Service Subscriptions

Pay as you go Pricing for added Services

When a Service we provide has variable costs based on usage, our policy is to pass those costs directly to you without any markup – we don’t profit on these Services. This aligns with our goal of keeping SuiteDash affordable for small and medium-sized businesses worldwide. If you don’t need the Service, you don’t pay for it. If you do, you pay a reduced cost that is as close as possible to “wholesale pricing” which ultimately saves you money. This is better than the alternative approach, in which we’d have to increase pricing of our Plans for everyone to cover our costs, meaning you’d pay the same whether you used the service or not.



Easily get started with the Marketing Toolkit by adding a high deliverability sending method for your Marketing Campaign or Autoresponder emails. This Service Subscription includes a standard allowance of 10,000 email sends per month, but can be extended to match your intended volume.

  • High Deliverability + Easy Setup: Your Email Marketing & Drip Campaigns will be sent via a dedicated sending channel that is monitored and validated by ISPs and ESPs, which gives your messages the best chance of landing in the Inbox, and not the Spam box. We monitor everything behind the scenes & confirm within 24 hours that you are ready to start sending Marketing & Drip Campaigns. Drip Campaigns available only in Thrive & Pinnacle.
  • 10,000 email sends per month: Send marketing emails with a limit of 10,000 per month. If you need to send more, you can exceed this threshold for an additional $15 per month for every additional 10,000 sent.
Add from your Manage Account menu. Available only after your paid upgrade. Not included in any monthly, yearly or lifetime plan.


HOSTED VIDEO Subscription

Our subscription-based Hosted Video service operates on a “No Profit” pricing model. Upload and stream your videos directly across LMS Lessons, Dashboards, Landing Pages, Announcements, and more!

  • Distraction-Free Video Player: Our native video player ensures a professional, distraction-free viewing experience without disruptive third-party overlays, keeping your audience fully engaged.
  • Enforce Video Completion: Ensure participants thoroughly engage with LMS Courses by requiring them to watch a set percentage of your videos before advancing to the next lesson. This guarantees critical content is fully absorbed
Add from your Manage Account menu. Available only after your paid upgrade.
FREE Tier is available to Members who have a Start, Thrive or Pinnacle subscription. Additional Storage/Streaming minutes available via paid Subscriptions.

Consolidate your processes & save BIG on software costs

SuiteDash is the ultimate All-in-One Business Software multi-tool, perfect for small to medium-sized businesses seeking to streamline and automate their systems & processes. Essential business tools are elegantly consolidated into a single pre-integrated and inter-automated platform 😎 Say goodbye to expensive & inefficient jumbles of “one-trick pony” software.

Automated CRM


Client Portal

EXTREME White Label

Digital Marketing

Appointment Scheduling

Digital Dynamic Proposals

Billing + Packages

Contracts & eSignature

Project & Task Management

Payments + Subscriptions

File Exchange

Learning Management (LMS)

Support Tickets

Interactive Community

Secure Messaging