Form(s).
  • Available only as a part of the PLUS Bundle Power-Up*

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/541-form-cannons, https://help.suitedash.com/article/475-power-ups

Urgent Notifications Alert

  • For those of you who are using FLOWs as a part of your strategy, you’ll probably agree that you wished that there was a more obvious notification to let your Prospects/Clients know that they had a FLOW assigned. Well, we built this feature for you!
  • Introducing the Urgent Notifications Alert! Now, when a Prospect/Client has an On-Demand FLOW assigned, they will be shown a very obvious and in-your-face notification that will tell them they have a FLOW assigned, and link them directly to it.
  • Your Prospects/Clients can use this to enter the FLOW for the first time, or re-enter it at a later time to continue the FLOW if they didn’t complete it initially.
  • We plan to extend the capabilities of the Urgent Notifications Alert (UNA) by giving you options to use it for Document Signing, Proposals needing review, Estimates that need approval, Invoices that need to be paid, etc.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/380-notification-center

Staff Submit for Work Requests

  • You already have the option for Staff Submit on Kickoff Forms, Update Forms & General Forms, but now you also have that option for Work Requests!
  • Now, when your Staff gets a phone call or is sitting with a Prospect or Client, they can easily submit a Work Request on behalf of that Client.
  • This is very convenient because it maintains all your carefully designed workflows & Automations around Work Requests, which means that everything stays consistent and predictable.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/77-work-requests-overview

Relative due dates “Based On” Task Dependency Logic

  • If you’re using Task Templates combined with Task Dependencies, then this new feature is for YOU!
  • A Task Template allows you to pre-create the Tasks and Phases in a Project and then have the option to apply that Template to a new or existing Project. When a Template is applied to a Project the predefined Tasks and Phases are automatically generated, assigned to the appropriate user, and due dates are dynamically generated based on your settings.
  • The Due Date of a Task in a Task Template is defined by a numeric value field along with an Interval Unit dropdown menu for selecting either days or weeks. This is used for setting a conditional due date for the Task, which will reference the Based on Date that was specified while applying a Task Template.
  • Using the logic above, the Due Date was instantly set for all Tasks, but this presented an issue for SuiteMates who were using Task Dependencies to hide certain Tasks until others were completed. They needed the Relative Due Date to be applied at the moment the Task becomes visible based on the Dependency logic.
  • So… NOW, when you are using Dependency logic, you can specify that the Relative Due Date be set using the satisfaction of the Dependency logic as the “based on” date (instead of using the moment the Task Template was applied to the Project).
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/360-task-dependency

NEW No-Code Automation : Apply Task Template

  • If you are already using Task Templates and merging them into existing Projects, then you understand how powerful that can be. But, now imagine that you can use a No-Code Automation to trigger that Task Template to be added to the correct Project.
  • An example would be if you started a Project with a Client, but then they wanted to add an additional service to that Project. You decide to create an Invoice for that work, and then use the No-Code Automations to specify when that Invoice is paid, then automatically merge the Task Template (already designed with the Tasks for that service) into the Client’s existing Project (you select “Most Recent” option because that works for you in this case). You could use this same strategy in a more universal way to support an Automated Upsell Marketing strategy.
  • You have powerful options like choosing the Based-On Date, targeting a specific Project by title, targeting the most recent Project, and even changing the Project’s status.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

Document Generation : No Signature Option

  • The Document eSignature functionality is one of the most powerful features in the SuiteDash platform, but we’ve gone even further and adapted this functionality so that it can be used in interesting new ways.
  • Now in the Document Template interface, you can specify that the Document does not require any signatures. In this case, you can use all the other tools (like Dynamic Data placeholders, etc.) to build the Document Template, but you won’t place any signature placeholders.
  • This first basic iteration will give you the power to create things like Data Sheets, Certifications, Personalized Instruction Manuals, etc.
  • Future iterations will be designed to work seamlessly with Forms, FLOWs, LMS and more to enable richly styled PDFs of Form/FLOW submissions, LMS Course Completion Certificates and more!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/48-creating-a-new-document

File Attachments : ZIP File link in Email Notifications

  • In all areas of the platform, when you attach files to an Estimate, Invoice, Proposal, Document, Message, etc., we’ve added a super-convenient option that makes life easier for your Prospects & Clients.
  • If more than 5 files are attached to an entity (Estimate, Invoice, Proposal, Document, Message, etc.), the platform will automatically generate a ZIP file of all the attached files and offer that ZIP as an additional attachment to make life easier for the recipient. So, instead of needing to download each file individually, your recipient(s) will be able to easily download the single ZIP file and then extract it to access all the files inside one nicely organized folder.
  • This generated ZIP file is now included in the File Download links that are added to the footer of email notifications that include attached files.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/540-files-file-attachments

Staff can edit their own Custom Fields

  • When creating new Custom Fields for Staff, you can now specify if you want your Staff members to be able to edit the value of that Custom Field from within their Profile.
  • If you enable one or more Staff Custom Fields in this way, your Staff will be able to see and edit those Custom Field values in their Platform Profile.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/248-custom-fields

Date Placeholders available in FLOWs

  • For those using FLOWs, you now have another tool to work with – Date Placeholders.
  • These placeholders will come in especially handy in the eSignature step for situations where you want to automatically insert “today’s date” or the current day.
  • There are options for Current Year, Current Month, Current Day, Current Date and Current Time
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/294-dynamic-data-placeholders

Page Break option for PDF

  • In key areas of the platform, we generate PDFs from the web version of your content. Proposals and Documents are two good examples. But, in some cases when the PDF is generated, a problem arises with content ending up on separate pages of the PDF in a way that was not intended. “Web-Based” Proposals/Documents don’t technically have the constraints of “pages”, so it’s technically impossible to translate that content perfectly into a PDF, which is very strictly defined by pages of limited size.
  • To remedy this, we’ve given you more control by providing a “page break” placeholder that you can insert into your web-based Proposal. When this “page break” placeholder is used, it will tell the platform that a new PDF page should be started before the content that follows.
  • Now you’ll have more control over how your “web-based” Proposals/Documents are turned into PDFs. You’ll be able to designate where a new page should start.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/294-dynamic-data-placeholders

June 24th, 2022 Live

The Sales Funnel Builder

  • A flexible and robust add-on that will enable powerful new options in multiple areas of the platform.
  • You’ll be able to create 2-Step or 3-Step Funnels that will give you multiple options to offer (free or paid) a specific resource like an LMS Product as the “desired product/service”.
  • Build out an arsenal of publicly available (non-logged) Sales/Onboarding Funnels, each one directly associated with a specific asset, and completely customized as to how each target is onboarded.
  • Use your Custom URL + “Friendly URLs” to create a completely White Label link to your Landing Page ~ OR ~ use the “Embed” functionality to embed the Landing Page into your existing website!
  • Specify a unique “Start Experience” based on your particular needs. Custom “Thank You” pages, or “Welcome” pages can be used as a one-time Start Page, but then revert back automatically to the standard Start Page logic.
  • Future applications planned with Appointments, Proposals, Projects, Support Tickets, Membership Plans and Communities.
  • Available only as a part of the PRIME Bundle Power-Up*.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/539-sales-funnel-builder, https://help.suitedash.com/article/475-power-ups

File Attachments to File Upload Notifications

  • We have been adding the option for File Attachments in all areas of the platform, and this release is a continuation of that initiative. We’re nearly complete 🙂
  • Now when you upload files to a Shared Folder, a Project or even to the Client Files folder for a particular Client, you have the option of having those files attached to the email notification that is triggered by that file upload (if any).
  • This feature will let the recipients download the attached file(s) without needing to login, which is quite convenient. Just be sure you understand the privacy concerns that may be applicable to your situation before enabling this option.
  • Many email clients have a limit on the size of file attachments that they’ll allow, but we have an ingenious solution for this! When File Attachments are used in a scenario that attaches the file(s) to an outgoing email, the files are attached BUT we also create a direct download link for each file, and display them in the footer of the email so that the files are still available to easily download (even if they are stripped out by the email client). This is like having an automatic “Dropbox” or “Drive” type link created for you and added to the footer of your email so you never have to worry that your recipient will not be able to access the file(s) due to the file size limits of email.
  • These new options only control the attachment of file(s) to email notifications. The settings that control whether or not an email notification is sent are completely separate. Email notifications must be enabled to send for these file attachment settings to take effect.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/540-files-file-attachments

File Attachments – Download as ZIP Option

  • In all areas of the platform, when you attach files to an Estimate, Invoice, Proposal, Document, Message, etc., we’ve added a super-convenient option that makes life easier for your Prospects & Clients.
  • If more than 5 files are attached to an entity (Estimate, Invoice, Proposal, Document, Message, etc.), the platform will automatically generate a ZIP file of all the attached files and offer that ZIP as an additional attachment to make life easier for the recipient.
  • So, instead of needing to download each file individually, your recipient(s) will be able to easily download the single ZIP file and then extract it to access all the files inside one nicely organized folder.
  • Coming soon: this ZIP file functionality applied also to the email notification attachments.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/540-files-file-attachments

Content / Embed Steps available in FLOWs

  • FLOWs are one of the most versatile and powerful tools available in the platform, and now they offer you even more flexibility in how you use them.
  • You’ll now find the option to add a “Content / Embed” Step to a FLOW, which opens up the option for you to include an instructional or demonstration content step. You’re able to format content using the WYSIWYG editor, HTML, images.
  • This improvement also opens the door to embedding video, 3rd party charts, dashboards, etc. Imagine inserting a step like this that is used to carefully explain where the Prospect/Client is in the process, and what they can expect in the upcoming steps. Great experience!
  • And to top it all off, a full range of Dynamic Data Placeholders are available to help you customize your automated workflows with powerful Custom Fields.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/384-automations-flows

Subtext Option in all Form Fields

  • As you are building your Forms, there are times when you want to provide some additional information or instructional content to help clarify a particular question or prompt.
  • Now, you have the option of including some “Subtext” content that will show directly beneath the question/prompt.
  • This addition helps you build rich forms that users are able to easily understand.
  • This feature also opens up more possibilities for our Template Team, which is busy creating Form Templates that are available to you in the Template Library – be sure to check out the new Form Templates by navigating to the Template Library and filtering the selections by “Form Templates”

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/432-forms-overview, https://help.suitedash.com/article/536-forms-form-templates

Option to completely hide Work Request Items selection area

  • A great many SuiteMates are using Work Requests as a way to begin a work or project with their existing Clients, but some use cases were outside the existing functionality.
  • Now, when you are using the “FREE-FORM” option, you have the ability to completely remove the option for the Target to create Work Request items, which means the Target sees only the default Work Request form fields and the custom Work Request fields you’ve created for them.
  • Being able to present a clean form like this really reduces friction and helps you get more business in the pipeline without unnecessary confusion or complexity.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/77-work-requests-overview

Improved Options for Portal Page Management Access

  • Portal Pages are a key foundation for building out Portals, Intranets, Wikis, Knowledge Bases, etc., but the ability to manage/edit Portal Pages was limited to only a few Roles.
  • You’ll now find that you can specify which Roles, Teams or even Individual Staff users are able to Manage/Edit Portal Pages.
  • This powerful addition means that one or more of your Staff members can be assigned access to Manage/Edit Portal Pages, while at the same time restricting those who were not specifically assigned.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/53-creating-a-portal-page

Notification when Client adds a credit card to Vault

  • For those of you who are enjoying the PLUS Bundle Power-Up, we’ve made a nice new addition to the Vault functionality.
  • Credit Card Vaulting allows you to securely “vault” your Contact’s credit cards using reliable enterprise-level technologies paired with military-grade PGP encryption. You can then easily and securely retrieve the complete credit card number, expiration date, and security code.
  • As part of this functionality, you can send a request to Clients that will let them click a link and add their credit card information to the Vault.
  • We’ve added an email notification that is sent when a Client adds a credit card to the Vault, and that notification is sent to all the users specified by you in the Vault settings.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/478-credit-card-vaulting

Ability to Send Invites to Known Targets via Kickoff Forms

  • Kickoff Forms are an insanely powerful way to start a Target through a workflow. You are able to define a unique experience for both Known and Unknown Targets.
  • This new addition solves a previously uncovered scenario in which a Known Target could be in “Not Invited” status, but there was not an option to trigger that Portal Access Invitation. That scenario is now covered.
  • For “Known Targets” the “Send Portal Access Invitation” option will only apply to Known Targets who are in “Not Invited” status, which means they have been added to the CRM, but have not yet been sent the Portal Access Invitation. For Known Targets who were already Invited to the Portal, nothing will be sent.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms

Archive for Notice Announcements

  • If you’ve been with SuiteDash for any amount of time, you’ll know that the “New Feature” Notice Announcements just keep on coming! This is a great thing, but sometimes you close a Notice to get it out of your way, and then realize that maybe you wanted to read it?!
  • This is where the new Archive for Notice Announcements comes in! Simply navigate to the Manage Account area, and look for the “Archived Notices” tab.
  • Now you can review all the Notice Announcements at any time to be sure you’re completely caught up with the latest features, improvements and announcements.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/collection/177-account

June 7th, 2022 Live

VIP Bundle Power-Up

  • We’re excited to introduce the VIP Bundle Power-Up, which will give you exclusive access to the highest level of support, advice & interactive cooperation.
  • LIVE Support Sessions: You’ll have the ability to run your questions by a SuiteDash expert in a LIVE group session! VIPs will have an additional menu in their Manage Account area that will display the schedule of upcoming LIVE Support Sessions. Simply click the link to join at the appropriate time, and you’ll enter the Zoom meeting where a SENSEI Certified Agency Partner will be available to answer questions and guide the discussion.
  • PRIVATE Discord Access: Introducing the “VIP Suite” – a private Discord community server for VIPs only. Not only will you have real-time communications with other VIP SuiteMates, but you’ll also have the opportunity to interact with the SuiteDash Team, SuiteDash Wizards and SENSEI Agency Partners. The VIP Suite will be home to a variety of LIVE Sessions, AMAs & other interactive Community events!
  • PRIORITY Support: We are honored by the many comments & reviews that go out of their way to compliment our Help Team and the quality of their support. Priority Support takes that already high level to an even higher level. As a VIP, your support requests will be tagged appropriately and be prioritized so that your questions will be answered as soon as possible.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/475-power-ups

Redesigned Contact Dashboard

  • The goal of the Contact Dashboard has always been to give you the ability to perform a wide range of routine tasks without needing to navigate to other parts of the platform – and this redesign takes us even closer to that goal.
  • A more modern and modular design, you’ll find that commonly used functionality is well organized, closer at hand, and mobile friendly.
  • This redesign sets the stage for introducing even more functionality into the Contact Dashboard. We plan to continue iterating and refining the design and options over the coming months. Suggestions are welcomed!
  • BOLO for Form Submissions, Forms Staff Submit, Secure Messaging, Email Integration & more!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/538-crm-dashboard

Kickoff Forms – Individual Portal Onboarding Templates

  • Many SuiteMates have multiple Kickoff Forms and onboarding paths, each one unique to a specific product or service. Now you can welcome your prospective Clients into your Portal in a way that is specific to that particular onboarding path.
  • Until now, there was only one Email Template available for onboarding Contacts, so it was not possible to configure an Onboarding Template that was uniquely worded for each particular onboarding path.
  • You can simply configure each Appointment Type uniquely to SHOW only to a specific Circle or Circles, or to HIDE from a specific Circle or Circles.
  • The default Portal Access Invitation will still be used unless you specify a unique Template from within the individual Kickoff Form settings.
  • Look for the configuration settings in the SideSlide navigation.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms

Forms – CRM Company Custom Fields

  • CRM Company Custom Fields have always existed, but this addition really takes their usability to the next level. Now, you have the ability to collect information about the Target’s Company using Kickoff and Update Forms.
  • This change enables you to more easily keep Company information and Contact information completely separate and organize your CRM more around the Companies that you work with.
  • Coming Soon: CRM Company Dashboard which will serve as an organizational hub for the Companies you work with. Not only will you have a well organized view of Company data and associated Contacts, but you’ll also be able to perform a wide range of common tasks related to each Company and Quick-Switch between them.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms

No-Code Automation Opportunities for LMS Product, Course & Lessons

  • A powerful addition to LMS! Now you can attach No-Code Automations to the completion of a Product, Course or Lesson!
  • This opens up HUGE opportunities to reward or incentivize your Participants for making progress along the path you’ve designed for them. (combine with Custom Field Calculations to create a gamification style LMS experience!)
  • You’ll find unique No-Code Automations available for Contacts & Staff – each has unique needs. Most of the No-Code Automations options apply to the Contact side, but we’ll be moving in the future to add even more “HR style” functionality for your hiring and staffing needs, and thus more No-Code Automations for Staff will follow

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/509-lms

Appointments Types : Customized Color and Avatar

  • If you are working with multiple Appointment Types, it can be difficult to differentiate them on your SuiteDash Calendar. But, this new addition gives you the option of assigning a unique color to each Appointment Type, which will make it much easier to visually see the different types on your Calendar.
  • Also, in the case that you wanted to create unique “logos” or avatars for each of your Appointment Types, you can now do that. This unique logo will replace your default Profile avatar that currently shows when Contacts are booking an Appointment.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/377-manage-your-calendars-and-schedules

Automations : Calculations for DATE type Custom Fields

  • Custom Field Calculations have now come to DATE type Custom Fields!
  • From the Trigger/Actions Widget, you can now use the Set Custom Field Value option to perform simple math operations using the CURRENT value as the base operator.
  • If you are using a “Date” type Custom Field, you are able to apply simple addition & subtraction math in the following format: [[current_value]] + xx ~OR~ [[current_value]] – xx
  • Works with years (1y), months (1m), weeks (1w) and days (1d) – As an example, to add 1 year to the current value stored in the Custom Field, enter: [[current_value]] + 1y
  • Want an example? Imagine that you have a renewal date established with your Client, but for that renewal date to be extended, you need them to complete a Form, sign a Document and pay an Invoice. With this new option, you can design a workflow that lead them through the process, and then when the final requirement is satisfied, you can use the No-Code Automations to extend their renewal date by 1 year (by changing the value of that Custom Field)

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-automations-breakdown

Block Builder : Forms Staff Submit Option

  • The platform has many places where dynamic “No Code” linking to many commonly used and useful destinations can be achieved. Now you can also set a Button Block or a Custom Menu Item to link to use our “Staff Submit” option for the Form of your choice.
  • This is quite useful if you wanted to create a Staff Dashboard for a specific Team that had a series of buttons, each one directly linked to the Staff Submit option for the Form you specify. This is a very powerful way to provide convenient and secure access for your Staff to access the Staff Submit option for Forms, but without granting them access to every single Form from the admin side.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Archive & Delete for Work Requests

  • Now when you have converted or otherwise finished with your Work Requests, you can choose to Archive them or Delete them, which will help you keep your Work Requests list clean so that you can clearly focus on what remains to be processed.
  • If you make a mistake, you can easily Restore the Work Request using the Options provided in the Projects > Archive > Work Requests tab.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/77-work-requests-overview

Circles – One-Click option to “Remove All” from Circle

  • In some cases, your build strategy may require that you remove all the Contacts from a Circle to “reset” the experience. Or, maybe you need to quickly withdraw access to the resources that are granted by a Circle affiliation.
  • Until now, you would need to manually remove the Contacts one-by-one, which could be very painful if the Circle has hundreds of Contacts.
  • Now, you have the option of completely removing all Contacts from a Circle with just one click! Just look for the “Unassign All” button in the Manage Circle panel.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/44-circles-how-they-work

Portal Page Quick-Switcher

  • Want to move quickly from one Portal Page to another while making your changes? Quick-Switcher to the rescue! You can now move directly from one Portal Page to another without any extra clicks
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/53-creating-a-portal-page

FLOWS : New Layout & Quick-Switcher

  • You’ll notice in FLOWs that the layout has been improved and synchronized with other parts of the platform. Important actions are easily available in the SideSlide navigation.
  • Additionally you can now Quick-Switch between FLOWs!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/384-automations-flows

May 20th, 2022 Live

Form Templates

  • A true game-changing feature, the release of Form Templates blows open the door to an entire new world of possibilities. Imagine the ability to easily package up, share or even contribute an entire Kickoff, Update or General Form – complete with the built-in Conditional Logic, Configured Automations, Embed Styling & more!
  • Form Templates is another major cornerstone feature that brings us another step closer to the goal of “pre-created” niche portals & workflows that can be immediately “loaded” into your account from the Template Library.
  • Be a part of the our shared Mission by contributing your Form Templates to the Template Library for others in the Community to use and appreciate. When you share, others will be encouraged to do the same!
  • BOLO for Form Templates created by the SuiteDash Template Team!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/536-forms-form-templates

File Attachments in Messaging

  • Now when you are sending a Secure Message, you have the option of attaching one or more Files to your Message. The File(s) will be available for preview/download directly in the Secure Message thread.
  • Files attached to an outgoing Secure Message will be attached and delivered directly via email notification if your account has “Convenience Mode” enabled.
  • If “Convenience Mode” is enabled, when your recipients reply and attach a file, that file will be parsed and attached to the Messaging thread so that everything is neatly organized.
  • Many email clients have a limit on the size of file attachments that they’ll allow, but we have an ingenious solution for this! When File Attachments are used in a scenario that attaches the file(s) to an outgoing email, the files are attached BUT we also create a direct download link for each file, and display them in the footer of the email so that the files are still available to easily download. This is like having an automatic “Dropbox” or “Drive” type link created for you and added to the footer of your email so you never have to worry that your recipient will not be able to access the file(s) due to the file size limits of email.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/535-messaging-file-attachments

Show/Hide Appointment Types based on Circle

  • Another solid addition to the Appointment Scheduling toolkit, you are now able to Show/Hide each Appointment Type to specific Clients based on their Circle(s) affiliation.
  • Now, you can configure your Appointment Types so that specific “sets” of prospective Clients will only have access to book Appointment Type(s) that you want them to have access to.
  • You can simply configure each Appointment Type uniquely to SHOW only to a specific Circle or Circles, or to HIDE from a specific Circle or Circles.
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/377-manage-your-calendars-and-schedules

Duplicate Appointment Types

  • Sometimes you spend a great deal of time perfecting the configuration of an Appointment Type for one Staff member, but then you need the same configuration for a dozen other Staff… until now, that would have been 3-4 cups of coffee & a high probability of profanity.
  • But now, we’ve given you the ability to instantly Duplicate that Appointment Type, and then spend just a few minutes changing the assignee and any other small items that make sense – no four letter words involved 😇
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/377-manage-your-calendars-and-schedules

Custom “Magic Link” Icon

  • “Magic Link” is a huge hit with SuiteMates and with their Clients, but some of you out there are White Label & customization MONSTERS, and we LOVE you for it 🙂
  • So, yes!! Now, you can even upload your own custom “Magic Link” icon/image so that you can more fully control the look & feel of your custom login!
  • You asked, we listened! This is another example of a request from the SuiteDash Community & Voting Board that is now LIVE for you to enjoy! Thanks SuiteMates for the steady stream of great suggestions & feedback!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/359-magic-link-login

May 6th, 2022 Live

Google 2-WAY Calendar Sync + Auto-Blocking Appointments

  • Google Calendar is one of the most popular tools for business owners & this feature has been one of the most requested from the Community. That’s why we’re so excited to announce that the Google 2-WAY Calendar Sync is LIVE!
  • With this integration, communication goes between your Google Calendar and SuiteDash automatically! Events from your Portal will show in real-time without you lifting a finger!
  • Say goodbye to Double-Booking!! For each Appointment Type, you can set them to Auto-Block your availability based on the Events from your connected Google Calendar. This means if you add an Event to your Google Calendar, it will automatically prevent an appointment from booking at that time in SuiteDash.
  • You also have the ability to Auto-Block your Appointments based on CRM Events or other Appointment Types with the same Assignee.
  • For each Appointment Type, you have the power to configure each option individually, so you can be sure your configuration is set up just as you need!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/98-google-calendar-integration, https://help.suitedash.com/article/528-appointment-availability

“Look Busy” Feature for Appointments

  • When you’re first starting out in business, sometimes you need to “fake it ’til you make it” and the last thing you want your prospective Clients to see is that your booking calendar is completely available and open, which make them think you are not very highly sought after. It’s better if they see that some slots are not available, which makes you look as if you are “in demand”
  • If you have a lot of open slots for your Appointment Type(s), and want to appear to be a bit busier than you actually are, this feature helps you accomplish that.
  • Simply select the percentage of time you would like to mark as busy, and the platform will randomly hide that % of available slots for this Appointment Type, which will help you “Look Busy”.
  • For each Appointment Type, you have the power to configure this option uniquely, so you can customize as needed across your Appointment offerings.
  • Delivery of yet another feature that was requested by the Community! Thanks again to every SuiteMate for your feedback and for being a part of our Mission to help entrepreneurs all over the world achieve #SuiteFreedom !

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/528-appointment-availability

Custom Field MATH Operations

  • Well, we’ve done it! We’ve thrown open the door to a world of new possibilities using Custom Fields in conjunction with our No-Code Automations!
  • From the Trigger/Actions Widget, you can now use the Set Custom Field Value option to perform simple math operations using the CURRENT value as the base operator.
  • If you are using a “Number” type Custom Field, you are able to apply simple addition & subtraction math in the following format: [[current_value]] + xx ~OR~ [[current_value]] – xx
  • As an example, to add 100 to the current value stored in the Custom Field, enter: [[current_value]] + 100
  • This means you now have the power to imagine and create any type of “Rewards”, “Gamification” or “Points” system and easily add or subtract value from a Target’s total when a specific Trigger is activated. There are so many ways you can use this, and we will continue to push in this direction to extend the customization options this kind of functionality empowers.
  • Want an example? You can see this in action if you are a SuperFan! We are using this exact feature to power our SuperPoints concept which rewards SuperFans for being active and for contributing to the SuiteDash Mission! Find out more here: https://secure.suitedash.com/superfans

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-actions-breakdown

April 29th, 2022 Live

File Attachments

  • Ever wanted to attach a File to an Estimate or Invoice? Proposal? or how about an Email Marketing Campaign? Well, now you can in those places… and more!
  • Attaching files is super easy from the Admin side, and the files are then available on the Client side for the Client to view and/or download
  • File Attachment is currently available in Estimates, Invoices, Proposals, Documents, Work Requests, Email Marketing Campaigns, Drip Sequences & Email Cannons.
  • For entities that can be ‘converted’ like Estimates, Proposals & Work Requests, the attached files are automatically carried over into the new entity to maintain continuity. This is just another example of the many benefits that come from using an All-in-One platform – imagine a Work Request with an attached design/work file, then that design/work file is automatically carried over into the Project Files when you convert the WR to a Project!
  • Many email clients have a limit on the size of file attachments that they’ll allow, but we have an ingenious solution for this! When File Attachments are used in a scenario that attaches the file(s) to an outgoing email, the files are attached BUT we also create a direct download link for each file, and display them in the footer of the email so that the files are still available to easily download. This is like having an automatic “Dropbox” or “Drive” type link created for you and added to the footer of your email so you never have to worry that your recipient will not be able to access the file(s) due to the file size limits of email.
  • File Attachments coming soon to Messaging!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/532-office-file-attachments

“Convenience Mode” for Client Talk, Team Talk & Task Comments

  • Privacy vs. Convenience Mode has always been available in Secure Messaging, but we’ve expanded this option to several other key areas!
  • By default, the platform is set in “Privacy Mode” which means that the actual content of messages are not included in email notifications sent outside the platform. This protects the privacy of the messages and helps ensure compliance with HIPAA and other privacy and compliance frameworks.
  • You also have the option of enabling “Convenience Mode”. When this feature is enabled, the content of your messages WILL be included in the email notifications. AND, your recipient will be able to simply reply to the email notification and send a message back via email – without logging into the platform. Their response by email will be read by the platform and inserted into the appropriate messaging thread.
  • For Team Talk & Client Talk, you have a simple set of Options located in your Company Settings area – in the same place where you have always managed this setting for Secure Messaging.
  • For Task Comments, you can make the choice uniquely each time you add a Comment to a Task. But, as a convenience, the platform will always remember your last selection and default to that, which gives you the best of both worlds – the convenience of always staying the way you set it, but still the “at hand” option to change as needed.
  • Now, entire conversations can be had via simple email replies, but the whole back/forth thread is recorded and displayed in the appropriate place to make review and accountability a simple exercise.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/420-company-profile-settings

Enforce Secure Password

  • To make sure your portal remains secure & private, you now have the option of deciding what security options will be enforced on the passwords that are chosen when your portal users set up their account or reset their password.
  • Set a minimum and maximum number of characters, force the use of Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers, & Special Characters.
  • Prevent the usage of the previous password when doing a password reset, which make sure that a compromised account becomes secure after a reset.
  • Create your own list of “Forbidden Passwords” to eliminate the most commonly used insecure passwords like “Password123!” that attempt to beat secure password enforcement. There are many resources online that provide already collated downloadable lists of the most common of these.
  • Users see specific validation messages that let them know what needs to be changed in order to pass the security thresholds you put into place.
  • This feature is only available as a part of the Plus Bundle Power-Up which you can add to your account from your Manage Account area.

Drip Sequence Templates

  • Drip Sequences are an indispensable tool for automated Messaging & Marketing, but creating a series that might contain 5 or 10 or 20 emails is unquestionably a time-consuming task. But, now there are Drop Sequence Templates!
  • You can now save your beloved 20 email follow-up Drip Sequence as a Template and even contribute it to the Template Library for others to download and use.
  • Heads up Resellers! You can also include Drip Sequence Templates in your Reseller Profiles so they can be instantly added to Reseller Child accounts as they are created. Talk about “Value Add”!? Just think if you can tell your Reseller Child Prospects about all the pre-built Marketing Drip Campaigns you’ve created for them – ready to use!
  • Keep your eyes open for helpful niche-specific Drip Sequence Templates from our in-house Template Team!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/347-marketing-drip-sequences

“Hide for Circle(s)” Option in Content Block Editor

  • Circles are an amazingly powerful tool within SuiteDash, but we’ve gone “Tool Time” and added even more power to the much-loved and revered Circle! If you know, you know… MORE POWER!!
  • You have always had the ability to “Show” a Row or Block based on the Circle affiliation of the logged in user, but now you can also “Hide” a Row or Block from them based on their Circle Affiliation.
  • This new feature opens up even more possibilities for creating powerful dynamic dashboards & onboarding experiences!
  • In many cases, now you will be able to use just one Portal Page to do the job of 3 or 4 (or 100) just by building all the content on one Page, and then controlling who sees what based on their Circle affiliation.
  • Remember that these options can also be used in Document Templates via the Content Block Editor, which gives you the power to dynamically add/remove sections of a Contract based on the Circle affiliation of the Target when the Document is being generated. This is RAW POWER when it comes to auto-generating a Document that perfectly fits the Target user.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/448-content-block-editor

New “No Code” Menu Options

  • The platform has many places where dynamic “No Code” linking to many commonly used and useful destinations can be achieved. Now you can also set a Button Block or a Custom Menu Item to link to “Project Client Talk” or “Project Files”.
  • When you’re building a custom dashboard or menu structure, these new options will help you direct your clients easily so they will not get lost or frustrated.
  • These “Project” options will look for the Target’s most recent Project and use that Project as the linking destination – this logic exists for cases where the Target has more than one Project active in the account.
  • These options are a direct response to requests from the SuiteDash Community. Thanks for the continue feedback and support SuiteMates!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/158-custom-menus

April 1st, 2022 Live

Direct Authorization (OAuth) sending for Microsoft email accounts

  • May we present… the EASY BUTTON for sending email via Office365 and other Microsoft based email accounts!
  • No more will you need to configure SMTP if you’re using Office365, Outlook.com or other Microsoft based email address – now you just do a direct authorization (OAuth), and you can be ready instantly for the platform to send transactional and/or marketing emails via YOUR email account.
  • OAuth is a super-secure way to connect your email address – this integration is for outbound emails only. SuiteDash will use it to send transactional and/or marketing emails.
  • What is “My Portal App”? When you activate, you’ll see that you are authorizing “My Portal App” to work with your Microsoft account – What is “My Portal App”? Keep reading 🙂
  • In an effort to be sure the setup for all of our Integrations is as White Label as possible, we engineered an entirely secure microservice architecture that works in the background to let us show the generic “My Portal App” integration (to your staff/clients) during the authentication phase, but everything is connected to the SuiteDash platform via the integration microservice.
  • So, whenever you see My Portal App, just know that it’s completely secure and can be trusted. It’s just another way that we go ABOVE & BEYOND to protect your brand!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/128-customize-email-branding

Circle/Audience Auto-Create & Auto-Sync

  • When designing a workflow, it’s pretty common when you are adding a Contact to a Circle that you also want to add them to an Audience.
  • Up until now, you needed to create both the Circle & the Audience, and then be sure all your automations were accounting for this – adding to Circle AND adding to Audience – removing from Circle AND removing from Audience.
  • But no more!! Introducing the Circle/Audience Auto-Create & Auto-Sync
  • Now when you are creating or editing a Circle, you will be given an option called ‘Create & Sync an Associated Marketing Audience’. By checking the box you will also automatically create an associated Audience (with the same name as the Circle) in the Marketing toolkit.
  • When Contacts are added/removed to or from this Circle those changes will be automatically reflected in the Marketing Audience as well – the Circle & Audience will always be in sync. So this means you can very easily send a Marketing Campaign to a Circle, or you can add a Drip Campaign to the “Circle Audience”.
  • Keep in mind that the standard methods of adding & removing Subscribers to & from a synced Audience will not be available on the Marketing side – the members of the Audience are automatically kept in sync with the members of the Circle, and this is why you can’t make manual changes to the Audience – it’s controlled from the Circle side.
  • If a Subscriber unsubscribes from the Audience, they WILL still remain in the Circle, but they won’t receive any further Messages sent to that Audience.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/44-circles-how-they-work

Advanced Layout & Styling Options in Forms

  • Have you wanted to set up your Forms so that more than one field was on a row? Maybe First Name and Last Name on the same row? You too?!?
  • Well prepare to happy dance! Now, you are able to easily configure your Forms to have up to 4 fields on one row using simple Styling & Layout Classes.
  • On every Form Field, you have the ability to set unique Classes and an ID which can be used to accomplish your goal. Just below these fields you’ll find a super-simple guide along with pre-configured classes that you can just copy/paste into place.
  • These ‘layout’ and ‘styling’ classes will help you customize the Form field layout in exactly the way that you wish without any complexity or confusion.
  • A good example can be found here: https://secure.suitedash.com/reseller-virtual-orientation

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/432-forms-overview

Location Based Pop-Up Notices

  • Pop-Up Notices are a really powerful way to target specific Roles, Circles, Teams or even individual Contacts or Staff with a focused message, directive or announcement.
  • Now, we’ve powered up Pop-Up Notices even more! You have all the same levels of control as before, but you can now specify an exact ‘location’ in the platform to display the Notice.
  • Choose from a long list of the most likely places you would want to add a Notice to help direct, instruct, guide or warn your Clients/Staff.
  • Notices are perfect as a little ‘Information Guides’ because they can now be targeted in a very granular way to a specific User, Circle or Team in a specific location, which lets you even further enhance their experience.
  • So, now you have even more POWER in the way you can design your portal with custom touches to improve your processes & workflows!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/463-popup-notices

Multiple Signature Blocks in Forms

  • The recently released Signature Block was a highly requested feature and it was very well received by the Community – glad that we hit the mark for you SuiteMates!
  • But, some pointed out that the limitation of only one Signature Block in a Form was causing some friction as their workflows were needing to get signatures for multiple agreements in the same Form – or even separate signatures from multiple targets.
  • So, now you can add more than one Signature Block to your Forms and unlock those workflows with all the signatures your little hearts desire! Thanks for the feedback Community!
  • Coming soon, the ability to assign multiple signers to Documents for eSigning.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms

More Icon Choices in Custom Menus

  • Custom Menus is an incredibly powerful tool for designing an entirely unique menu for each Contact & Staff’s experience in your Portal.
  • We have now added more icon choices so that you can further customize and personalize how your Portal looks and feels.
  • Some are serious, some are fun, and some are… well, we’re not sure what they are, but we hope you like having the option of using them!
  • More icons on the way, so keep your eyes peeled!
  • So, now you have even more POWER in the way you can design your portal with custom touches to improve your processes & workflows!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/158-custom-menus

March 25th, 2022 Live

Use Kickoff Forms to trigger Document eSigning

  • Kickoff Forms are designed to be at the very TOP of your workflow/funnel. They can “kickoff” processes and automations for both “known” and “unknown” contacts and can be customized to trigger unique actions and assignments based on either “known” and “unknown” status.
  • You can now use our powerful Document eSigning feature as a part of your initial round of assignments & automations initiated by a Kickoff Form.
  • If your first order of business requires your Contacts to eSign a Document, you can use a Kickoff Form to collect the data needed for that Document Template, and in the same moment that the Kickoff Form is submitted, that data is used along with the Document Template to generate a Document, customized perfectly with data that was just provided by the Target.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms

Quick Switcher in Forms

  • When you’re working to create and fine-tune Forms, it’s often necessary to move from one Form to another to get things done.
  • We have now added a “Quick Switcher” in the edit view of every Form (any type) so that when you are working with a Form, you are able to quickly switch to any other Form, regardless of Form type.
  • And, to make sure this “Quick Switcher” is truly useful, when the switch is activated, you will land on the next chosen Form in the same “mode” as you left the previous Form. As an example, if you are reviewing the Submissions of one Form, and you quick switch to another Form, you will land on the Submissions view of that Form.
  • This is another in the continuous flow of features & improvements that are designed & delivered to help you be more efficient & effective.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/432-forms-overview

CRM Contacts – Option for Redirect after Edit

  • Another feature/improvement that is the result of a request from the Community, you now have your choice of “after-save” destination when you’re editing a Contact in your CRM.
  • Sometimes when you’re editing a CRM Contact, you want to save the data and return immediately to that Contact’s Dashboard. Other times, when you save the data, you’re finished with that Contact and would be best off returning to the List of all Contacts.
  • Now you always have the option of choosing, so that you can always make the correct click for your immediate needs. In “Edit Contact”, you’ll now find that the generic “Save” button is gone, and in it’s place you have three options presented in our familiar “side tab” UI/UX.
  • The “Save > Contact” option will save the data for the Contact, and return you to that Contact’s CRM Dashboard. The “Save > List” option will save the data for the Contact, and return you to the list of all Contacts. And “Clear Changes” will refresh the page without saving any data, just in case you somehow lose track of what you have modified and just want to cancel the changes and start over.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/65-creating-a-new-contact

Email Notifications when Subscription Cancels

  • Our powerful Subscription Plan feature lets you set up Subscription payments for your Clients that automatically charge their credit card on a defined schedule for a set amount.
  • You already had the ability to specify that email notifications be sent when a subscription failed, but the Community told us that more was needed. You wanted an email notification to also be sent at the moment the subscription was canceled.
  • So now, not only can you choose whether or not a Client can cancel their own Subscription(s), but you can also choose to send an email to the Client and/or Staff Members when a Client cancels their Subscription(s).
  • You can separately configure & customize the email sent to the Client and/or the email sent to your Staff. And, you can even specify which member(s) of your Staff will receive an email notification when the subscription cancels.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/469-office-subscription-settings

Reseller Profiles – Proposal, Portal Page & Email Cannon Templates

  • Hey Resellers and those who are thinking about becoming a Reseller – we just took the Reseller Profile feature to a whole new level!
  • A Reseller Profile is a framework of pre-built content that you can apply to a new Child Account. It is essentially a shortcut for you as a Reseller, so that you do not have to create the same content over and over again for each Child Account.
  • Now, you can include Proposal Templates, Portal Page Templates and Email Cannon Templates in your Reseller Profiles.
  • Imagine the added value to your Reseller customers if you had pre-built and niche-specific Proposals, Portal Pages and Email Cannons?
  • And, don’t miss this!! The fact that you can include Portal Page templates means that you can build and design niche-specific Data Dashboards (built in a Portal Page), pass them to your Child accounts and then they can easily use those to show Custom Data Dashboards (via Start Page assignment) to their Clients.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/402-partner-reseller-profiles

March 18th, 2022 Live

Custom CSS Classes & IDs in Form Fields

  • For those out there looking for the ultimate in customization in Forms, you now have the ability to set CSS Classes or IDs for each of your individual Form Fields.
  • This addition opens the door to uniquely style each individual form field to accomplish things like the ability to customize multiple fields on one line, each with a unique width based on your needs.
  • Coming soon: Pre-built CSS Classes that anyone can use to accomplish commonly requested formatting tasks in Forms, such as two or three fields displayed side-by-side on the same row.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/432-forms-overview

Custom Menu Improvements

  • The improvements in Custom Menus continue – our goal is to provide the most flexible, dynamic and practically useful Custom Menu capability on Earth 🙂
  • This upgrade has to do with Top-Level Menu items – When a Top-Level Menu item was hidden for some Roles, we also hide the associated Sub-Menu items for those Roles. But, when the Top-Level Menu item was then made visible again, the Sub-Menu items remained hidden. Many customers didn’t expect this behavior and were confused.
  • Now, when this scenario happens, we automatically make all the Sub-Menu items visible for all Roles, which helps eliminate this common point of confusion for customers.
  • Coming Soon: The ability to show/hide menu items based on Team affiliation. This will give you even more ability to customize how your Staff sees the navigation.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/158-custom-menus

Sticky Header in the PWA Mobile App

  • As we continue to upgrade and refine the PWA Mobile App, we are grateful to the Community for the feedback provided in the Official Community & the Official Facebook Group.
  • Previously, when scrolling down in the Mobile App, the header and menu would disappear, which then required the user to scroll back up to the top in order to access the options and navigation that exist in the header.
  • Now, the header/menu remains “sticky” which keeps the key elements like Navigation, Notifications, Chat & the Fly-out Menu right at your fingertips.
  • We hope you enjoy this upgrade to your White Label Mobile App!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/335-white-label-mobile-experience

Finalize Proposal without Sending Email Notification

  • Another feature/improvement that is the result of a request from the Community, you now have more flexibility with how Proposals are created and sent.
  • When a Proposal is in Draft status, you now have two options, “Finalize” and “Finalize & Send” and they work just the way they sound.
  • “Finalize & Send” will set the Proposal to Open status and automatically send the email notification to the assigned Client(s). Included in that email notification is the Proposal link that is unique to the recipient.
  • “Finalize” will set the Proposal to Open status, but an email notification will not be sent. This gives you the option of sending the Proposal link yourself using another means. To access the link, simply click the “3 dots” options menu for the Proposal and select “Copy Approve Link”.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/434-proposals

Custom Naming of Blocking Window Groups in Appointments

  • Recently, we released the ability to configure the blocking of your Appointment Availability using what we call “Window Groups”, which are essentially a set of day/time Windows that designate when you will not be available for booking.
  • Previously, if you needed to create multiple Blocking Window Groups, they would just be named “Window Group 1” and “Window Group 2”. But now, you have the ability to easily re-name these Window Groups to help you stay organized.
  • As an example, you might configure a Window Group called “Disney Vacation” and then another for later in the year called “Anniversary Trip”. With these custom names, you’ll be able to easily identify and comprehend what the collapsed Window Groups are representing, thus saving you the need to open and investigate each one to be sure you have everything covered properly.
  • Have fun at Disney!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/528-blocking-availability

March 11th, 2022 Live

Blocking Availability for Appointments

  • When you are assigned to an Appointment Type, you set your standard weekly availability and that remains the same every week. But sometimes, you will have the need to make exceptions to that standard weekly availability. For these scenarios, you can use the new Block Availability feature!
  • Now you can easily modify your standard weekly availability if you need to take a few days off, block an afternoon for a dental appointment, or just block off an afternoon so you can concentrate on a project.
  • Our advanced interface lets you configure multiple “Windows” inside a “Window Group” and specifically choose which Appointment Types should be blocked for the specified Windows.
  • You can configure any number of Window Groups so that if you need to block for multiple events/days at once, you can do that all in one convenient session. After the Blocking Window dates have passed, they are automatically cleared, leaving only the Windows that are still pending in the future.
  • The “Blocking Engine” logic that was developed to power this feature is the same logic engine that will power several soon-to-come features including the much anticipated 2-way Google Calendar sync!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/528-blocking-availability

Additional No-Code Options added to Custom Menus

  • For those on the Thrive & Pinnacle plans, you already know and appreciate the power to create additional menu items in Custom Menus. This capability lets you build menus that include direct or relative URLs, or you can create dynamic menu items that link directly to Portal Pages that you’ve created.
  • Now, you’ll find that you have a whole raft of new options when it comes to setting the “Link Action” of a new menu item! Options like “Send to Project(s)”, “Create New Work Request”, and “Send to List of Documents Awaiting Signature”.
  • You can use these “No-Code” options to build menus that easily guide your Staff & Clients to the appropriate places in the Portal, and many of the items are dynamic in nature, which means they will redirect to the proper “relative” location based on which Staff or Client is logged into the Portal.
  • Where appropriate, these items can be enabled/disabled based on Role and/or Circle affiliation. Additionally, appropriate Sub-menu items can also be enabled/disabled based on Role and/or Circle affiliation.
  • This feature is only available for Thrive & Pinnacle plans.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/158-custom-menus

Staff Submit for General Forms

  • Kickoff Forms & Update Forms already have the Staff Submit option, which gives your internal Staff users the ability to access these powerful Forms to quickly add data & launch your configured No-Code Automations.
  • Another example of a Community Request, now you have the option of Staff Submit in General Forms also. A surprising number of SuiteMates are using General Forms in a variety of creative ways, and this Staff Submit is another great tool to empower more options.
  • Like in Update Forms, the Staff Submit option will prompt you to select which Prospect or Client for which the Form is being submitted. Then, that Prospect/Client will be associated with the submitted information, which gives the power to collect a series of “reports” that are associated with a specific Contact.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/363-forms-general-forms

Granular Permissions for the Credit Card Vault

  • If you have the PLUS Bundle Power-Up added to your account, the Credit Card Vault feature gives you the ability to securely “Vault” credit cards from your Contacts using reliable enterprise-level technologies paired with military grade PGP encryption. Then easily & securely retrieve/view the complete credit card number, expiration & security code.
  • Granular Permissions now gives you an extensive level of control over who in your Organization can do what. You can specify exactly which person, which Team(s) or which Role(s) have specific granular capabilities like Add a Card, View a Card, Request a Card, Delete a Card, etc.
  • Because security is paramount when you are handling your Client’s actual payment information, it’s a huge advantage to be able to precisely control who can access these sensitive capabilities
  • 100% PCI Compliant, which means that this feature complies with the technical and operational standards set forth to secure and protect credit card data stored and transmitted. PCI standards for compliance are provided by the PCI Security Standards Council.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/478-credit-card-vaulting

February 28th, 2022 Live

Use Project Custom Fields in Kickoff & Update Forms

  • Previously, we introduced Project Custom Fields which are a great way to keep the necessary custom data on the Project level, which is quite useful, especially in cases where your Clients are involved in multiple Projects.
  • Now, you can use Forms to introduce the ability for your Contacts to pre-populate data into Projects that are created by the submission of a form using a Project Generator.
  • In both Kickoff and Update Forms, if the Form is configured to trigger a Project Generator, then you’ll be given the option of adding Project Custom Fields to that Form. (you must have a Project Generator configured)
  • The Project that is generated upon the submission of the Form will be pre-populated with the data from the Project Custom Fields in that Form. Use the Project Information fields (for Staff & for Clients) to insert data placeholders, which will then be populated with the submitted data.
  • This opens the door to create actual “Project Kickoff Forms” that your Prospects/Clients can complete, and then the Project is generated automatically & contains all the data submitted with the Form!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms, https://help.suitedash.com/article/286-update-forms

Additional Automation > File Request Action

  • Sending a File Request is a great way to provide a simple & efficient way for Contacts to upload files of any size without even logging in. Now, you can include this handy functionality as a part of your Automations!
  • Simply reference the File Request Action in the Trigger/Actions Widget & then select from your active File Requests. You will likely want to create specific File Requests to use in this manner.
  • When the Automation is triggered, the Target will receive an email notification from the File Request along with the File Request URL – they don’t need to even login – just click the link to be taken to a generic File Upload interface where they can easily upload multiple files in one simple operation.
  • Files uploaded via the File Request can be found in Files > File Requests > [Name of the File Request] > [Individual Folder per Submission]
  • The File Request link can be used as many times as needed – no limitations!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/101-files-file-requests

Customize Address Format on Estimates & Invoices

  • Invoices & Estimates display your Organization name and address by default as the Payee, but the format of the address was displayed in a standard that is not universal and wasn’t ideal for some customers.
  • The address field has now been broken into individual data fields so that “Address Line 1”, “Address Line 2”, “City”, “Postal Code”, etc… can be individual referenced by placeholder.
  • Additionally, you’ll find in both Estimate & Invoice Settings, you are able to re-order, show or remove how the address information is displayed on your Estimates or Invoices.
  • You can now re-order or re-arrange these individual fields to better accommodate the way these items are used & displayed in your part of the world.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/392-billing-invoice-estimate-document-settings

Customize the Background Color to match your Brand

  • Continuing in our efforts to provide you with the most customizable Client Portal on Earth, you can now modify the main background color of the platform to better match the colors of your brand.
  • Head over to “Platform Branding” to find the new option – “Background Color Controls”
  • The platform will offer a background color by default that is based on your custom color selections, but you have the option of adjusting this color Lighter or Darker.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-platform-branding

Use SVG Logos in your Custom Login Page

  • In the platform, you have been able to use SVGs for the Platform Branding logos for quite some time, but that has not yet been possible in the Custom Login Page.
  • Now, you can use your beautifully sharp SVG logo in the Custom Login Page settings – your brand will be better looking than ever!
  • If you’re not familiar with the SVG format and the many advantages it provides, we recommend you check into it – there are many many low cost options for getting your JPG or PNG logo converted into an SVG.
  • If you have no idea where to start, click here: https://portalapp.direct/8MfV8Q

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/131-customize-your-login-page

New way to manage Custom Field Categories

  • Custom Field Categories can now be managed right in the Contact Dashboard!
  • Just trigger the “Dynamic Data View” from the individual Contact Dashboard, and you’ll find the ability to manage Custom Field Categories directly from this interface.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/518-custom-field-categories

February 25th, 2022 Live

Task Comments delivered in Email Notifications

  • If you are assigned to a Task or a Follower of a Task, you have always received an email notification letting you know if there is a comment. That email was a “heads up”, but you didn’t have the option of reading the actual comment in that email.
  • Now, when you are adding a comment to the Task conversation, you can decide on a case by case basis if you want to send an email notification, and further, if you want to include the comment in that notification.
  • For those with privacy concerns, this gives you all the appropriate options to be sure protected information doesn’t leave the portal, but for those who want to include your comments in the email notification for convenience, you now also have that option.
  • The controls will “remember” what you chose last time, and will default to that configuration each time unless you manually change them for a particular comment.
  • NOTE: All individual users (including Staff & Clients) have their own ability to set their notification preferences. If a particular user has chosen to disable email notifications for Task Comments, then even if you set the comment to be sent via email, we will not send an email to that particular user.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/132-project-task-followers

Email Testing for all Email Sending Methods

  • Recently, we released a hugely improved method for setting up your White Label Email Sending method for both transactional & marketing emails.
  • We’ve enhanced this new functionality with a native testing capability.
  • Everywhere you set up transactional or marketing email sending methods, you can now trigger a test just to be sure your sending method is working as you expect.
  • Not only will the platform tell you right away if the sending was successful, but you’ll also receive an actual email so that you can see how the “From” and “From email address” are looking in your desktop or mobile email client.
  • This is especially helpful in situations where you might be troubleshooting a new or changed Email Sending method or if you want to ensure things are looking just right to your Staff & Clients.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/128-customize-email-logo-colors

Custom Field Categories : Advanced Logic

  • Custom Field (CF) Categories have been a huge hit with the Community – a real game-changer that enables a wide range of new options!
  • But, now we’ve added even more power by amping up the logical power! Now, you have the option of setting up CF Categories with “inclusive” or “exclusive” logic.
  • In any Custom Field where you add more than one CF Category, you’ll have the option between two behaviors.
  • Option 1: The default option is what we are calling EXCLUSIVE logic: This means that the Custom Field will be visible for any Contact where ANY of their affiliated Circle(s) is associated with ANY of that Custom Field’s Categories.
  • Option 2: You also have the option of enabling what we are calling INCLUSIVE logic: This means that the Custom Field will be visible for any Contact where ANY of their affiliated Circle(s) is associated with ALL of that Custom Field’s Categories.
  • These powerful logical options enable many advanced scenarios, and open up a whole other level of complexity to those who may need it!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/518-custom-field-categories

Ability to offer extended length Appointment Types

  • You asked, and we listened! Boy, did we listen!!
  • Until now, you could set Appointment lengths for up to 2 1/2 hours, and for most people that is more than enough.
  • But, we heard from the SuiteDash Community that many of you wanted to set much longer durations for your Appointments – as long as 8 hours in some cases!
  • Now, for those of you who need really long Appointment Types, you can now set your Appointment Duration to as long as TWENTY-FOUR HOURS!
  • You want LONG Appointment Types?!? You GOT LONG Appointment Types!!!! Now, let’s see how you feel after a 24-hour Zoom call, LOL 🙂
  • But seriously – this also opens up the Appointment Booking tool to be used for FULL DAY bookings, which means it can be used to book conference rooms, overnight accommodations, equipment rentals, etc…

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/377-manage-your-calendars-and-schedules

February 18th, 2022 Live

Signature Block for Forms

  • Quickly & Easily get legally binding eSignatures for agreements, policies or authorizations that are required in your business process.
  • Available in both Kickoff & Update Forms, simple navigate to the Advanced Blocks selector and add the Signature Block to your Form. From there, you can customize the labels, calls to action, and of course input your required legal language.
  • Dynamic Data Placeholders are available for use in cases that make sense – this would be especially true in Update Forms since the Contact already exists, and you’re able to dynamically insert data into the legal language, which makes for a much more streamlined and professional workflow.
  • Signed items are saved in the Documents list with a “Completed” status. They can be printed or saved as PDFs from here.
  • A complete audit trail is appended to the HTML & PDF versions of the signed Document, including day/time stamps & IP addresses.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms#signature_block

Dynamic Menu Items can be Customized

  • There are currently two Dynamic Menu items that until now were not able to be re-ordered or re-named using Custom Menus – but those days are over!
  • The “Dynamic Pages Menu” (DPM) is automatically built “on the fly” each time a user logs into the platform. It is automatically populated with only the Portal Pages that the logged in user has permission to view. If the logged-in user has not been assigned to any Portal Pages, then this “My Pages” menu item will not show at all to that particular user.
  • The “Learn” menu is automatically displayed if the logged-in user is an Owner of an LMS Product. When clicked the user is taken to the list of their available LMS Products – from there they can begin their learning experience. If the logged-in user is not an Owner of an LMS Product, then this “Learn” menu item will not show at all to that particular user.
  • You are now able to re-order and re-name both the “Dynamic Pages Menu” and the “Learn Menu”.
  • Because of their dynamic nature, they do have some limitations. See below.
  • Because the visibility of the items in the DPM and the Learn menu is based on permission granted on the Portal Page & Product level, Role-based permissioning does not apply to either the DPM or the Learn menu.
  • Because the sub-menu structure of the DPM and Learn menu are determined dynamically, you are not able to specify sub-menu items for either the DPM or the Learn menu.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/158-custom-menus

Custom Company Match Option

  • PROBLEM: When you ask your website visitors to complete a Kickoff Form, they become the “Target” of that Form. If you ask them to enter a Company name, there is no way to know if that Company already exists in your CRM list of Companies. Privacy concerns means that you can’t display a choice of Companies to them in the case that what they type is “close” to the name of a Company in your CRM. But, how do we know if we should match what they typed to an existing Company if there are 1 or 2 characters that are different? Is that the same Company? Should we create a new Company?
  • SOLUTION: The solution is that we do what is called “fuzzy matching”. Using a fuzzy match algorithm, we compare what they typed with all the Companies in your CRM, and then according to some defined threshold, we determine if the match was close enough to use an existing Company – or if not close enough, we create a new Company in your CRM.
  • Until now, we used a threshold method that we defined, but now, we are giving that power to YOU!
  • Now, you can decide what threshold works best for you particular needs, and you can adjust & fine-tune that threshold over time.
  • Now, you can decide what threshold works best for you particular needs, and you can adjust & fine-tune that threshold over time.
  • Simply navigate to CRM > Settings > Company Settings and look for the Company Match Option.
  • If you set the threshold to 100% this means that your Form Targets must type every character in the Company name EXACTLY in order for us to match them with a Company in your CRM. A 75% level means that they only need to get match about 3/4 of the characters in order to be matched. Anything below the threshold means we will create a new Company & associate them with that Company in your CRM.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/398-crm-settings

Ability to add Followers to Task Templates

  • Another big addition to our No-Code Automation capabilities, you can now “pre-set” Task Followers in Task Templates. This means that when that Task Template is used in the automated generation of a Project, the Followers will be automatically set – they don’t need to be added manually.
  • What is a Follower? Followers will be able to view the Task in the list of Tasks, when normally they would not have that visibility. In addition, Followers will receive email notifications when changes are made inside the Task, if comments are added to the Task, or if files are uploaded to the Task.
  • The capabilities of a Follower in a Task are dependent on their Role, so please consult the Documentation to be sure you understand what they’ll be able to do in various scenarios.

Documentation: Coming Soon

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/132-project-task-followers, https://help.suitedash.com/article/68-task-templates

February 11th, 2022 Live

Direct Authorization (OAuth) sending for Gmail/Workspace

  • May we present… the EASY BUTTON for Gmail & Workspace!
  • No more will you need to configure SMTP if you’re using Gmail or a Google Workspace based email address – now you just do a direct authorization (OAuth), and you can be ready instantly for the platform to send transactional and/or marketing emails via YOUR email account.
  • OAuth is a super-secure way to connect your email address – this integration is for outbound emails only. SuiteDash will use it to send transactional and/or marketing emails.
  • What is “My Portal App”? When you activate, you’ll see that you are authorizing “My Portal App” to work with your Gmail/Workspace account – What is “My Portal App”? Keep reading 🙂
  • In an effort to be sure the setup for all of our Integrations is as White Label as possible, we engineered an entirely secure microservice architecture that works in the background to let us show the generic “My Portal App” integration (to your staff/clients) during the authentication phase, but everything is connected to the SuiteDash platform via the integration microservice.
  • So, whenever you see My Portal App, just know that it’s completely secure and can be trusted.
  • It’s just another way that we go ABOVE & BEYOND to protect your brand!
  • Direct Authorization (OAuth) for Microsoft coming soon!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/128-customize-email-logo-colors

Major upgrade to Email Sending UX/UI

  • Now you can more clearly configure how your White Label email notifications are setup to send from SuiteDash on your behalf – it’s mobile friendly, easy to use & easy to understand.
  • The new UX/UI makes it drop-dead easy to select your sending method of choice, configure that method, and then specify which types of emails you’d like to use that method to send.
  • You can now configure both Transactional & Marketing email sending in one smooth operation if you are wanting to use the same method – but, you still have the control to configure & use separate methods if that works better for your use case.
  • Choose from the Default Sending Method, SMTP, Domain Verified Sending or the Direct Gmail/Workspace integration.
  • Direct Authorization (OAuth) for Microsoft coming soon!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/128-customize-email-logo-colors

Email Digest for Events & Appointments

  • This addition means you can configure a schedule for the sending of a helpful Email Notification to be sent that contains a summary of your upcoming Events & Appointments!
  • Choose Daily or Weekly, the day of the week to receive the email (Monday for example, to see what’s ahead), and # of days to include in Outlook email.
  • You can even choose what time of day your email will be sent – the time is based on the time zone configured in your Profile.
  • Test Email functionality lets you see what the emails will look like (keep in mind that the TEST email is not real data & does NOT have real links)

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/376-my-calendar-overview

Trigger/Action Automations for Appointments

  • That’s right! You can now use the booking of, rescheduling of, or the cancellation of an Appointment to launch or continue your Automations!
  • Among many other things, this opens the door to being able to charge for your Appointments! Simply set up an On-Demand Invoice Generator to be triggered when an Appointment is booked, and the Invoice will be automatically created and sent – AND it can be immediately paid online if you choose.
  • Great way to kick off a series of Automations when an Appointment is booked – or in case the Appointment gets rescheduled or canceled.
  • Change the target’s Circle, move them to a new marketing Audience, advance their Deal to a new Stage, apply an Event Generator, Send a File Request or any other of our many No-Code Automation options!
  • For each individual Appointment Type, separate Action Sets can be configured for Booking, Rescheduling or Canceling

Documentation: Coming Soon

Reporting in the My Billing Dashboard

  • For Prospects & Clients, the My Billing Dashboard will now display the latest Invoices that need to be paid, and the latest Estimates and Proposals that need to be approved. Clicking the Pay Invoice button will direct the Client to an Invoice screen where they can choose payment
  • When there are more invoices than can be displayed the More Action Items block appears with the number of additional items. The Client is able to click to show complete list, which will show all the items that fit the description.
  • Lifetime Summary display the current totals for items such as Open Invoices, Pending Estimates, etc.. Each item is directly linked for easy access to pay, approve or sign.
  • The Subscriptions will show an individual item for each Subscription that is active, expired or canceled. Prospect/Client can manage Subscriptions directly.
  • Now the Prospect/Client can have one place to see & manage all Office related items!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/462-my-billing-dashboard

January 28th, 2022 Live

Use Project Custom Fields in Kickoff & Update Forms

  • Previously, we introduced Project Custom Fields which are a great way to keep the necessary custom data on the Project level, which is quite useful, especially in cases where your Clients are involved in multiple Projects.
  • Now, you can use Forms to introduce the ability for your Contacts to pre-populate data into Projects that are created by the submission of a form using a Project Generator.
  • In both Kickoff and Update Forms, if the Form is configured to trigger a Project Generator, then you’ll be given the option of adding Project Custom Fields to that Form. (you must have a Project Generator configured)
  • The Project that is generated upon the submission of the Form will be pre-populated with the data from the Project Custom Fields in that Form. Use the Project Information fields (for Staff & for Clients) to insert data placeholders, which will then be populated with the submitted data.
  • This opens the door to create actual “Project Kickoff Forms” that your Prospects/Clients can complete, and then the Project is generated automatically & contains all the data submitted with the Form!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms, https://help.suitedash.com/article/286-update-forms

Additional Automation > File Request Action

  • Sending a File Request is a great way to provide a simple & efficient way for Contacts to upload files of any size without even logging in. Now, you can include this handy functionality as a part of your Automations!
  • Simply reference the File Request Action in the Trigger/Actions Widget & then select from your active File Requests. You will likely want to create specific File Requests to use in this manner.
  • When the Automation is triggered, the Target will receive an email notification from the File Request along with the File Request URL – they don’t need to even login – just click the link to be taken to a generic File Upload interface where they can easily upload multiple files in one simple operation.
  • Files uploaded via the File Request can be found in Files > File Requests > [Name of the File Request] > [Individual Folder per Submission]
  • The File Request link can be used as many times as needed – no limitations!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/101-files-file-requests

Customize Address Format on Estimates & Invoices

  • Invoices & Estimates display your Organization name and address by default as the Payee, but the format of the address was displayed in a standard that is not universal and wasn’t ideal for some customers.
  • The address field has now been broken into individual data fields so that “Address Line 1”, “Address Line 2”, “City”, “Postal Code”, etc… can be individual referenced by placeholder.
  • Additionally, you’ll find in both Estimate & Invoice Settings, you are able to re-order, show or remove how the address information is displayed on your Estimates or Invoices.
  • You can now re-order or re-arrange these individual fields to better accommodate the way these items are used & displayed in your part of the world.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/392-billing-invoice-estimate-document-settings

Customize the Background Color to match your Brand

  • Continuing in our efforts to provide you with the most customizable Client Portal on Earth, you can now modify the main background color of the platform to better match the colors of your brand.
  • Head over to “Platform Branding” to find the new option – “Background Color Controls”
  • The platform will offer a background color by default that is based on your custom color selections, but you have the option of adjusting this color Lighter or Darker.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-platform-branding

Use SVG Logos in your Custom Login Page

  • In the platform, you have been able to use SVGs for the Platform Branding logos for quite some time, but that has not yet been possible in the Custom Login Page.
  • Now, you can use your beautifully sharp SVG logo in the Custom Login Page settings – your brand will be better looking than ever!
  • If you’re not familiar with the SVG format and the many advantages it provides, we recommend you check into it – there are many many low cost options for getting your JPG or PNG logo converted into an SVG.
  • If you have no idea where to start, click here: https://portalapp.direct/8MfV8Q

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/131-customize-your-login-page

New way to manage Custom Field Categories

  • Custom Field Categories can now be managed right in the Contact Dashboard!
  • Just trigger the “Dynamic Data View” from the individual Contact Dashboard, and you’ll find the ability to manage Custom Field Categories directly from this interface.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/518-custom-field-categories

January 21st, 2022 Live

Custom Field Categories

  • Now you can automatically control which Custom Fields are visible on the Contact Dashboard for all your various Prospects & Clients.
  • Custom Field Categories a.k.a. “CF Categories” can be assigned to any CRM Contact Custom Field. You can create/assign multiple CF Categories to a Custom Field.
  • After setting up a CF Category, you can associate the CF Category with one or more Circles. Then, you will only see the Custom Fields for each Contact that correlate to the Circles with which they are affiliated.
  • This very powerful addition to the CRM gives you the ability to easily sort Contacts & display the appropriate data (and only the appropriate data) on their Contact dashboard.
  • Because this mechanism is tied to Circle affiliation, your existing funnels & assignments are not likely to need modification. Simply assigning a Circle (which you are likely already doing) is enough to ensure the appropriate Custom Fields are showing for each Contact.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/518-custom-field-categories

Ability to Reschedule Appointments

  • With this release, both sides of an Appointment (Staff or Contacts) have the ability to reschedule the Appointment, and all interested parties are properly notified.
  • From the Appointment Review view, the Contact that booked an Appointment will now see a “Reschedule Appointment” button.
  • Using the same method, the Staff member assigned to the Appointment will also have the ability to reschedule the Appointment.
  • In all cases, an appropriate email notification is sent to both sides of the Appointment with the old Appointment details and the new Appointment details.
  • If a Zoom meeting link was generated for the old Appointment, that Zoom meeting will be canceled, and a new Zoom meeting link will be included in the rescheduling email notifications.
  • Any connected/integrated calendars will also be updated.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/517-rescheduling-an-appointment

Invoice Custom Fields extended to Generators

  • Invoice Custom Fields exist to help you show additional organizational, compliance or regulatory information on your Estimates & Invoices.
  • Things like PO numbers, VAT Tax numbers, niche-specific codes, etc… are made possible in a very flexible way using Invoice Custom Fields.
  • Until now, these were available for use only on traditional one-time use Estimates & Invoices, but now, Invoice Custom Fields can be found in On-Demand, Recurring & Accumulating INV Generators.
  • This addition gives you the power to set these Custom Fields up for use in all your automations, thus eliminating another barrier to putting your business on autopilot!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/430-invoice-custom-fields

Followers are persistent on Recurring Tasks

  • Task Followers functionality gives you the option of adding Followers to any Task, which then gives that user visibility of the Task, and updates when relevant items are added or updated.
  • Recurring Tasks offer the ability to set Tasks up so that they recur over and over without any manual input.
  • This update ensures that when Followers are added to the “root” Task, that those same Followers will automatically be Followers on all subsequent Recurring Tasks.
  • Now, you can use Recurring Tasks in your planning in an automated way & be sure that Followers will always be a part of that ongoing plan/process.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/86-managing-tasks

Updated icons in Navigation & Custom Menus

  • On your next login, you’ll notice that the icons in the primary navigation area & in Custom Menus have been updated.
  • Additional icon options will be added to Custom Menus over the coming weeks, giving you even more control over how the Menu looks to your Staff & Contacts.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/158-custom-menus

January 14th, 2022 Live

Trigger/Actions now available for individual Tasks

  • Yes, you can now use our No-Code Automations on the individual Task level!
  • Configure the Trigger/Actions widget, and then when the Task is marked Complete, that will set into motion the automations that were configured and associated with that individual Task.
  • Now your imagination can go wild with automating your systems, notifying team members, updating Clients, firing Email Cannons, triggering other Generators, etc.
  • Build a mini-journey for your Staff or Clients, each Task can be the trigger that launches another round of automated actions & notifications.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/86-managing-tasks

Trigger/Actions now available for Project Generators & Task Templates

  • This is a major step forward in the ability to fully automate the entire Project & Collaboration side of your business!
  • Now, the Trigger/Action Automations that you know & love are also available to use on the Task, Phase & Project level.
  • Build any level of Automations into your “pre-created” Project Generators and Task Templates – then, when the live Projects are created using these Generators and Task Templates, all the Trigger/Action Automations will also be ready to go from second one!
  • Combine this with Task Dependency to create mind-blowing opportunities for automation both on the Staff side, and on the Client side!
  • If you plan to do your happy dance, please record and tag us on social using #suitefreedom

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/250-projects-project-generators
Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/68-task-templates

Subtasks are now available in Task Templates

  • And for the coup de grâce on the Project Management side, you can now – drum roll please – pre-create your Subtasks in the Task Templates!
  • Have Tasks that need to be automatically created as part of a Project, but those Tasks also need to be broken down into Subtasks – well, your life is now complete 🙂
  • Defining and clarifying Tasks using a Subtask checklist is very helpful, especially when it comes to newer Staff or Clients

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/68-task-templates#Tasks

Dynamic Proposal Generators

  • Dynamic Proposal Generators are here! Now, while creating a new Proposal, you will have the option of “Direct” (if manually assigning to a Contact/Circle) or “Dynamic” (if assigning via automation).
  • If you are typically sending as range of Proposals that are the same or nearly the same, you can now easily create a Dynamic Proposals Generator for each variant & then use those Generators to automatically zip out the appropriate Proposal for a Client in milliseconds!
  • Dynamic Proposal Generators are used to generate Direct Proposals and assign them dynamically as part of an Automation. Imagine the time you’ll save!
  • When a Dynamic Proposal Generator is assigned to a Client, it generates a Direct Proposal, fills in any Dynamic Data Placeholders that exist (to personalize things), and assigns the resulting Proposal directly to the Client (the target of the Automation).
  • You can use Dynamic Proposal Generators via a Kickoff Form, during creation of a new Prospect or Client, or from the CRM Options menu.
  • In addition, an Action has been added to our Trigger/Action Widget that will let you “Assign Dynamic Proposal Generator” which Create a Direct Proposal and assign to the Target (the target of the Automation)

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/434-proposals

Rich Text Custom Field

  • To be sure you continue bossing your Automation game, we’re providing a new type of Custom Field to help you translate your style & professionalism into Proposals, Documents, Portal Pages, etc.
  • In a Rich Text Area Custom Field, you are able to blow past “plain text” and use bold, italic, pre-formatted heading styles, colors, tables, etc.
  • Imagine you’re using the “Staff Submit” option for Kickoff Forms while on the phone with a potential Client. In real time, you are completing the Form, outlining a summary of the conversation you are having with the Client – a “summary” of your verbalized agreement. Bullet points, bold text, headers, etc.. You know that you are planning to use the data from this Form in an automation to send the Client a Proposal, and in that Proposal is a section designed to contain this summary, and in that section lives the Dynamic Data Placeholder for this Rich Text Custom Field. You trigger your Automation by submitting the Kickoff Form, the Proposal is generated and automatically sent to the Client – you can even do it while you’re still on the phone with them – and they’ll receive directly in their email. The Proposal is delivered in seconds and contains a summary of the exact conversation you just had.
  • Potential Client > Mind Blown.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/248-custom-fields#FieldTypes

“Global Tax” option in Invoicing

  • Do you need the same Tax applied to every Invoice you send? Now it’s easy 🙂
  • Wherever you can create or edit a Tax in the platform, you can now activate the option for “Global Tax” and from that moment, that Tax will always be applied.
  • Applies to Estimates, Invoices, On-Demand Generators, Recurring & Accumulating Invoice Generators.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/393-billing-items-taxes-discounts-settings

Update Forms now have the “Staff Submit” option

  • Update Forms are extremely powerful in that they provide a standardized and fool-proof way for Contacts to add new data or update existing data in the platform. But not only that, Trigger/Action Automations can be configured for the Form so that each time it’s submitted, the Actions are triggered.
  • Now, you can design Update Forms that can be completed by you or by members of your Staff. Using the “Staff Submit” option, the Update Form will open in a new tab with a Contact selector pinned to the top.
  • Just select or search for the appropriate Contact from the selector, and then complete the Form normally. When submitted, the data will be updated, and all associated Automations will be instantly triggered!

General Forms will now send Submitted Data by default

  • General Forms have always recorded the submission data, but if you wanted to have that data emailed you needed to build the email yourself using individual data placeholders.
  • Now, there is a placeholder for {{allSubmittedFormData}} and the email notification to send that data is configured by default.
  • So, if you need the General Form to just send you, your Staff or a particular Team the data in an email, it’s easier than ever before.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/363-forms-general-forms

Maximum future availability for Appointments extended to 180 days

  • Previously, the future availability window was limited to 45 days, but that has now been extended to 180 days.
  • Now your Clients and potential Clients can book your Appointments out up to 6 months into the future.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/377-manage-your-calendars-and-schedules

December 31st, 2021 Live

Conditional Fields for Forms

  • Currently ranking at #4 on our Community Voting Board, Conditional Fields has been a very popular request for quite some time – but the wait is over!
  • Now you can design forms that re-configure themselves in real time based on the responses given in the form. BUT, even more powerful – because SuiteDash is also your CRM, you can tell Forms to re-configure themselves based on the values in your database, even if that data point is not referenced in the Form.
  • This means you can build a form that initially presents one way for some of your Contacts, but presents differently for other Contacts – all based on data or some information that’s already on file in your CRM for that Contact! This powerful option CANNOT be achieved with other form builders because they are not interconnected with your CRM like SuiteDash is!
  • You can start using Conditional Fields for Kickoff, Update or General Forms by clicking the side tab for Conditional Fields.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/511-conditional-logic-form-fields

Zoom Integration for Appointments

  • We’re excited to report that the Zoom integration (#7 on the Community Voting Board) is LIVE and ready to auto-create Zoom meetings when your Appointments are booked!
  • Just open your Flyout menu and head to Integrations to activate Zoom, then assign Zoom to Auto-Create Meetings for your Appointment Types. When you activate, you’ll see that you are authorizing “My Portal App” to work with your Zoom account – What is “My Portal App”? Keep reading 🙂
  • In an effort to be sure the setup for all of our Integrations is as White Label as possible, we engineered an entirely secure microservice architecture that works in the background to let us show the generic “My Portal App” integration during the authentication phase, but everything is connected to the SuiteDash platform via the integration microservice.
  • So, whenever you see My Portal App, just know that it’s completely secure and can be trusted. It’s just another way that we go ABOVE & BEYOND to protect your brand!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/505-zoom-integration

Reminder Notifications for Appointments & Events

  • Now you can set up your own personal preferences to be reminded of Appointments & Events on your Calendar!
  • You can choose from email, in-app or SMS notifications (SMS requires Twilio integration) & you can set up multiple reminders to make sure that you really, really don’t forget!!
  • Set up your global preferences by clicking the Settings side-tab in either Calendar or Appointment Types. Then if needed, you can adjust the reminders uniquely for each Event or Appointment after they are created.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/376-my-calendar-overview

Major Improvements to the Reseller Program

  • Resellers rejoice! You can now create Child accounts with a 30-day Free Trial … and, you can now sell Start, Thrive & Pinnacle plans … and, you can sell the PLUS Bundle!
  • So, now when you create a new Child account, you can choose from Free Trial, Start, Thrive or Pinnacle. If you start a Free Trial, you can choose to upgrade it at any time during the 30-day period. The PLUS Bundle can be added to any paid account.
  • After upgrading to a paid account, you can upgrade or downgrade an account at anytime (proration is auto-calculated).
  • Just head to your Reseller Dashboard to check it out, and then get busy building your Reseller Empire ????

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/396-partner-reseller-program

Ability to Duplicate all Generators

  • You are now able to instantly duplicate any Generator!
  • This applies to On-Demand, Recurring & Accumulating Generators in the Billing toolkit, and of course to Project Generators.
  • This is very handy when you are creating complex Generators that need to be duplicated and modified slightly to fit your business use case. (Ex. multiple Project Generators that assign projects to different teams/staff but are identical in every other respect.)

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/361-billing-invoice-generators, https://help.suitedash.com/article/250-projects-project-generators

December 3rd, 2021 Live

Dynamic Accumulating & Recurring Generators

  • Accumulating & Recurring Generators are amazing tools that help make sure you are always billing Clients on a regular basis. Until now you needed to go and manually create those for each Client individually.
  • But now, with the new Dynamic option, you can configure a Dynamic Generator that can be assigned via an Automation so that you can easily set them up as a part of your on-boarding process.
  • You can specify a relative first creation date, or you can specify a day of the month which means the first generation cycle can be tied to a specific day of the current/next month.
  • Configure your Kickoff Forms or Automations to assign a specifically configured Dynamic Generator, and a unique new Generator will be created for the individual Client.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/47-accumulating-generators, https://help.suitedash.com/article/46-recurring-invoice-generators

Project Custom Fields

  • Power up your Projects with the addition of Project Custom Fields!
  • You can now organize Project-related data on the individual Project level using Project Custom Fields.
  • After you’ve created your Project Custom Fields you can populate them during the Project Creation process, or by editing an existing Project.
  • Enhance the Client & Staff experience by using Dynamic Data Placeholders for Project Custom Fields in the Project Information fields in both Projects & Project Generators. Using this strategy, you can pre-format Project Information and then have the project specific data dynamically inserted as the Project is created.
  • NEXT ITERATION: The ability to include Project Custom Fields in Kickoff and Update Forms, which will mean that you can create either dedicated Project Kickoff Forms or a hybrid Kickoff Forms that contains CRM Contact AND Project Custom Fields.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/248-custom-fields

Ability to duplicate Custom Fields

  • Have some really specific or complex Custom Fields that need to be duplicated?
  • If for example, you have a custom Dropdown Menu Custom Field with 50 selections, but you need several versions. Now you can duplicate this Custom Field and then make the changes that you need instead of needing to build it all over from scratch.

Use Staff Custom Fields to provide data to the Chart Block

  • One of the most powerful use of Custom Fields is to use the value of a Custom Field as the data source for a chart using our Chart Block.
  • Until now, this capability was only available for CRM Contact Custom Fields, but now you can do the same using Staff Custom Fields.
  • After upgrading to a paid account, you can upgrade or downgrade an account at anytime (proration is auto-calculated).
  • This further opens the possibility of creating Staff-side Dashboards that can be used to relay data, info, etc. to your internal Staff.

Terminology change: Task Templates

  • To better clarify the functionality of Project Templates – and to further differentiate them from Project Generators – we have officially changed this term to Task Templates.
  • This is a change in terminology only and will not affect the functionality.
November 26th, 2021 Live

Learning Management System (LMS) Phase 1 Release

  • Yes, LMS is LIVE!! An acronym for Learning Management System, LMS has been a popular request for a very long time, and now it’s a real thing!
  • Now, you can create Courses that consist of Modules & Lessons with the goal of producing a Product that you can use in a variety of ways. Products can consist of multiple Courses and the same Course can exist in many Products.
  • In this Phase 1 Release, we’ve laid a solid foundation that we’ll continue to build on for months. Further development on the LMS is already underway – several key features are close to being ready and will be added over the coming weeks. Subsequent phases in the Release Cycle will continue to build the LMS into a robust tool for selling information products, training staff, etc.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/509-lms

Manual Submit for Kickoff Forms

  • Kickoff forms are great on a landing page or to embed on your website, but what about when a potential customer calls you on the phone and you need to collect the same data? Now, you’ll be able to handle that with ease & still Kickoff all the same processes!
  • Kickoff Forms have a new option called “Manual Submit” on the Internal side so that you or your Staff can now complete the Form on behalf of a Contact. All the same Assignments & Automations will be triggered, and the end result will be exactly the same as if the Contact had completed the Form themselves.
  • If it’s better for your use case, you can even design specific Forms designed to let your Staff “interview” a Contact and record their answers in the Form.
  • And, an added bonus is the URL of the Kickoff Form never changes, so your Staff can bookmark them for super-fast access (when the phone rings).

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms

Timers added to Custom Menus

  • Visibility of the Timers section of the platform can now be controlled via Custom Menus. You’ll find “Timers” as a sub menu item of “Projects”.
  • This allows you to easily pick and choose which Staff Roles have access to Timers for greater flexibility.
  • The visibility for the Timer Widget is still controlled from Flyout Menu > Company Settings. The settings you have here for the Widget will take priority, so you can give a Role access to the widget only, but not the Timers section in the platform.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/75-timers-overview

Dynamic Staff Avatar in Single Image Block

  • You can already dynamically show a Contact’s avatar in a Portal/Start Page, which is really powerful for creating Dynamic Dashboards.
  • Now, you can do the same with Staff avatars, which is another step in the direction of enabling powerful Internal Staff/Team Dashboards using dynamic data.
  • Coming next: Ability to use Staff Dynamic Data as the data source for Charts

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Changes made to the e-Signature process

  • Now your signers will be forced to complete both tabs of the Signature Block.
  • They will be forced to type their name, which is then dynamically inserted into the legal statement verifying their agreement to the legitimacy of the digital signature process.
  • They will also be required to move to the next tab where they can either confirm their generated signature OR click the “Draw” icon & draw their own signature with their mouse/finger.
November 19th, 2021 Live

Reminder Notifications for Appointments

  • You can now enjoy customizable Reminder Notifications for Appointments. Configure these reminders globally from the Settings tab in the Calendar toolkit, and they’ll be applied to all Appointments. You can configure per Appointment after the Appointment is created.
  • Choose from in-app, email, or SMS notification types. You can combine multiple notification types, and stack different times to have them sent out before the Appointment.
  • While viewing “My Calendar”, you’ll see a new tab to the right of your screen. You can click this to configure the overall settings for your Reminder Notifications, and can also choose to overwrite settings for existing and future Appointments.
  • For SMS Notifications, the phone number used will automatically pull from the “Primary Phone” field if you are sending it to the assigned Contact. Or, if you are sending it to yourself, the phone number used will pull from the “Phone” field in your profile.
  • You’re required to set up the Twilio Integration in order to use the SMS Notification options.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/400-scheduling-an-appointment

Accumulating Generators – Minimum Amount

  • If your business deals with variable billing in scheduled time frames, you’re already familiar with our handy Accumulating Generators. This mechanism now has a new feature – you can set a minimum amount in order for an Invoice to be generated.
  • While creating an Accumulating Generator, you’ll see a new “Generation Requirements” section in which you can specify an amount. At the end of the generation cycle, as long as the amount of the Billing Items are equal to or greater than that set minimum, an Invoice will be generated. If the amount does not meet the minimum, those Items will be carried over to the next cycle.
  • This is useful if you’re dealing with a large client, like a big law firm. You have their Accumulating Generator set up to generate an Invoice every month, but maybe you’ve only done 1 hour of work for them this month. You don’t want to send them an Invoice for a small amount because that makes you look like a small-time operation. Now, you can set the minimum to something like $250.00, and this will mean the Generator will skip any scheduled generation if the minimum is not met. Instead, it will continue to hold the items you put into it until there is a generation event where the minimum is reached.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/47-accumulating-generators

Forms – Google ReCAPTCHA v2 & hCaptcha

  • Now you can block spammy form submissions at the source!
  • We’ve added 2 options for configuring Captcha based challenges that are designed to foil bots, scrapers, and other spam-related tools.
  • Google’s ReCAPTCHA is easy to use and completely free.
  • hCaptcha is a great alternative for those who may be concerned about the data that ReCAPTCHA is harvesting while it does its work. You can also set up and use hCaptcha for free.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/508-recaptcha

Logo option added to WordPress Login Plugin

  • If you have a WordPress based website, you might already be using the SuiteDash Login Plugin to let your users seamlessly log in to your account.
  • You can now use your logo on the login form that’s provided by the plugin.

Information: https://wordpress.org/plugins/client-portal-suitedash-login/

Default Avatar Initials

  • We’ve done away with a “default image” for users when there is no photo available for their avatar. Instead, initials for the Contact or Staff Member will be shown, giving a personal touch.
  • The initials are created from your Display Name. If you are only using a first name (or nickname, etc.), the first two letters will be shown instead. When viewing Contacts in your CRM list, the initials are based off of the First and Last Name.
November 5th, 2021 Live

SuiteDash Certified Wizarding Sessions

  • Board the SuiteDash Express for a face-to-face meeting with your own personal Wizard via the teleporting powers of the legendary Zoom portal.
  • During these 45-minute Sessions, your Wizard will help guide you along your SuiteDash journey. Your personal Wizard will listen to your needs, identify workflows and help create an action plan that will protect you from the dementors of confusion & doubt. Although Wizards are expressly forbidden from using their powers directly in your account, they can help you learn the spells that make magic happen!
  • You can book your session right from inside your account for a reasonable price with any paid Plan (Start, Thrive or Pinnacle). Wizarding Sessions are reserved only for paid SuiteDash accounts. Just go to Flyout Menu > Manage Account, and click the “Wizarding Sessions” tab to get started.

Information: https://suitedash.com/suitedash-certified-wizards/

Email Cannons

  • FIRE IN THE HOLE!! Email Cannons enhance your arsenal by letting you pre-build beautifully-formatted HTML emails with dynamic placeholders, and then “fire” those emails directly to a single recipient (the Target) as part of an Automation. Any dynamic data will be inserted as the Cannon is fired, and the Target will be blown away by the super-pro look & feel!
  • You can fire Email Cannons manually or via Kickoff Form, Update Form, Trigger/Action Automation, or while adding & importing Contacts. You can unleash your Cannons on any Prospect or Client, in either “Invited” or “Uninvited” status.
  • You’ll need to manually enable the “Automations” item in your Main Menu in order to use this feature. We want to respect the Custom Menus you’ve built, so when a new menu item is introduced, we let you be the one to enable the new item, and arrange it in your Custom Menu as you see fit.
  • SuiteMates who subscribe to the PLUS Bundle now have a FREE new feature. Email Cannons are now part of the PLUS Bundle Power-Up which can be added to ANY Plan for just $20/month.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/501-email-cannons

Email Marketing Campaigns for all SuiteMates!

  • The Start Plan has been given a FREE upgrade – you can now utilize the Email Campaign Marketing functionality of the platform! Both existing & new accounts on the Start plan will see a new “Marketing” item in your main menu. You should check it out 🙂
  • You can now build Audiences & market to them using Email Campaigns. The Email Campaigns can be sent to multiple Audiences if needed, and can be triggered immediately or scheduled for a future date. And, if you are having trouble coming up with ideas, you can browse the available Email Marketing Templates & load them into your account directly from the Template Library.
  • Autoresponders is not part of the Start Plan and will remain exclusive to Thrive & Pinnacle plans.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/102-marketing-email-marketing

Terminology Change: Event Generators

  • As a continuation of the very popular new “Generators” nomenclature, and to better clarify the functionality of Event Templates, the official title “Event Templates” has been changed to “Event Generators”.
  • An Event Generator lets you pre-plan and pre-build a series of Events that will be created when that Event Generator is called into action. When triggered by a Kickoff Form or in an Automation, the Event Generator “generates” a series of pre-configured Events and assigns them to the Target of the Automation based on the settings of the Generator.
  • Events generated by an Event Generator are “associated” so that if needed, you are able to use an Automation to cancel the remaining Events in that series. An example of when this would be useful is an Event series intended to keep a Client on your radar until you complete the sale (a follow-up phone call “Event” every week for 12 weeks). In this example, you could set an Automation to cancel the remaining Events in that series when the Client approves a Proposal or Estimate. So, in the case that the Proposal is approved & signed in the 4th week, those remaining follow up Events can be automatically canceled and removed from your Calendar by an Automation.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/91-events-event-generators

Oct 22nd, 2021 Live

Intake Forms “power up” & are now Kickoff Forms

  • Intake Forms have received an upgrade – we are officially changing the name for these to “Kickoff Forms”! The change is designed to better describe the underlying purpose of this Form – it “kicks off” a process, a journey, a funnel…a relationship!
  • With this new functionality, you are now able to ‘program’ the Kickoff Form to behave differently based on whether or not it recognizes the target user filling out the form. This gives you the power to place a Kickoff Form on your website or on a Landing Page, and use it to offer a unique service, or as the gateway into a new area of your business. Any visitor to that Kickoff Form will be able to complete the Form, then based on whether or not that target is “recognized” or “unrecognized”, the appropriate actions & assignments will happen based on your chosen configuration.
  • Of course this means that Kickoff Forms can still be used for self-registration, so that you can use the Form to turn “unrecognized” users into Leads, Prospects or Clients in your CRM. But in addition, when targets who are “recognized” from your CRM fill out the Kickoff Form, you can configure the Form to handle them differently if needed – choose to update their data, move them into a new Circle, change their Coordinator, put them in a different Audience, etc. This means your existing Contacts can go through a funnel many times (repeat business) if that’s what your business needs.
  • We are proud to say that this feature is just another in a long line of features that started as a request from the Community.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-kickoff-forms

Assign Tasks without needing to associate a Project

  • You can now create a Task and assign it directly to a Staff Member or Client without being required to associate a Project. This gives you the freedom to quickly create and assign a Task without the added burden and structure of having to build a Project first. This feature was also implemented in response to feedback from the SuiteDash Community.
  • Currently this capability is available only to Admins & Project Managers. To create and assign a Task outside a Project, you should start in “All Tasks” which you can find by navigating to Project > All Tasks (available to the Super Admin, Admin, and Project Manager Roles).

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/86-managing-tasks

Oct 15th, 2021 Live

Time-Tracking Widget

  • Introducing the new Time-Tracking Widget! This powerful little tool packs ALL of the features of the main Timers interface. But now you can track time, switch to another Timer, and add Timers to Invoices & Generators from anywhere in the platform – it’s always available and ready to use!
  • The Time-Tracking Widget shows your currently active Timer ticking away in real time, in both the widget and in your browser tab! If visibility for the “Rate” is enabled for the user, this will also be displayed, and the total value of the time tracked will always be calculated and updated. Create new Timers, pause, resume, switch between different Timers, and even add the Timer to an Invoice right from the intuitive interface.
  • Worried that the widget will get in the way? You can rest easy because we’ve thought of that too – you can click and drag the widget vertically if it’s obscuring anything. Or, you can turn off the Time-Tracking Widget entirely in Flyout Menu > Company Settings. You even have the controls to specify which Staff Roles can see the widget.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/75-timers-overview

FLOWs Manage Assignments List

  • Managing your On-Demand FLOWs just got much easier! We’ve added a new “Manage Assignments” feature to On-Demand FLOWs. This new tool gives you a list of all currently assigned users to the FLOW, accessible right from the FLOWs list.
  • You can quickly assign a user to the FLOW by selecting Contacts from a dropdown menu, and can unassign a user with the click of a button. You can even filter the Contacts by name to easily find the user you’re looking for.
  • Both On-Demand and On-Boarding FLOWs can now be deleted while users are still assigned. In this case, all currently assigned users will be unassigned from the FLOW.
  • You can find this new feature by navigating to FLOWs and clicking the “Options” menu button beside the FLOW you would like to manage.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/422-automations-managing-flows

Read Receipt permissions by Role

  • A “read receipt” is a confirmation that your message was opened & read. We’ve improved this feature by allowing you to choose which Roles are allowed to use this feature.
  • You can find this new setting in Messaging > Inbox > Settings. When enabled, any user who is given this capability via the permissions will see the option to receive a read receipt when their recipient opens the Message. The option can be selectively enabled/disabled on each unique Message.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/362-messaging-secure-messaging

Oct 1st, 2021 Live

Activity Stream / Email Logs

  • Live Stream has been upgraded and has officially been rebranded “Activity Stream”!
  • Activity Stream is a time-stamped log of events, emails, and logins that have occurred within the platform. This is where you can closely monitor anything your Staff Members and Contacts are doing. What the user viewing the Activity Stream can see is dependent on their Role, as well as the degree of access specified by the Super Admin.
  • On the Activity Stream page, click the “Activity” tab to see actions your users are taking – whether it’s a Client paying an Invoice or a Project Manager creating a new Project, you’ll see exactly when each event has occurred. Check the “Emails” tab to see all email notifications that have been sent to users, as well as any ingoing or outgoing private messages relating to you. Check the “Logins” tab to see exactly when users have logged into the platform.
  • You can find Activity Stream located to the left of the “Logout” link in your Flyout Menu.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/23-activity-stream

Third Party Payment Link for Billing

  • Are you using a payment gateway that isn’t available in SuiteDash (yet)? No problem! Now you can configure your Invoices so that the “Pay Now” button directs the Client to that third-party link.
  • While creating your Invoice (or Estimate, On-Demand Invoice Generator, Recurring Generator, Accumulating Generator, or the “Convert to Invoice” Action), you will be able to select the option to use a third-party payment link. Just enable it and enter the URL you want your Client to navigate to.
  • Please note that if you use this option, the payment won’t automatically be tracked in SuiteDash. When your Client pays, you will need to manually record that payment within the platform.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/45-creating-a-managing-invoices

Add Appointments to your external calendars

  • For new Appointments that are created, the email notifications sent to the assigned users now have a bonus feature – links are automatically included to add the Appointment to an external calendar (Google, Yahoo, Outlook, and iCal).
  • In addition, the ICS file is attached to the email and is available for direct download by clicking “Other”.
  • We have also added a new Email Notification that is sent to the Contact when a new Appointment is created. Both the Contact and Staff Email Templates can be customized to include these links.
  • MANUAL ACTION needed for existing accounts. To add these links, you’ll just need to modify Email Template for Booking Notification to include the newly-added Placeholder: [add-to-calendar]. Or, you can simply click the “Reset to Default” button to load the updated default Email Template that includes the Placeholder.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/400-scheduling-an-appointment

Option to Hide Menu Items via Circle

  • Our powerful Custom Menus already gives you the ability to show Menu Items by Circle in addition to Role. Now you have the ability to “hide” Menu Items by Circle as well!
  • This additional option gives you even more flexibility and control over what each “designated group” of Contacts sees, allowing you to build complex logic that can help you customize your range of funnels even further.
  • You’ll now see a toggle for “Circle Menu Item Visibility” while configuring the visibility for your Menu Item. Enabling this switch will give you a “Show” and a “Hide” list, so you can make your selections.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/158-custom-menus

Due date no longer required for Projects

  • Based on feedback from the Community, we have removed the need to specify the Estimated Completion Date for Projects. This gives you the flexibility to create “ongoing” Projects with no friction.
  • You’ll see that while creating a Project, the “Estimated Completion Date” field no longer has a “required” asterisk. The same goes for the “Relative Estimated Completion Date” for Project Generators.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/34-creating-a-new-project

White Label DNS for Custom URL

  • When setting up your Custom URL, you now have several generic options to choose from when entering the URL to “point” to. You no longer have to use app.suitedash.com.
  • This is useful if you are setting up an account for someone but don’t have access to their DNS. When it comes time to tell them where to point their CNAME to during setup, you can ask them to point to something like secure.myportalapp.com or connect.clientportal.solutions, which is a way of keeping YOUR brand in focus.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/130-setting-up-your-custom-url

SVG support for Platform Branding

  • Yes, get excited!!  You can now upload your company logos in SVG format!
  • SVG (scalable vector graphic) is a desirable file format, since it means the image can conform to any dimension without losing quality. Pixels aren’t being forced to expand beyond their original size, so there is no blurriness or distortion.
  • You can upload your Custom Company Logos by going to Flyout Menu > Platform Branding.
Sep 17th, 2021 Live

Billing for “Not Invited” Clients

  • Full billing capabilities are now available for Clients in “Not Invited” status! Your Clients won’t have to register into the portal for invoicing, subscriptions, and more.
  • Have your Clients pay Invoices, approve Estimates, and be billed for Subscriptions without ever having to log in to the platform. We’ve also expanded on this capability for Proposals to cover all of the bases.
  • If you want to utilize this feature, you will need to update a handful of Email Templates to ensure your Clients will not receive an email notification prompting them to log in. We’re using some special placeholder logic that is easy to insert into your existing custom Email Templates (or you have two other easy options to choose from to update your templates).

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/492-billing-for-not-invited-clients

New layout for Trigger/Action Automations

  • Since our Trigger/Action Automations list continues to grow, choosing from an ever-extending list was getting too cumbersome. So, we’ve overhauled the Actions module for the best possible user experience.
  • The interface has been changed to a clean & attractive tile grid, complete with easy-to-scan icons, brief descriptions, and even a search bar to filter the results.
  • The options to save and load Action Templates have been redesigned for more clarity.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/383-automations-actions

Guest checkout with PayPal

  • When setting the PayPal Gateway on an Invoice, the Client can now complete the transaction as a guest instead of having to log into a PayPal account. Instead, the Client can simply enter their credit card details to pay.
  • Please note Guest Checkout is not always available depending on several factors, such as region location and fraud risk assessment carried out by PayPal at the time of checkout.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/89-invoices-payment-gateways

Terminology changes: Generator & Audiences

  • To better clarify the functionality of “Profiles” throughout the platform, we’ve officially changed this term to “Generators”. So, we now have On-Demand Invoice Generators, Recurring Invoice Generators, Accumulating Generators, Project Generators, and Folder Generators.
  • When applying a Generator, you are “pre-creating” the item in question (Invoice, Project, or Folder structure). The only thing it needs is the assigned Contact – once that information is inserted, it “generates” the actual item. For example, if you’re selling a particular service for $100, instead of having to manually create an Invoice for each Client who purchases it, it would be much easier to just create an On-Demand Invoice Generator with the cost of that service already added. Then an Invoice can be instantly created based on who is actually purchasing it.
  • Generators differ from Templates, as a Template is merely a starting point for an item. Templates give you a “base” to start with, and requires more information than just the Contact’s name. Automation is key with Generators and this is not possible with Templates. As “Profiles” and “Templates” were easily confused, this change was made in response to this.
  • We have also made the official change from “Marketing List” to “Marketing Audience”. As with Generators, this helps clarify its functionality (and to avoid “list of Lists” awkwardness).
Aug 6th, 2021 Live

Plaid integration for Stripe ACH

  • Great news for Stripe ACH users! You can now utilize an integration with Plaid for your Stripe ACH Payment Gateway for instant verification. This makes it easier than ever for your Clients to pay via ACH – even easier than typing the information for a credit card.
  • Using Stripe with Plaid, Clients only need to input their bank login credentials via Plaid and the bank-grade security that their process ensures. Your Clients won’t have to look up their routing and account number and then wait 2-3 days for micro-deposits to show up in their bank account (and then log in to enter those amounts).
  • Because the Client’s bank account will be instantly and securely verified, it can be used right away to make payment on an Invoice. Can you say “Today is payday”?

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/470-ach-payments

Twilio Integration

  • You can now connect your Twilio account to SuiteDash!
  • To enable, just head over to Flyout Menu > Integrations, enter your Twilio account SID and Auth Token, and select the phone number that you’d like to send from.
  • With this integration enabled, you’ll be able to use the “Send SMS” action now available in our Trigger/Action Automations functionality. Send SMS messages immediately, or schedule them for a time-based delay, a specific date, or a dynamic date powered by a Date Custom Field.
  • Going forward, we’ll also be developing SMS messaging functionality for Appointment Reminders & Follow-ups, Marketing, Messaging, and more…
  • The Twilio SMS integration gives you the ability to build SMS messaging into your workflows, and the power to send SMS messages to almost any number, anywhere in the world!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/476-twilio-integration

New “Send SMS” Action

  • Using the Twilio integration, you now can send text messages (SMS) to your Contacts!
  • We’ve added a “Send SMS” Trigger/Action Automation that will send a message to the assigned Contact(s) once a trigger has been fulfilled (e.g. paying an Invoice, completing a Project, approving a Proposal, etc.,). The functionality of this feature will continue to grow so that you can utilize it in more ways.
  • You can choose to send the SMS immediately, after a set amount of time, or you can schedule a specific time and date. if you use the scheduling option, you can enter the date manually or you can use a Date Custom Field.
  • Just like in email messages, you can use Dynamic Data Placeholders in SMS messages too! The text messages you send will be just as personalized.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/476-twilio-integration

Jul 30th, 2021 Live

Choice Block in Intake Forms

  • Intake Forms just got a big upgrade! Introducing the “Choice Block”, which allows you to customize how a Contact is onboarded based on their choices!
  • To the person completing the form, the Choice Block appears as a simple selection dropdown menu. Behind-the-scenes, that person’s choice is determining which registration and automation settings are applied to them.
  • You’ll be able to uniquely specify which Circle(s) they’ll be added to, which Appointment Type they can book, which Project & Invoice Profiles are assigned, and as it relates to Paid Portal Access, you’ll be able to assign a specific Subscription Payment to each choice. These are just examples, but as you can clearly see, the Choice Block enables a wide range of possibilities!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/84-using-intake-forms

Save Contracts as Drafts

  • Now when you are making edits to a Contract before sending it out, you’ll have the option to save it as a “Draft” so that you can edit and send it later. Benefit? You won’t lose any changes you made to that Contract if for some reason you can’t send it during that session. You can also save your changes as a new Contract Template.
  • And, we have tweaked the UX so that instead of having to enter/exit an “Edit Mode”, the Contract Template you load will be on the screen to edit right from the get-go!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/48-creating-a-new-contract

Improvements for Timers + Date option for Manual Entry Timers

  • We’ve made a few improvements to Timers, giving you more flexibility and improving the at-a-glance information from the Timers List View.
  • Now while creating a Manual Entry Timer, you have the ability to select a date. You’ll find this useful for when you want to create a Timer for either a past or future time period.
  • In the Timers List View, the “Start Time” and “End Time” columns have been replaced by a “Date” column. For manual Timers this will show you the date that was specified during creation; for standard Timers, the creation date and time will be displayed.
  • We’ve also added a “Total Time” column, in which you can see the amount of time that is currently calculated (from when it was last Paused or Completed).

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/75-timers-overview

Jul 16th, 2021 Live

Official Language Translations Sets

  • We have some exciting news on the Translations front! Official Translation Sets are NOW AVAILABLE for you instantly load in your account! Currently, Spanish and French are live, and we hope to have many more options ready soon.
  • We have also reworked the UI for our Translations Toolkit for a cleaner and more streamlined experience. You’ll find that there are now tabs located to the right of the screen, which contain the language sets, additional settings, and tips for using the module.
  • After applying the language set, you can tweak anything you’d like to better suit your business style and use case.
  • And, there is also a new “lock” system you can use to “preserve” translation strings that you don’t want to be overwritten when applying a language set.
  • After you load a translation set, the translation is all yours to adjust/modify, which gives you the best of all worlds: true convenience & flexibility. Just go to Flyout Menu > Translations (beta) to see everything in action.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/350-translation-beta

Secure Credit Card Vaulting in our new Plus Bundle Add-On

  • Securely “Vault” credit cards from your Contacts using reliable enterprise-level technologies paired with military grade PGP encryption. Then easily & securely retrieve/view the complete credit card number, expiration & security code.
  • 100% PCI Compliant, which means that this feature complies with the technical and operational standards set forth to secure and protect credit card data stored and transmitted. PCI standards for compliance are provided by the PCI Security Standards Council.
  • You can either send a request to the Contact to enter their payment details, or you can input the information manually. You can store as many cards for the same Contact as you’d like.
  • This feature is available with our new Plus Bundle Add-On, which also gives you an additional 1,000GB of storage space. This Add-On can be added to ANY plan.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/478-credit-card-vaulting

New PDF viewer & ability to preview more file types

  • SuiteDash now features a brand new PDF viewer with quicker loading times and many more options, including rotating the page, viewing two pages side-by-side, and more!
  • The list of file types you can preview in the Files Toolkit has been expanded! Preview documents, images, videos, and audio files by clicking on the file name.
  • The compatible file types are: pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx, jpeg, jpg, png, mp4, ogg, webm, mp4, wav, and flac. You can preview them right inside the platform without having to download them.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/52-share-files-with-your-clients-prospects

Placeholders Picker + New Staff Placeholders

  • Our Dynamic Data Placeholders feature has been improved with grouping, color-coding, and searching for better organization.
  • Placeholders are now organized by “category” (Contact, Company, Organization, etc.,), and are color-coded to make them easier to distinguish. You’ll be able to click each “category” tab to see that particular list of Placeholders. There is also a search field included to make finding your desired Placeholder easier.
  • In addition, we now have Placeholders for Staff Members! You can find them in Portal Pages for now, and we will continue to implement them in more areas throughout the platform. Can you say STAFF DASHBOARDS?

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/294-dynamic-data-placeholders

Changes to File Transfer Share Options

  • We’ve added an exciting new option to the File Transfer feature.
  • You now have the option of generating a unique hashed link to each individual user. This link does not require the 6-digit code to access the Package. If you have sent the Package to multiple users, you’ll be able to select each user from a dropdown menu.
  • Or, if you want to use a generic custom link, you can specify that URL and direct/link your recipients to that URL. In this case, you are able to generate a unique 6-digit code for each recipient, which you can then relay to them over the phone or via SMS. The 6-digit code acts as an identifier so that the correct File Transfer Package is delivered.
  • Example Use Case:  Link to your Custom File Transfer URL from your website so that you can just call or text a Client “Just go to my website, click “Retrieve File Transfer” and enter these 6 digits”.
  • Access these options from the “Share Options” link in the Options menu for active Packages.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/465-files-file-transfer

Jun 18th, 2021 Live

Bank Transfer Payments via Stripe ACH

  • We’re offering a new way for your Clients to pay with ACH Bank Transfer in SuiteDash! ACH (Automated Clearing House) is a popular, convenient & low-cost method of bank-to-bank payment in the US.
  • This payment method can be used in all the same scenarios where credit cards can be used – Invoices, Stored Payment Information, Paid Portal Access, etc. It can even be used with Subscription Payments, as long as the subscription has an interval of a month or higher.
  • This feature is available via Stripe in its own Payment Gateway, “Stripe ACH”. If you already use Stripe and you are using a US-based bank account, you can get started immediately with Stripe ACH by inputting the same keys you are using for your standard Stripe Gateway!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/470-ach-payments

Preview/Edit Contract before sending

  • Generating a Contract has undergone a thoughtful makeover encompassing several improvements and new features.
  • You can now preview a Contract before it is sent, as well as enter an “edit mode”, allowing you to edit the Contract exactly as you would while creating a Contract Template. These changes won’t be saved to the Contract Template, and will only be applied to the Contract that you are generating at that moment, so tailoring it to specific users has become much easier.
  • Before generating the Contract, you’ll also get a chance to edit the content of the notification email that will be sent to the user(s) without having to navigate away from the screen.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/48-creating-a-new-contract

Manage Account Refresh + New Lifetime Plans

  • Managing your SuiteDash account is now easier than ever! Head on over to Flyout Menu > Manage Account to enjoy the new experience.
  • Account management is now organized into tabs you can click on the left side of the screen. You can quickly and easily access an overview of your account, upgrade/downgrade your Plan, and see a history of your invoices.
  • The Plans view now has a handy quick-switcher to easily switch between Monthly, Yearly, and the new Lifetime Plans. That’s right – we’re offering LIFETIME pricing for Start, Thrive, and Pinnacle!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/183-viewing-your-subscription-details

Preview CRM Update Forms as Contacts

  • Previously, when building your Portal Pages, CRM Update Form placeholders did not generate the actual form while previewing the Portal Page as a Contact.
  • Now, after you’ve added the Placeholder for a CRM Update Form, you can click the “Preview” tab to the right of the screen, then select a Prospect or Client from the dropdown menu. The form will display on the Portal Page exactly as the chosen Contact will see it.
  • This will save you time as you will no longer be required to Impersonate the Prospect or Client to see exactly how the form will appear to each individual user.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/53-creating-a-portal-page

Additional Options for Custom Logo in Email Branding

  • In response to requests from the SuiteDash Community, we gave you even more customization options around Email Branding.
  • To give you even more control of your branding in notification emails, we’ve added additional customization options for your company logo.
  • Now you can choose to align your logo to the left, right, or center of the email. Or, you can hide it altogether if you would rather not include a company logo in your notification emails.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/128-customize-email-logo-colors

Changes to Portal Access Invitation

  • We’ve made a change to the Portal Access Invitation process in response to feedback from the SuiteDash Community.
  • When manually creating a Contact, the check box for sending the Portal Access Invitation email will now default to “unchecked”. Since sending an Invitation cannot be reversed, this will help prevent accidental invites when they were not intended.
  • Even better, the platform will remember your previous selection the next time you manually create a Contact!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/65-creating-a-new-contact

Separate Portal Access Invitation for Contacts & Staff

  • We’ve separated the Portal Access Invitation email into two different email templates – one for Contacts and one for Staff.
  • The default Email Template for this Invitation was generic enough to be used for both, but we want to give you the power to customize the contents of this email to its fullest extent. Some businesses prefer to use different wording when recruiting internals as opposed to externals, so this can now be done.
  • You’ll find both versions in Flyout Menu > Email Templates in the “Account & Messaging” section.
  • In addition, we’ve also implemented the ability to add the new user’s first name and full name as a Placeholder in the emails.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/53-creating-a-portal-page

May 21st, 2021 Live

Sign Contracts as non-logged/guest user

  • We heard you ask for the ability to bypass our security requirement that only logged users can sign Contracts. Some of you wanted the ability for you and your users to sign a Contract without having to log in, and yes, now you have the flexibility to choose whether or not to enable this feature.
  • In Billing > Settings > Contract, you’ll see a new option to allow Contracts to be signed without the requirement to log in. If enabled, when your Contract is finalized, your Contact will receive a special link directly to the Contract. They can sign the Contract as normal, and all of the same features as a “standard in-platform” Contract will be applied (updated status, audit trail, etc.,). If a Staff Member is also required to sign the Contract, they will also not be required to log in.
  • You can configure additional security settings, such as limiting the number of times a user can click the link to the Contract before it expires. Or you can set the link to expire after a certain number of days, or a combination of the both settings.
  • In addition, you’ll be given a “Copy Contract Link” option for the Open Contract in the “Options” dropdown menu. You can copy this link and send it to your user directly by Secure Messaging, or a method outside of the platform (such as email or text).

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/48-creating-a-new-contract

Content Block Editor in Contract Templates

  • Would you believe that building a Contract Template can actually be exciting? Now that you can build one using our Content Block Editor, the possibilities are endless!
  • Use the intuitive Content Block Editor that you know and love from Portal Pages. Quickly and easily create attractive content with Blocks, Rows & Columns. There’s no rule that Contracts have to be a wall of text.
  • Using the “Circles” Access Option, you can create Blocks that will only generate for specific Contacts. An example of how you can utilize this feature is if you have multiple legal disclaimers that only apply to Contacts in specific States. You can place the “state specific” disclaimer in a single Block, then set the visibility of that Block to only appear to whom it applies to. And you can do that with multiple blocks, thus enabling a dynamic Contract that adjusts to the Circle affiliation(s) of the signers.
  • Signature and Signing Data placeholders (fillable fields for eSigning) have been incorporated into Dynamic Data Placeholders, and are color-coded for easy identification. Adding a Signer is now just as easy as adding a Placeholder.
  • Coming Soon is the ability to preview and edit Contracts before they are generated/sent.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/49-creating-a-new-contract-template

New Design for the CRM Options Menu

  • With so many features being added, the “Options” dropdown menu in the CRM > Contacts list was getting a little crowded. So, we’ve implemented a complete redesign of this menu.
  • This CRM menu has a structure similar to the Flyout Menu, with sections separated into columns to quickly find what you are looking for. It also features convenient icons at the top to help streamline common/helpful tasks such as: Quickly copy the link to the Contact’s Dashboard, Edit the Contact’s info, Claim the Contact (if viewed as a Salesperson Role), send them a Secure Message, or Impersonate them.
  • We’ve ensured that the user-friendliness of this menu has been carried over to mobile devices as well, with a few tweaks to make it just as easy to use as in the desktop view.
  • We’re eager to hear your feedback on this menu style, and want to know if we should look for other areas to implement this style of “Easy Nav”.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/65-creating-a-new-contact

My Billing Dashboard ability to hide + improvements

  • We’ve heard your feedback regarding the My Billing Dashboard feature, and in response we’ve made two important changes.
  • Now in Billing > Settings > Invoices, you will have the option to show or hide the Billing Dashboard. In addition, if it is enabled, billing items (Estimates, Invoices, and Proposals) will only be shown if the Client has at least one assigned.
  • Different business have different workflows. If your business does not send Estimates, for example, that section will not be shown on the My Billing Dashboard to avoid confusion by your Clients. Or if you don’t need a Billing Dashboard at all, you can disable it altogether.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/462-my-billing-dashboard

Apr 30th, 2021 Live

File Transfer is here!

  • Introducing File Transfer, your hassle-free, super-professional solution to sending large and/or sensitive documents to anyone in the world, not just those in your account!
  • File Transfer lets you send a file or set of files to someone via a secure download link that DOES NOT require that person to login or be a user in your account. You can add layers of security to the file(s) with password protection, a limited number of downloads, and even a link expiration after a certain time frame.
  • This transfer takes place outside of the platform, and the recipient doesn’t even need an account for access. Clicking the link brings them to a fully-branded download interface where they can access the file. It’s that simple!
  • You’ll see the new “Transfer Files” button at the top of the screen when you navigate to the “Files” menu.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/465-files-file-transfer

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5FU1GTajt8

Portal Page UI Changes & New Styling Options

  • We’re giving you the power to take control of your Portal Pages with exciting new styling options and an improved, more compact UI.
  • While editing a Portal Page, you’ll see several tabs located to the right of the screen. You can use these tabs to quickly save your Page, enter “Preview Mode”, customize the Page, configure notification settings, and load a Portal Page Template to apply.
  • New styling options include changing the color of your Primary Background and Content Card, hiding or customizing the Page Title Bar (the ribbon of text that shows up in your browser window or tab), adding your own image as the background, choosing from a set of pattern/texture overlays to apply to the background, and more.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/53-creating-a-portal-page

Associate Company Custom Fields with Contacts during Import

  • While importing Contacts via a CSV file, you’ve only been able to import Contact Custom Fields. You can now import Company Custom Fields as well!
  • During Import when you map the “Company” field, a new section will automatically appear with any Company Custom Fields you have created, so that you can map those too while at the same time associating those values with the Contacts of your choice.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/66-importing-your-contacts

Apr 23rd, 2021 Live

Timers now allow even more flexibility & power

  • Timers can now be used freely without designating any association with a resource such as a Project or Task.
  • Now when you create a new Timer, it is unassigned by default. Or, you can choose to assign it to a resource (Client, Project, or Task). You can edit the Timer and assign or unassign it at any time.
  • While adding the Timer to an Invoice, the available options for conversion will be filtered by whatever type of resource you assign (or lack thereof).
  • Timers are still currently in the “Projects” module, however, they will be relocated outside of this module in a future update.
  • Quickly create a new Timer by clicking the “Quick Add” plus button beside your company logo and selecting “Timers”.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/75-timers-overview

Restore your account Translations to Default

  • Sometimes the changes you make in Translations don’t go as planned or your plans change. In these cases, it’s possible you’d be better off wiping it clean to start over. We’ve added the ability to do just that.
  • We’ve added a “Reset to Default” button in Translations. This will restore your Translation set to the default, out-of-the-box configuration just as if your account were brand new.
  • Be absolutely sure that you want to revert your Translations to default, as this cannot be undone. Future updates will include the ability to export your Translations, so that you can have a backup of your progress.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/350-translation-beta

Resellers can now force update Translations in existing Reseller Child accounts

  • An extension to our previous update, which enabled you to transfer your current Translations to a new Reseller Child as part of the new Reseller Child account creation process. Now you can copy/overwrite the Translations for existing Reseller Child accounts.
  • At any time, you can copy over your configured Translations to the Child account, overwriting any previous data.
  • You can find this feature in the “Options” dropdown menu for each Child account in your Reseller Dashboard.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/396-partner-reseller-program

Download PDF of Proposal before it’s signed

  • In response to feedback from the Community, we have made a convenient improvement to Proposals regarding the PDF download.
  • The PDF download button is now available before signing the Proposal. One example where this would be useful is in the event that the Contact would like to print the Proposal before signing to take to meetings or hand to their boss.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/434-proposals

Apr 16th, 2021 Live

Ability to set Styling & Circle Visibility per Row

  • The Content Block Editor has received another upgrade. Styling Options (Padding, Margin, etc. ) that you can apply to all Blocks, is now available for entire Rows in the Content Block Editor.
  • Apply border styles, choose your own colors, and even add your own custom CSS classes to style the Row to your liking. This is independent of any styling or classes you have applied to the Blocks in that Row.
  • You can also now set the visibility of an entire Row based on Circle affiliation. Want to display the same Page to lots of Clients, but show/hide certain rows of the Page based on their Circle? Now you have that power!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/448-content-block-editor

Translations added to Reseller Profiles

  • Resellers rejoice! You can now apply your configured Translations to your Child accounts as they are being created using Reseller Profiles.
  • There’s no need to manually build the Translations for your Child accounts separately. Now when applying a Reseller Profile, you can automatically copy over the Translations from your main account

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/402-partner-reseller-profiles

Data Placeholders in the default Project Dashboard settings

  • You can now use Dynamic Data Placeholders in your default “Welcome Message” for the Project Dashboard. This will make it easier to create a standard, but still personalized Project Dashboard experience for your Clients.
  • You can find these Settings in Projects > Settings > Project Dashboard Settings.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/120-project-dashboard

Changes to Custom Fields in Contact Dashboard

  • We’ve made the CRM Dashboard cleaner with a change to how Custom Fields are displayed. What shows in the list will now be the value entered into the “Field Name” field instead of the “Description” field while creating the Custom Field.
  • “Field Name” is intended to be more of a reference name, so it will typically be much shorter, and therefore provide a cleaner look in the CRM Dashboard.
  • The “Field Name” is still only visible to Staff and cannot be seen by the Client, even from their Profile.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/460-crm-dashboard

Apr 9th, 2021 Live

Create Pop-Up Notices for your Staff and/or Clients

  • Maybe you’ve seen the Notices that appear in your Super Admin account informing you of new features, etc.,? Well, now you can create your own Notices for the users in your account!
  • Create your Pop-Up Notice and assign it to individual Contacts and/or Circles, Staff and/or Teams, or you can choose to just assign by Role.
  • Useful for important messages such as seasonal information, current promotions, or some new options available to your customers.
  • Customize your Pop-Up Notice by choosing the colors of your background, text, and border. You can add hyperlinks and format your text, and choose how many times the Pop-Up Notice will appear.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/463-popup-notices

Payment Gateways Redesign

  • We’ve redesigned our Billing Gateway page to make it cleaner, more user-friendly, and more powerful.
  • Each Billing Gateway now has its own “card”, in which you can click to configure. Each Gateway is labeled to indicate what types of payments it supports, with the current options being “One-Time” and “Subscriptions”.
  • If you have more than one Gateway configured, then you can specify one of them as your Preferred Gateway. The Preferred Gateway will be used to store payment information in any case where a Gateway is not directly specified.
  • To the left of the screen, we’ve added a search bar and filtering options. This redesign lays the groundwork for adding new Payment Gateways, as well as filters for supported payment sources (such as ACH/Bank Transfer) and payment types (one-time payments or subscription payments).

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/89-invoices-payment-gateways

Generate Contracts Action in more places

  • Based on feedback from the Community, we’ve further extended the options available in the Trigger/Actions functionality (Pinnacle only).
  • The “Generate Contract” Action has been added to more areas in the platform: FLOWs, CRM Update Forms, Projects, and Project Phases.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/383-automations-actions

Improvements to Impersonate Quick-Switching

  • Based on feedback from the Community, we’ve made a slight change to the process of switching to other users while Impersonating.
  • If you Impersonate through a Contact’s profile and switch to a different user during that Impersonate session, when you log out, you will be directed to the most recently Impersonated Contact’s profile.
Apr 2nd, 2021 Live

My Billing Dashboard for Clients

  • Introducing the My Billing Dashboard – your Client’s go-to place to view anything and everything related to their Subscriptions, Invoices, Proposals & Estimates!
  • Your Client can see an at-a-glance summary of their current Subscriptions, outstanding Invoices, and current Estimates & Proposals that need approving. They can also interact with all of these (pay Invoices, modify Subscriptions, approve Estimates/Proposals) right from the Dashboard.
  • Your Client can also easily add new stored payment information, change payment methods for their Subscriptions, or remove stored payment information.
  • Clients can access their My Billing Dashboard by navigating to Billing > Invoices, and clicking the “My Billing” tab in the top navigation menu bar.
  • Future iterations will include ability to manage ACH Bank Accounts, a “credits” feature, and an “account balance’ feature, so stay tuned!

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/462-my-billing-dashboard

Start Page for Staff

  • You can now assign a Start Page to an internal member of your team.
  • The Start Page is what your user will see when they first log into the platform. By default, this is the Dashboard – but by creating a Start Page, you can create your own custom dashboard instead.
  • Coming soon: Dynamic Placeholders for your Staff, so that you can create custom dynamic dashboards that will adapt to the currently logged in Staff member.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/215-pages-assigning-a-start-page

Subscription Plans available in Estimates

  • It is now possible to include Subscription Plans in your Estimates! This was previously only possible with Invoices and Invoice Profiles.
  • While creating an Estimate, you will see the “Subscription Plans” section in which you can select a Subscription Plan from the dropdown menu to add.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/88-invoices-subscription-payments

On-Boarding FLOW for Imported Contacts

  • An On-Boarding FLOW can now be assigned to Contacts that are imported via a CSV file.
  • To utilize this feature, you should first upload a CSV file in the required format. After uploading, you can choose an On-Boarding FLOW to assign to all imported Contacts (as Prospects or Clients) in the “Roles & Automations” section.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/384-automations-flows

Invoices : Origin Source made easier

  • We’ve improved the Invoice list, making it easier to identify and keep track of how your Invoices were created.
  • In Billing > Invoices, you’ll see icons beside the Invoice Numbers, labeling the origin of each Invoice. You can hover your cursor over these icons to identify the icon type (manually created, generated from an Invoice Profile, converted from a Work Request, etc.).
Mar 19th, 2021 Live

Portal Pages & Knowledge Base Pages have been merged

  • We’ve officially merged Knowledge Base Pages into Portal Pages. That’s right, “Knowledge Base” no longer exists in the menu – instead, any of these you have created have been converted into Portal Pages.
  • Now Portal Pages can be assigned to both Internal & External Roles, which means both your Prospects/Clients and your Staff Members can be assigned to Portal Pages.
  • Coming Soon: Start Page functionality for Staff.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/53-creating-a-portal-page

Portal Page Templates / Template Library

  • Speaking of Portal Page improvements, we are also introducing Portal Page Templates! You can save an existing Portal Page content/layout into a Template, and then easily apply that Template as needed while creating or editing Portal Pages.
  • In addition to saving Portal Page Templates in your account, you can also contribute a Template you’re proud of to the Template Library, which will share it with the entire Community!
  • This first iteration saves the entire content of a Portal Page as a whole entity. Future iterations will include the ability to save individual Blocks as Templates, and then be able to load those individually while building a Portal Page.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/461-portal-page-templates

Set Project Dashboard as Start Page for Clients

  • You can now assign a Project Dashboard as the Start Page for Clients.
  • The Start Page is basically the Client’s “first view”, which they are directed to immediately after logging in. With this update, your Client can log in and see the details of their assigned Project straight away, without having to navigate to it through the menu.
  • You can enable this feature in the individual Project Settings, by clicking the “Settings” tab while viewing a Project.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/215-pages-assigning-a-start-page

Avatar option in Image Block

  • In a previous update, we added the ability to display a custom dynamic image to your Contacts (Square Logo, Landscape Logo, and Header Image) with the Content Block Editor. Now we’ve added an option to display the avatar for the Contact or Company.
  • You can choose to display the avatar for the currently logged-in Contact, or the avatar that is set for their associated Company.
  • While creating a Single Image Block, choose “CRM Contact Custom Image” or “CRM Company Custom Image” as Image Type to see the new option.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/459-dynamic-image-placeholders

Enhanced Impersonate Mode

  • We’ve added a new feature to our “Impersonate” functionality – the ability to quickly switch between users.
  • You can use the Quick Switcher at the top of the screen to select a different user Impersonate. When switching, you will stay on the current page. (If the selected user does not have access to that page, you will be redirected to the Dashboard.)
  • While Impersonating a Contact, you will be limited to switching between Client and Prospect Roles. While Impersonating a Staff Member, you will be limited to switching between internal Roles.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/325-crm-impersonate-your-prospects-clients-staff

Improvements to Bulk Assigning Circles

  • Circles management has received a boost in speed and efficiency, especially when dealing with a larger number of Contacts.
  • When managing a Circle, clicking the “Bulk Assign/Unassign” button will display all Contacts, with Contacts currently assigned to that Circle at the top. You can now click on each Contact to quickly add/remove them from the Circle, with no “Are you Sure?” prompts slowing you down. Instead, it acts as a “highlighting” system in which you turn each Contact on or off.
  • In addition, while viewing your Circles list, you can click a “Show More” button to open a modal displaying all assigned Contacts without having to enter the “Managing Circle” screen.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/44-circles-how-they-work

Mar 5th, 2021 Live

Ability to Store Payment Information

  • Give your Prospects and Clients the convenient option of securely storing their payment information on file with you. At the same time they are giving their consent for your organization to process future Invoices using that payment information. This data is stored by a third-party payment processor and is protected, so that no Staff Member can access it.
  • You can easily send a payment information request via email, which links to a branded page with customizable language to collect their credit card information. The Contact doesn’t even need to be logged in.
  • If authorized by the Contact, you can also add the payment information on the admin-side. Once entered, it will be protected and not accessible by any user.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/458-stored-payment-information

Dynamic Image Placeholders for Contacts and Companies

  • We’ve powered up the Single Image Block in our Content Block Builder, so that it can reference new “Dynamic Image Placeholders”. These are special customized fields for each Contact or Company, in which you can upload a unique logo or header/banner for each.
  • Utilizing this feature, we’ve made it easier than ever to build your own custom dashboards and pages for your Contacts. Just set the Image Block to dynamically display the appropriate “Dynamic Image Placeholder”, and it will automatically show the correct logo depending on which Contact is logged in!
  • You’ll see the three new image fields (Logo Landscape, Logo Square, and Header Image) in the “Edit” screen of a Contact or Company. (These fields are not available in the “Add/Create” modes in order to minimize the friction of adding new Contacts/Companies.)

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/459-dynamic-image-placeholders

Extended Button Block Options

  • The Button Block in our Content Block Builder has also been improved, now providing several areas within the platform to direct the user to when clicked. Instead of having to manually locate and provide the URL, you can simply select where you would like to go from the dropdown menu.
  • Configure the Button Block to direct the user to their History of Payments, Open Invoices, their “Shared with me” folder, etc. with the click of a button (just to name a few!)

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

New Action “Move Deal to Stage”

  • We have a new Trigger Action called “Move Deal to Stage”. When triggered, this will move a Deal from one Stage to another one that you specify.
  • This way you can automate the process of tracking your sales process, instead of manually having to update it. Implement this Action into the completion of an Update Form, the signing of a Proposal, etc.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-actions-breakdown

New Action “Cancel Remaining Events”

  • We’ve also added a new Action called “Cancel Remaining Events”. When triggered, this will remove/cancel all remaining Events in an Event Template that has been assigned to a Contact.
  • For example: If you have an onboarding process in the form of an Event Template for a Prospect, but the Prospect becomes a Client and you no longer need those scheduled Events, this Action will clean those up for you.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-actions-breakdown

Improvements to eSign Functionality

  • In response to feedback from the community, we’ve made the eSign functionality easier to use. There are now “Type” and “Sign” tabs, so you can choose how you would like to input your signature while signing. Either choose to type your signature with your keyboard, or draw it in with your cursor.
  • This change has been implemented for all areas in the platform that use the eSign module (Contracts, Proposals, and FLOWs Read & eSign Step).

Default Circles for All New Accounts

  • All newly-created accounts will have three Circles by default: “All Clients”, “All Prospects”, and “All Clients & Prospects”. They will already be configured to automatically add each new Prospect/Client to the appropriate Circle.
  • These aren’t specialized Circles, so you can edit them as you see fit, or can remove them form the platform entirely.
Feb 26th, 2021 Live

Template Library (beta)

  • Introducing the Template Library, a repository of templates designed to make getting started faster and easier. Not only will you find stock templates, but you’ll also be able to share your templates with the Community and use templates contributed by others.
  • At launch, there are pre-built templates for Contracts, Proposals, and Email Marketing Campaigns, with other template types on the way.
  • Care has been taken to protect your White Label branding. The Super Admin is provided granular options to hide references to the Library as a whole, or just specific elements such as “Stock” and “Community”.
  • To enable the Template Library, navigate to the Flyout Menu, select Platform Branding and scroll to the last section.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/457-template-library

“Appointment” option + improvements to Button Block

  • The Button Block in our Content Block Editor has a special new feature. Instead of directing the user to another page when clicked, you can have the “Appointment Scheduling” widget pop up to allow the user to schedule an Appointment.
  • The user will not have to leave the current page. So if the user is on a Start Page being used as a Dashboard, they can schedule the Appointment right there without having to navigate away.
  • We’ve also simplified and improved the interface so that you can choose exactly which action you’d like to take when the button is clicked during configuration.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

“Progress Arc” option added for Progress Bar Block

  • As another addition to our Content Block Editor, we’ve added a second type of Progress Bar in the Progress Bar Block, so you can choose which style suits you best!
  • You can choose between a “horizontal bar” for a classic look that fits well with horizontal layouts, or a circular “arc” which provides a more modern look and fits better in vertical / responsive layouts.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

New Action “Send Portal Access Invitation Email”

  • Introducing the “Send Portal Access Invitation Email” Trigger/Action automation!
  • This Action will give you the option of automating when the Portal Access Invitation is sent, which then enables your Contact to activate their Portal access.
  • Using this Action, you can fully customize your workflow and eliminate the need to manually trigger the sending of this email.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-actions-breakdown

Action Trigger for registering Prospect/Client

  • We can’t get enough automation, so we’ve added another useful Trigger to our Trigger/Action Automation feature.
  • You can now set up a chain of Actions to be triggered when a Prospect or Client first logs into the Portal.
  • Now you can add even more automation to your onboarding process!
  • You can find the controls for this functionality in Flyout Menu > Company Profile /Settings.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/420-company-profile-settings

Assign Staff Members to an Event

  • Our “Event” functionality has been updated so that there is a specific Staff Member assigned to each Event.
  • Other Staff Members can be granted ‘visibility’ and can view the Event, but in this case the Event will not have an impact on their booking availability.
  • This paves the way for upcoming functionality, like the ability to block out Appointment availability-based on assigned Events, linked calendar events (Google Calendar, etc.), Group Events, and more.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/90-events-getting-started

“Welcome Email” changed to “Portal Access Invitation”

  • We’ve modified the terminology “Welcome Email”. It has been officially changed to “Portal Access Invitation”.
  • This change clarifies the purpose of the email, and is in response to feedback from the SuiteDash Community.
Feb 19th, 2021 Live

New “Progress Bar” Block for the Content Block Editor

  • Available now for the Content Block Editor in Portal Pages.
  • Now you can display “progress” on a Portal Page in a beautiful way.
  • You can set the Progress Bar to display static data, or to really power up how it can be used, we’ve provided the ability for you to link the Progress Bar to the data associated with a specific Custom Field.
  • Using this dynamic data option, Progress Bars can be set to display the value associated with the currently logged in Prospect/Client, which means it can be used as a dynamic piece of the experiences you design.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

New “Chart” Block for the Content Block Editor

  • Available now for the Content Block Editor in Portal Pages.
  • Currently, you can choose from the following chart types: Pie, Horizontal Bar, Vertical Bar, Doughnut & Polar Area.
  • You can set each of these types to display static data, or to really power up how it can be used, we’ve provided the ability for you to link the Charts to the data associated with a specific Custom Field(s).
  • Using this dynamic data option, Charts can be set to display the value(s) associated with the currently logged in Prospect/Client, which means it can be used as a dynamic piece of the experiences you design.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

New “Set Custom Field Value” Action

  • Introducing the “Set Custom Field Value” Trigger/Action automation!
  • This Action gives you the power to change the value of one or more Custom Fields to a new/different value, and that new value will be applied to the assigned Contact(s).
  • This opens up a world of possibilities as you design your workflows by modifying a status or value associated with a Prospect or Client after they complete a step in your process.
  • As an example, you could combine this feature with the Progress Bar or Chart Blocks above to help create beautiful and functional dashboards for your Prospects/Clients.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-actions-breakdown

“Name Prefix” field added for Contacts

  • You can now assign each of your Contacts an ‘honorific’ prefix. This is an honorary title such as Mr., Mrs., Prof., Dr., etc.
  • There is a new “Name Prefix” field when you add a Contact to your CRM whether it’s manually or by Intake Form. This prefix will show in the Contact’s Dashboard.
  • You are also able to use a Placeholder to represent the value of this field in all places where Dynamic Data Placeholders are currently available.
Feb 12th, 2021 Live

Recurring & Scheduled Project Creation

  • Project Profiles now have the option to “plan” when Projects will be automatically generated from the Project Profile configuration.
  • You can choose to generate the Project on a recurring schedule, on specific dates, or you can even pull the generation date from a Date Custom Field.
  • Useful in scenarios where you need to automatically generate a Project for a Client or Circle for a particular time of year (tax season), or on a recurring basis (quarterly bookkeeping).

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/250-projects-project-profiles

Hide the Discount Column in Invoices & Estimates

  • When there is no Discount included in the Invoice or Estimate, the “Discount” column will not show in the Prospect/Client view or PDF.
  • Not every business offers discounts, so this will avoid any confusion by your Clients.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/45-creating-a-managing-invoices

Placeholders now available in all Email Actions

  • Some of the Email-type Actions/Automations had a limited number of Placeholders, and in some cases Placeholders were not available at all.
  • We’ve addressed this so that all Email-type Actions (“Send Email Notification”, “Send email to Contact(s)”, “Send email to Internal(s)”) have the full list of available Placeholders.

Improvements to Managing Circles on Mobile

  • It’s now easier to manage your Circles on a mobile device.
  • The layout is cleaner, and the “Included” and “Not Included” lists have been consolidated.
  • You are now able to easily add and remove Contacts from a Circle using add/remove icons, instead of the drag and drop interface used in desktop mode.

Disable Online Payments now allows Partial Payment

  • Initially, partial payments for Invoices was tied to the ability for your Client to pay online.
  • When “Disable Online Payments” was implemented, we neglected to realize that the partial payments “switch” was tied into that logic, and the result was that partial payments were not possible from the Admin side when recording an offline payment.
  • You can now allow and record partial payments in all cases.
Feb 5th, 2021 Live

New “Button Block” in Content Block Editor

  • The “Button Block” is the latest powerful addition to our Content Block Editor.
  • You can use this block to easily create custom buttons with simple styling options for configuring size, color, padding, borders, and more.
  • Powerful linking options allow a direct or relative URL, a selection of placeholder links, direct linking to other Portal Pages, and even the ability to create a new Portal Page and auto-link to it in the same action.
  • Creating/Linking new Portal Pages in one operation makes it super simple to create a network of Pages linked via easy to configure buttons.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Ability for Staff to create Appointments

  • Now Staff Members can create Appointments for Clients!
  • When a Staff Member has an Appointment Type configured and set to Active, they will see an “+Add Appointment” on their calendar.
  • We’ve also included the ability to allow Staff to add Appointments, but disable it for Contacts. You can find this new setting in Calendar > Settings > Appointment Settings.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/400-scheduling-an-appointment

Refinements to Notification Panel 2.0

  • Based on feedback from the Community, the Notification Panel has been reworked to be more intuitive.
  • Clicking on a Notification card will now direct you to the referenced item AND mark the item as read (bring up the Contract, direct you to the Message, etc.).
  • The “Unread” orange circle has been made larger and has an animation while hovering your cursor over it. Clicking this circle will mark the Notification as “Read” without navigating away.
  • You are able to “Mark as Unread” and “Pin/Unpin” the Notification from the “three dots” Options menu.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/380-notification-center

Option to include physical address to Marketing emails

  • Depending on the country your business is based in, it may be legally required to include a physical address in the footer of emails that you send for marketing purposes.
  • You can now choose to include an address in the email footer of your Marketing Emails.
  • You can find the section to input the address in Marketing > Settings.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/103-marketing-email-sending-settings

Changes & Additions to Invoice Reminder Emails

  • The “Payment Due Date Reminder” option can now be configured to send email notifications every day for a set number of occurrences.
  • A new “Due Date Approaching Reminder” option has also been added, in which you can choose how many days to send the reminder before the Due Date.
  • The contents of these reminder emails can be customized in Flyout Menu > Email Templates.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/392-billing-invoice-estimate-contract-settings

Jan 29th, 2021 Live

Salesperson Visibility

  • Until now, the Salesperson role had the ability to “claim” a Contact, but this capability was limited and the logic behind it needed enhancement.
  • We’ve now fine-tuned this feature and expanded the “Claim” options to include the ability to “Assign” to a Salesperson when a new Contact is added into the platform, via both the manual “Add Contact” form and CRM Intake Forms. Assigning will have the same results as if the Salesperson manually Claimed the Contact.
  • After a Salesperson “Claims” a Contact, that Contact will only be visible to that Salesperson and no other Salesperson. There is also the option of “Sharing” the Claimed Contact with additional Salespersons.
  • Since this feature is unique to the Salesperson Role, it does not affect the visibility of the Contact for other Roles. Salespersons can Claim an Unclaimed Contact themselves, or higher-level Roles can also choose to assign and unassign Contacts to Salespersons.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/421-claiming-a-contact

Apply Actions Template from CRM Dashboard

  • You can now choose to trigger an Action Template directly from the Contact’s CRM Dashboard.
  • You’ll see a new button in the “Available Actions” section called “Trigger Actions Template”. From here you can select an existing Action Template from the dropdown menu.
  • This feature is the start of making Actions & Action Templates more readily accessible, without having to hunt them down in various areas of the platform. You can initiate the trigger yourself instead of a requirement being met (i.e. the customer paying an Invoice).
  • Need to change a Client’s Circle, move them to a new Email Marketing List & apply a Project Profile? Create an Actions Template for all these, and then easily execute them all in one stroke by applying that Actions Template.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/437-automations-action-templates

Ability to disable Online Payments

  • When you check the “Do not offer Online Payments” box in Payment Settings, your Client will not see the “Pay Now” button on their Invoice.
  • This setting is useful in cases where you want the Client to mail a paper check or you want to employ some alternate method of payment.
  • This setting will be automatically enabled for new accounts and accounts that do not have any Payment Gateways set up.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/45-creating-a-managing-invoices

“Remember Me” on Custom Login is now optional

  • The “Remember Me” option is now optional for your custom login page.
  • This option allows the user to stay logged in even after closing out the portal.
  • By default, a user can stay persistently logged in for only 24 hours, after which they will need to login again. If the “Remember Me” option is enabled, they will stay persistently logged in for 30 days unless they logout.
  • Enabling this option makes using the Portal more convenient for your users by not forcing them to re-login every day.
  • Disabling the option provides a more secure environment as it force logs out the user after 24 hours. This behavior is desirable for organizations looking to comply with applicable privacy frameworks, etc.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/131-customize-your-login-page

Refinements for “Reset Proposal” ability

  • When resetting an expired Proposal, you now have the option to edit it before resending.
  • This will put the Proposal into “Draft” status so that you may make changes to it before re-sending to the Prospect/Client.
  • You will still be able to immediately save the Proposal as “Open” if you do not need to make any changes.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/434-proposals

Files now show File Size & “Last Modified Date”

  • Every file now displays its file size, as well as its last “Modified Date”.
  • If the file has never been modified, the “Upload Date” will show.
  • The displayed information also includes the time of upload/modification, and will be converted based on the user’s Timezone.
Jan 22nd, 2021 Live

Major upgrade to the Notification Panel

  • The Notification Center has a fresh new look with a more intuitive interface. Filter, Mark as Read/Unread, and Pin your Notifications with ease.
  • The new “Pin” features lets you pin important Notifications to the top of the list. We will later expand on this by automatically pinning Notifications such as assigned Contracts, Proposals, etc.
  • Overall cleaner and more modern appearance.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/380-notification-center

Add Notes to Timers that will appear in Invoices

  • Timers now have a “Notes” option. This Note will automatically be entered as the Item Description when adding the Timer to an Invoice.
  • Add a Note at any time through the “Options” dropdown menu of a Timer. Or, you can add a Note while adding the Timer to an Invoice.
  • Very helpful when describing the details of the Task being tracked.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/76-adding-completed-timers-to-invoices

“Embed Block” in Content Block Editor split into iFrame/Embed/Video

  • Our new “Embed Block” in the Content Block Editor has now been split into three different Blocks: “iFrame”, “Embed” and “Video”.
  • The iFrame Block is specifically to embed content using Inline Frames (a page within a page).
  • The Video Block is for embedding videos from YouTube and Vimeo.
  • The Embed Block is for general content, such as documents and interactive media.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/455-block-editor-block-types

Default Gateway for all Billing-related Profiles

  • You can now choose a default Payment Gateway while creating an Invoice Profile, Recurring Profile, or Accumulating Profile.
Jan 14th, 2021 Live

Based-On Date for Project Templates

  • When applying a Project Template to a Project or Project Profile, you can now specify the “Based on Date”.
  • Previously, Tasks and Phases generated from the Project Template were based on the “Creation Date” of the Project. Now you can specify a different date, which we call the “Based-On Date”.
  • You will find this new field below the dropdown menu to select your Project Template.
  • In addition, you can input negative numbers for the Relative Date (Tasks) & Start/End Intervals (Phases), to generate dates that are before the Based-On Date instead of after.
  • This improvement is very helpful for those who are planning Events/Projects around a date in the future.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/68-project-templates

Designate a Custom Task Status when a Work Request is Converted

  • Previously, any Tasks created while converting a Work Request to a Project would be created with “Open” Status.
  • Now you have the option of setting the Tasks to be created in the Status of your choice.
  • You can find the new setting in Projects > Settings > Work Request Setup, in the first section.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/77-work-requests-overview

Expired Proposals can now be reset

  • You can now reset a Proposal that has expired.
  • A new “Reset Proposal” option can be selected in the “Options” dropdown menu, which will prompt you to select a new “Valid Until” date. You can select the current date or any future date.
  • After providing the new “Valid Until” date, you can click the “Reset & Resend” button which will save the Proposal in “Open” status, and send an email notification to the Contact.
  • A future iteration will allow you to “Reset & Edit”, which would set the Proposal to Draft status and open the Proposal for editing. From there, you will be able to modify as needed, and resend when you are ready.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/434-proposals

Limit visibility of Work Request Items to specific Circle(s)

  • Work Request Items can now be shown only to specific Circle(s).
  • While creating a Work Request Item (in Project > Settings > Work Request Items), you’ll see a new “Assign Circle(s)” option.
  • By default, every WR Item is permissioned to all Clients (who can create WRs). If you assign a Circle, only members of that Circle will be able to see that WR Item.
  • You can click the “Options” dropdown menu and select “Manage Availability” to change permissions on WR Items that have already been created.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/77-work-requests-overview

New email notification options in Invoice Settings

  • In Billing > Settings > Invoice Settings, you’ll see two new options.
  • The first is the ability to send a “thank you” email notification to your Client after payment (toggle switch).
  • The second is the ability to enable or disable “Invoice Reminder” notifications. Initially you could only choose the number of days for this setting, but there is now a toggle switch to disable the reminders entirely.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/392-billing-invoice-estimate-contract-settings

Send email to Assigned Contacts for Intake Forms

  • While creating an Intake Form, you will see a new option in the “Send email notification” Action to send an email to the user filling out the form.
  • The toggle is located under the “To” field. It can be used regardless of the chosen Role and you can construct the email exactly as you’d like.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/433-actions-breakdown

Video Block added to Content Block Editor

  • The new Video Block simplifies the process of embedding a video.
  • Just grab the video’s direct URL from the browser bar, and paste into the block settings.
  • This comes along with options for ‘Allow full screen’ and sizing, including the ability to set the video as fully responsive.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/448-content-block-editor

Circle Quick-Switcher

  • While viewing a Circle, you can now quickly switch to a different Circle in the same screen.
  • The switcher is located in the top left-hand corner of the screen (the name of the current Circle). Click to enable a dropdown menu, in which you can choose a different Circle.

Hamburger menu icon changed to dynamic arrow

  • The icon that shrinks and expands the main menu sidebar has been changed from a hamburger menu icon to a dynamic arrow. A sliding animation has also been implemented.
  • This icon remains a hamburger menu icon in mobile to match the different functionality.

One-Time Charges hidden on Invoice when not applicable

  • As an extension to the update regarding Subscription Charges, now the One-Time Charges subtotal will only appear on the Invoice when it includes a one-time charge.
Jan 7, 2021 Live

New Custom Field Type : URLs

  • The URL Custom Field Type was designed to allow for dynamically inserting a ‘source’ URL for things like iFrames, image paths, etc. This means that you’ll have even more power to show highly customized and unique content to Prospects/Clients.
  • Currently, the URL Custom Field Type is available for selection in the new Embed Block in the Content Block Editor. When configuring the settings of the Embed Block, you can designate a specific URL Custom Field value to serve as the ‘source’ URL of the embed.
  • We plan to implement this option in other areas of the platform, such as Custom Menus, the forthcoming “Button Block”, the Image Block, and more…

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/248-custom-fields

New Custom Field Type : Numbers

  • The Numbers Custom Field Type was designed to allow only numbers to be stored as a value.
  • We plan to implement this option in forthcoming “Chart Block”. The usage will allow you to set the ‘value’ of one of Chart variables to the value of this Custom Field.
  • The result will be that you can display a generic chart to Prospects/Clients, but the appearance/values shown by the chart will be dynamic based on which Prospect/Client is logged in and viewing the content.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/248-custom-fields

Embed Block added to Content Block Editor

  • “Embed Block” added to the Content Block Editor, in which you can embed a variety of content.
  • You can paste your own embed URL from YouTube, Vimeo, etc., or you can select the iFrame option. In this case, the iFrame source you input will be automatically displayed in a responsive iFrame.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/448-content-block-editor

Many new Column options added to Content Block Editor

  • Many pre-built variations of column layouts are now available to give you even more flexibility in how you present your content.
  • Selecting the Row/Column configuration has also been made much easier by selecting from a set of icons, rather than choosing from a dropdown menu.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/448-content-block-editor

Ability to Pause/Resume Recurring Invoice Profiles

  • Now, you can pause a Recurring Invoice Profile.
  • When a paused Recurring Profile is resumed, you will be prompted to provide the date it will re-start.
  • The current date will be selected by default, but you are able to choose any date in the future, at which time the Profile will begin generating Invoices again based on the configured settings.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/46-what-is-a-recurring-profile

“Create Invoice” button added to CRM Dashboard

  • There is now a shortcut to creating an Invoice while viewing a Contact’s Dashboard. A “Create Invoice” button will show in the Available Actions section.
  • Clicking this button will direct you to the Create Invoice page with that Contact already assigned
  • This option is also included in the “Quick Options” menu (“plus” icon to the top-right of the CRM Details View)

Online Payments migrated from Gateways

  • During the recent Billing Framework upgrade, we migrated all existing subscriptions, plans, etc., from the payment gateways.
  • Payments are now migrated also as a continuation of that upgrade.

Improvements in Authorize.net integration

  • When the Authorize Gateway is offered to pay Invoices, the Client will now be required to input their billing address during payment.
  • Authorize.net does have a mechanism to allow for payment submission without the billing address, but it’s difficult to configure, so this implementation will help reduce issues and make the use of Authorize.net easier out of the box.

Subscription Subtotals block hidden if no Subs on Invoice

  • If no Subscriptions are a part of the Invoice, the Subscription Subtotal summary block is now hidden on the Invoice.

New Date Format available

  • New date format is available for the platform, DD-MMM-YYYY (ex. 05-Jan-2021)
  • This date format is widely used in the Travel niche, and was requested by the Community
  • You can find this new option in Flyout Menu > Company Profile/Settings

Kanban “Move” button on mobile devices

  • Previously Kanban cards could not be moved on mobile as the drag and drop was difficult to utilize.
  • There is now a “Move” button when viewed on mobile, so that you can move the cards with just a tap of the finger.

Using Deals in mobile devices improved

  • You can more easily view Deals Pipleline views and interact with Deals in mobile devices.
Dec 31, 2020 Live

Dark Mode 2.0

  • More modern & smooth version of Dark Mode.
  • Designed with variables to enable a future iteration that will allow you to customize Dark Mode to fit your preferences
  • Easier on the eyes 🙂

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/454-dark-mode

Hide Kanban from Clients

  • Choose to hide the Kanban task view from Clients.
  • You can find the new “Kanban Settings” section in both Global and Individual Project Settings

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/78-project-settings

Ability to delete non-default Task Statuses

  • Previously, you could not delete a (non-default) Task Status if it was already in use.
  • Now you will be prompted to change any associated Tasks to a different Status, so that you can delete it.

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/159-content-categories

Circle Descriptions extended & improved

  • While sharing files and folders, you’ll now see the description of each Circle
  • Company Circles will have the prefix Co: for easy reference

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/44-circles-how-they-work

SuiteDash subscription is now invoiced to Company

  • Your invoice will now pull the Company Name that is in your “Company Profile/Settings” instead of the name of the Super Admin.
  • You can view your Invoices in Flyout Menu > Manage Subscription in the “Billing Information” section.
Dec 23, 2020 Live

Custom Page Loader

  • Upload your own image/logo to use as a White Label page loader
  • Apply pre-built animations to your uploaded page loader
  • Choose from a collection of preset animated page loaders
  • Customize the colors, background and size

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/127-customize-w-your-logo-colors

Content Block Editor / Enhancements

  • Build content in a Portal Page using Blocks, which require very little technical knowledge
  • Currently available Blocks are: Text Block, Single Image, Empty Space, & Horizontal Separator. Next iteration will bring: Chart Block, iFrame Block, & Button Builder Block
  • Easily create new Rows & Columns, drag and drop to rearrange Blocks
  • Apply styles and customizations to all Block types
  • Permission individual Blocks based on Circles

Documentation: https://help.suitedash.com/article/448-content-block-editor

TEAMS tab moved outside of Projects menu

  • Teams tab can now be found alongside the Staff tab. You can access ‘Manage Teams’ by clicking your profile picture in the top right to launch the Flyout Menu.
  • Teams were originally built for application in PM only, but that’s now shifting
  • Teams can still be used in Projects to bulk assign multiple Staff members to a Project
  • We’re preparing for a planned feature path that will focus more on the HR needs of SMEs

“All Access” switch added in Projects

  • By default, all users assigned to a Project can see the Project and open it, but each user (Staff/Client) can only see the Tasks to which they are directly assigned, or Tasks on which they are added as a Follower.
  • Enabling ‘All Access’ gives every member of a Project the ability to view every Task inside that Project. For tasks that are not directly assigned, they’ll have the same visibility as a Follower.
  • When ‘All Access’ is enabled, the Follower functionality will still be useful. Adding users as Followers will designate who will receive Task Update notifications only, but will have no affect on Task visibility because this will already be granted to every member of the Project.

Consolidate your processes & save BIG on software costs

SuiteDash is the ultimate All-in-One Business Software multi-tool, perfect for small to medium-sized businesses seeking to streamline and automate their systems & processes. Essential business tools are elegantly consolidated into a single pre-integrated and inter-automated platform 😎 Say goodbye to expensive & inefficient jumbles of “one-trick pony” software.

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